Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1933, p. 12

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.Lvuscatine, Iowva, arrived Saturc1av coast--e,-- Hol----iIIbring -a for a ten daNs" vi'sit. with MNr Har. story of the sea' that bas been de-. baughi's parents. Mr. and Mrs., G eorge scribed by one critic as "ia more R. Harbaugh, '1219 Fores't avenue. vivid conception of tbe lbfe of a s ailor than even the genius of Dana. Melville and Conrad bas been able SP C A I to create." air. of ladýrVn «ROBERTS' & AKE cat His picture story tells how a sailo SWEETMEAT bids farewell to bis parents an'd goes to -sea, how be learns -the, business o Mf swa:bbinig decks, takes lessons in practical wbale chasing, starts out Hwith'.several 'boat loads of mffen after their- first whale. hoiv after a whale is sightedJ the nmen give chase, pre- pare for the kill, tbr-ot% tbe barpoon:. bow they reàct as they see the barpoon's deadly, strike-and then., how. for bours tbey take a wild ride bebind a maddened, defeated inonster of the sea nili the wbaie is finally brougbt on boardl tbe sbip. l'he Hokdin twills, Bilddy 'and lie- len, 527 WVarwick road. Renilworth, wvill entertain the Wilmette Juiotr auxiliary of the Minette center o the Inifant Welfare Societv of CIi cago at luncheon followed hv , 'i wu todav. E lectro Manicure- CHOICE NATIVE RIlB RQOAST CHOICE.0F ANY CUT: LB. 7 ARMOUR'S CLOVERBLOOM ROASTING The' Iatest scenfific development in Beauty Culture Painless - Efficent -Sanifary. For Abpolntment Phono WiIhefe 4582~~ HICKEN.S M iss JavNicholson, 6È7 Laurel cnu.adds lzcr-. oulh and èharmi bo "Xothin<j -But the -T,th," a blîrcc,-iconu'dMY ta 1w pr-eseit' for clwrit.'v uth11e Ilhliitté Wâ;m- flfls Club MaY J0 and Il. Miss Nicholsor plhy. bbc' lead 'oppositi, Jack O'Grýadv., 815 Oakwood ave- J111. .1!is .iholSon is ça Junlior Inivite Women to Attend Auto Driving Classes The Evanston 'Police departmnent's bureau of accident prevention a i- notinces the opening of its third an- fnual course ini safe driving, practice. and miotor vebicle lawc, theorv scli,)ol {Tuesdav. May 16, at 3 o'clock., The 'course wiltk place ini the auditori- uni of the Nichiols scliool on tbe corner -of Greenleaf street an(] ElM- Wood avenue. in E',vanistoiï-i7Vit wifl be lheld everv Tuesday tbereafter titi- til June 13. The one excep.tion to this scliedule will be'uir the thll-!. Kek wben the class willinieet Mon- ryÇM ay 29, n d f1 'ollowing da v. Registratio"'l for this c'Iass is limited ta 600, 'but, until that n-umnber is reaclied any womnan on the northi shore is eligible, whether or' not she iable ta drive at present. Taking the quiz at the end of the coûrse is next Wedniesclay nigflt. Thne old cron- * es Deception and Hypocracy are carried righit out' the front door' with *nothing more to cover "thei but a coma. She wasn't ini\ited to corne. Nobody encouraged hier., Indeed, in spite oi thc f act that she is %a, very chariing and illusive 'young creature with briglit blue eyes and dimples, Our social léad- ers in Wilmette had definitely comitécd her 'Out-sh was not uwanted. But .she Came anyhow. And :if you think an, innocent, littie miss canit stir up a, tornado and twvo up-roars, with iioth- ing more tha,'î a sweet smile. you hiave an exciting bir pr ise coming to yod. Read wbat hiappeis.' "lîefamous .Mr.. E. M.Raistun, wveàlthly and successful broker hiolds bier band for just. teîî. seconds-and loses bis fortune, his wife. his home, and most of bis.friends. A promint, local* bishop, faints w~hen she stpcakSi- bis nlame. The promising* career (À a' struggliing"young mrusician is sniashed. Fiven- tender vouing love is drîven to 'a iieittral corner to hang on the ropes for air. A lîttleie mmx, anid full of iiciethis. little Miss Truth.' So You arc ivite(l toattend lber (lehut'par 'ty next Wedinvsday ight at thé WVilmette Woman's cltub. If you're 'bus%, that' niglit,. then corne Thursday nigbt. Sbie is being presented to,.Vil-- miette,,societ'y.by thé Younger, Set. Re- memtber the dates:: Mav -10 and Il. .And be sure to come.. Al it takes is courage. Girls Give Exhibition of Gyrnnasium Activity Girls ýý,-o are memibers of tbé gyin- nasium class i%,icli niéets Tuesday and 'IlTbursdav afternoons after scbool iii thie Kenilwortb M.\eniorial gymnas- uiu ga -e an1. exhibitioni of. tbeir' work a - 't -,- _ 'tirday, iii 'the ,vNiiiasiiiii. About 350 persôns attended the' ex- hibition, according to Miss Eliz abeth Macauley,1 who assists, Robert W. Townley in directing 'the P'hysical ed- tication work at the joseph Sears scbool. Thée exhibition consisted of apparatus work and turnbling. Those wbo took part iricluded girls from tu-e Tes' C. THE PUBLIC IS COOIDIALLY' INVITID TO ATTEND TRI CHURCH SEIVICES AND IET THE READNO 10DM - WHOLE' OR HALF, LB. ' /2c CENTER CUT SLUCES LIb. 23c ci IN ol *1 a 11

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