thne leucration issued the following statemient: "The care- of the aged hias always been a problem, but duri:ig this period of unemployment it lias be- corne aliost a tragedy. No one real- izes this more. than those iiterested in ,theiîrwelfare. The,institutions liousirig lwndreds have depended. on ,oitrib)utions l;from- frftiend'sand 'the .proceeds front I azàaars and piciliC5, for. operating exp e 1iises. Man%- who forrnerlY made liberal donations are 11n 1ovrt to' t , ae- to, COrtilit11e their Con -ý tributions. h aged, howeyer, -haýe t() b.e care.d for. If «thiese. homes hiave to. be closed from lack of funds, the coutity will be ýobligated to aid thiesC! People, thus adding to thé burden (if the taxpayer, s w-e are asking Yot to give as generousl%- as your mneans permit. -We xant1 to enmphasize the fact tliat ai our workers are volunteers an1(M oe of the taggers or o-flcers. of: tliis. organization receive antv re- ajuneration whvatsoever. 1etggr take thleir boxes to the First N',ationi- al Batik %,Iere they are opeiied, cotn- tents counted aitd remnittances made b%, check s to the239 institutions par-, ticipating in this May 8th Tag .Da%,.' Thspart of* the work iW done in'ý banik émployees, who also dânate their services, 'and: this syvstem ini- sures a just dispensation of the funid.î collected. "Our slogani is: 'If You Tà-lae A- LIV!, bVenin an exteVAL ror- curricular ati, V1arshall 1' R,-w. 90Zî aý bys-v tdi;duatlwsé daus i 'lis tP t a.s assçistant to .'tatcs char gicof. the conspiracy- vand ecm- l't'~.zt' i.i csis which come ne bisiursdi tin. ef are his appoisit- nient _1r. Keariie'v was associated w'itl, t/wfi>-,,î of Coburn, Ke1<-arei ivid (obuîru, anîd lic lad /racticed law Mn Chicago 'for about flfteen yea rs. He s graditatcd from the laz>ç scho)ol- of De Pan!uniesi Last Week of. thé, DUTCH: MILL. CANDY BL "THE QUALITY 1CANDY"9 101deliejousvarieéties to select f rqom Each one made -fresh in. our, own kitchens f rom theý purest and most wbolesome ingrediens .D th - Ml i..btaum \ Luscious fruits, Inuts, toff eè, chocolate. chip, etc., blended Quart Iwith pure rich çream. An un- foi'gettable treat for ail. Free delivery tu your home. f DUTCH MILL CANDY 1187 WILMETTE AVE. 'Wimette Oveirwheluuiug esp.oisé Ferres Us te Con ti*uie Ouar Spring. Cleaning Sale AILL THIS WEEK. Men's or Ladies'. Plai Garmàt CUSTOM MIRACLLi Wilmette 3400 30 Ine 3400