VIA v Youw> Coraet NOW YTOU Have Nothlng to Loue- .Everythi4»ng (o Gi This is a seIl fuelt nuine ol for the ortunity.! 'An offer to :ming -season. at these Wiih inflatilon just ahead, and impending government restriction of crude oil produc-' tion, prices are bound to be much higher this winter. Our eontracts,ý if signed now, guarantee these Iow top prices for the entire heating season of 1933-34. We are'proud of our reputation for dependability. Y next winter. PhoneNOW for a copy of our eontract. ITedephones Wimmtjia 3020-21-ZZ Wilmettuu 331 "For Fuel Use Oil"ý PHIL H. BRAUN CARL L. RAUN ROBT. F.DOEPEL D ROPP, GRADlE 0F QIL PRICE Top Price ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ TODAY- of Contract No. 1I'38/40 Distillate 6!/4e 7V4 c No. 2 32/36 Gas Oil 534c 63/4 No. 3ý 28/32 Fuel Oilu c 61/4c No. 4 '24//26 Fuel Oi 4!/2c ,,43/4 No. 5 18/22 Fuel Oil 4c 41/2c