fty Prices Cali night. ____ I rs. Walter Mi\clntosh. 1100 Grce IDArOwood avenue, will entertain th,-, A pha Beta Alumnae chapter of Sign lLM ETTE 1200 Alpha Iota at tea Monday. ý The w ll be the'regular,,businiess meetin ~cf .Smith$ Jr. Thomlas Daelingfon (I nnoz4nce thte OPening of THÉ COBBLERS 326 Uinden Ave. 'A new, modern, complet.a Sho. Repair- Establish- ment-featuring excellent workmanship and prompt pickup and delivery service Mt reasonable prices. FOR YOUR REPAIR WORK CAIL WILMETTE 4004 à IN CELEBRATION 0Of my 24th Annivrsary. in the. profession anci.my Sth in WiImff. 1 OFFER la- pring-even wîrn sonie. ate snow a'flurries, is here. There's no doubt about if, and if you don't believe 'it, look at your calendar. That spring is '~here means one thing-sumnier. like, our long line of creditors, is flot far ,n away. TC At this tim"e of t he vear we fe' Ig.,t ittoceofsrn hn*e he f1 stto.oubchs othsp rin -hn on atsrto gof back .to he fusthat ain srin ofpring.haThôse f us liv- ing in lthe ty ave yfond i te ifficuit to rek aay f ultrom or ite tiàe ofaodbeoe agr.Icultriss bonh ascale f ormboybood. t hsbeen awy c som formany e rs om ubrek andwayi smtmnnforom oureares tandwor rs-to rgt the amdvan- tages of tour almost t-o.&a modem csvioirti on-ak nd bide away fpra sort two.eekitlshoin some tccin uon theeutiftrl shrofsoepmo- quito inesed ll.ake. Ther ,est ific ture crebcal as vii on'thie ail chone backto y-sit ing olyn th porc-ihe of tatlencain-early even-f sng-er a m oon blendintheatepa o silvaerband go acrotterf - (luito lotion over your exposed arms and shoulders. That's what one fish, King Oscar size, and countless mos-- q~uitoes can do to one. Finds New Hoat - I've been doing this for years-I have even gone so far as to. build and furnish a pent house, one of these net tents to cover your bed. This year those not-forgotten- friends of mine will have to find a new host. I -h ave found a new host, a. new vaca- tion, spot, with ail the modern incon- veniences kflown to'mankind. 1 an golng to take advantage of an in- vitation to visit royalty. Kinig Eric VIII has invited me to spend two înonths and more with him on bis island kingdom in the North sea. It's going to be the vacation of a lue(- time-over 'tyo imonths of if. While t4here l'il no doubt see h igPla. checkers, and bave some inside dopeý on many of the famnily secrets. This garne of cbeckers-jt'l probably be a game within a game-watching the Queen play ber king wheresoever she chooses. There is a mizhtv v' tLaer rK u Ia'.L U~ 8 wora t'lUitI, nut with me-ha !-tbere's a keyhole for seach of us. Not only hear it. but see eit. Could I out-Wincbe1J Walter? r What It'. AU About . Here's what isý going to take place. 1 'the Lake Shore Players are prod1uc-ý c ing "The Queeu's- Hisband" written sby R. E. Shçrwood, at the Howard -school auditorium May Il and 12., r This is a bene-fit production for*the *Wilmette public, library., Ibis.monecy * will be used to benefit the circulating, 'ctivities, for new books and.repair- ing of the. old ones. Tickets mav be p-urcihasecl at th* Wilmette public . ibrary,. f rom 'any of ithe'Boy Scouts in Wilmette, or by. La telephone call to Miss Elaine Nel- ison. Wilmette.4315, and your, request will be filled' the same day. Help the library-they've helped you. Seminary Students to Condidot Service May 7 Students of the Western Theological Seminary (Episcopal) in Evanston are to be guests of the Cburch of the Hioly Cornforter in Kenilworth to pre-ý >sent before 'the' congregatioîi, the serv-- ice of Choral Evensong Sunday, 'May 7, at 8 o'clock. The service wvill be entirely sung and will be in charge of students only. One of the tutors, wvho is a priest, witl give the closing prayer and benediction. Immediately after the sermon the student choir will sing three chorals by Bach. Those takingý part in *offilcial capacity are William 'Han- ner, preacher; Hlarry Gilfillan, ofi~- ciant; Lynn Coombs, cantor; Richard Harbour, and WValter Schroeder, 1ec- tors; Arthur R. WVillis, organist and choir master; Cyril Russell, assistant organist. Mrs. C'arl Kei.tli.31l0 Warwick-road, *Keniilworth, will openi ber *honieý at a buffet supper hefore the service,* and a ssi sting her will he Mrs. James Car- ruthers, Mrs. IMacNeIIle Burns, Mrs. Douglas Flood, Mrs. -Armia nd Peycke, and Miss Airnee Drake. -. Y JL "l>b ti m-long three gradies of leather at the respec- ago-and it is stili gone. But that's tive prices. Besides the general re-, another story. Will you do this? pair work there wili be tinting and Leave your home the. lltb or l2tb of dyeing. The 'shopý will have a pfick- .May with nie to visit King Eric VIII up and delivery service.