Expert' Re>airing Watdmes dcks,, jeweluy, silver. wu», optical, beade r.etnmaig 1166 WILMBTffi AVENUE WILMETTIB 1061 EN.JOY, GOOD FOOD di pro niptI mee ~at LUNCHEON Eaf'fli Maier Sunday Dinner Comnplete Fouis*ain Service J BRESTAURANTsud L-B CON~IJH6ORY 601 Main St. 637 Get Our Prices Bel ore Cleaning ]RUOS à DRA4PES Drapes Low î SO 19x12 Doniestic Rugs g amat.. th. same alt W- LMaaehip rencldt.d th cuimnit> for more thau 20 yews. ..ana i ai H-ome, is year are again Preparing stunts I which promise an interesting and en- tertaining evening. The guild's stunt cus Parade"--clown, animals, etc. The IPhilathea class willgive "Scenes, in a J Railroad. Station"; the Girl Scouts, "At Home on the Range"; theQueen Esther group, "The Making of a Mis- sionary." The Young Peoples' group Iwill1 present a one-act play.. Other or- ganizations wbich bavepromised stunts are tbe Men's class, the Boy Scouts, thé Women's. Home Miss ionary so- ceiety and. the Women's Foreigui Mis- Lsiomary society. A prize wvill be given t he group pre- senting the besti stunt., Adelaide Jones Bradburn wil11 ai train and direct the, unique orchestra wbicb furnisbed the music at last year's Stut show. Miss.Ernily Hoffinan is chairman of the comrnittee wbich ba's charge of the candy and pop corn sales. Miss Grace Roe is in charge of tlhe ticket sales. IN HEALTH CONTEST Olaf Lindquist and Clara Graf, botb seventb grade pupils, 'are rep- resentifig the Avoca scbool in the bealtb contest being conducted among the counity schools under the direction of Otto F. Aken, the count- ty superintendent of scbools. Mrs. Inez 1Bliss, the school nurse, took both pupils to the Niles sclhool on Monday to bave themi exarnined by a physician in one'of 'the preliminary contests. The final health contest will be beld in the office of the court- ty superintendent of sehools Satur- day morning, june 3. Mrs. M. L. Redfield, 1130 Fores t avenue, entertained thirty .guests au a, buffet supper and lingerie 'shoNer ,in honor of b er niiece, Virginia Jamnes of Chicago. whose wedding takc., Place Saturday.» Allen is, 1141 ChestnuLt a -. Suinday fromn a two .Tuesday, April 25, broughit the \Vil- mette Girl Scouts leaders together in another of their delightful 'and in- sI irational monthly meetings. l'he program was preceded by a short business session, at which Mrs. Stan- ley Smith talked. to -the group about the cookie. sale whicbhe Girl, Scouts of wilrnette'are sponsoringiii order to.raise fuinds to continue Scouting in the conmunity. F,,ollowing this plans were discussed for a leaders'W hike, on Monday rnorning., for' a Girl Scout raill,*to be held sometime iii.May, and for an entertainninent to raise furids to send a Girl Scout leader to a leaders' training camp for two weeks. The prograin for the mieetinigcenl- tered arou.nd birds, and was under the generalship:of Mrs. L. P. Denoy- er, president of the leaders' associa- tionl. > There were gamnes and 'songs about birds, and an interesting, con- tsin' whicb -each of'the. leaders tried to identify varions bird pictures. TPhe room was art istically decoratéd with paper orioles, bluebirds and tan- agers, which were presented to the leaders for their memnory books at the close of the meeting. Since birds are always linngry, the: king bird-or perhaps, we should say _ the queen b ird (ornithologists please note )-sent each group to look foy- hirds' nests- containing eggs ; thev « found thern, and froin their contents,i concocted bird sandwiches., Was it any wonder that wben the leadersi * left the meeting'. they feit like "sjng-i ing like the birdies sîng"? Troop 10 Enjoys Games. and Passes Some Tests Troop 10 opened its last meeting byv playing games, the first being "slidiing on the ice." We then went outside and began a relay, runining, backward. until one of the scouts bit ber head on the sidewalk. It fortuniately turni- ed out not to be a very ýse rious matter. WlluetteWilnette !8.m8 on. Next Monday j Jus t how rnucb f un cati you hiave on a nickel? If you like to p1ay ganes, the anisNer is "unilimiited." But if you like to make the test' for yourseif,. the Wilrnette GirlîScout ýLeaders' Aï-, sociation is goin1g1 to an op- portunity. On Monday aftermoon and evening, ,May.8,.the association plans to hold a May Merrimeint, Evening of Gaines,. and it promises that there, will be gaines to suit every. taste, size, age and constitution 1 .if, you like to bat a dainty bail across a net on, a table, corné. if vou prefer tô knock a bard baIl around.U a field and tbrough a wicket, conte. Or. if you 'prefe'r your baIl to be -siail and white and to shoot it into a bole (attention, /you bole-in-oners), corne! If you ,, balîs of any Sort, but hanker after intricate jig- s8aw mysteries, cornte.- Maybe. you, !ik e the n.erve-racking boisterousnes. of cbess-tben corne.' In other words. whatever youi like to play, cone! And if, after a strenuous gaine of. somne kind, you hiave need of refreshi- ment, there. will 'be' at hand, tooth- sortie bits -.of deliciousness, also t'or the suini of one round nickel. The afternoon's merrimient will -be devoted exclusively to Girl Scouts and their friends; there Nvill be spec- ial gaines for thei,-which will begin at 3 :30 o'clock, and will continue, without cessation, until 5 :30. Each gaine piayed and eacb bit of pastry consumned will take one nickel front the player's and consumer's pockeýt. The .evening will bc turnied. over to scouts'. parents and their friends; tlie charges, will. be the. saine, and: the turne will be f'rorn 8,t.o 10:.30 o'c lock. Abouît thisý Evening of M-ay N.eri- ment and Gamnes, remerniber these isix highliglits: 1. Date, Monday afterniootn 1.iid. eveingij, May 8. 2. Tune: 3 :30-S 5:30 o'clock for scouts; 8-10 :30 o'clock for1 scomtsý A>1 hall, 'ln Tvi nicer Bell nrownies will cele- brate the se cond birthday of their organization as a pack this nmontît. Now that the pack is two years old. the Tinker Bell Brownies are beipg urged to bring their dues for re-reg- istration which isrequired annuallay, by -the office in New York.