3 -Day Coat Sale Not only do lhey lookmc h ne pie Mtey actu ily re higherprcd but for Buyers' Sale tbey are only $ 12-95. Note' the deligbtful scarfed neckh.nes, the. exctfing and individuel sievedetaills. Many are Iuxuroùs-. y furred . others smýarty'tailored, and untrimmed. Sizes for ali Sheer Prun t Frocks $660 And"what fiockstb.y arel Floral designs, intriguing sfriped effîects, dots; with slIm molded iplnes, piquant higb.r neckin.s, swanky f rimming touches and fasmnating new-sIseve. treetM~ents. -Szes for every, figure. - APParel Sho ps-S-.econd Floor, 40/ j On DvisStrot NwoIEeoLDT'6 50 o.YEARs, NO SERISB0F SALES LIKE THISI TON" Wilm.tt, il 00 oný Davis, Street