Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1933, p. 48

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long before he was honored by elec- tion to bis new position. He bas a record of outstanding service both to his home community and to the na- tion.: For more than twentyý years Mr, Harrison bas lived in the Chicago, area, and durinig, most of this tinue be bas been a resident of Kenilworth. He was,,born in Iowa, where he at- tended Corneil college. Later be w*às a student. in the Iaw department of the University of Chicago.- Today. he is a trustee of Corneli college and was at one time bead of the Corncil society in Chicago.- Directs R dahBur-eau.." Mr. Harrison ' entered tbe Iyceuni chautauqua fieldin 1911 With the Redpath Lyceum. bureau. Later lie merged the Slayton bureau and stili later the Central bureau with the Redpatb. As manager of these coin- bined bureaus be irected the spealk- ing tours of sonie of the most promi- nent men i Anerican life, such a-s the late William Jennînigs Bryain, Governor Folk of Missouri, Dr. Frank W. Gunsalus and some of the great musical stars of the. country. He is still treasurer and general nîaii- 'ager of the Redpath bureau, witli beadquarters in, the Ki mbaîl building. Chicago. Prominent War Worker During the World war Mr. Harri- son was chairinan of the executiv e comnittee of. the Amnericati Red Cross National Speakers' bureau. Ht Clara Wolff Wears Ail Grey Outfit at Her Marriage MisClara Elizabeth' Wolff wore a comtpleëte grev eutfit wbeu sue was -wed last' Saturday eveniing te W. Meaide Reeves. Her wool suit was trimmed on the siceves with grey fox and her turban, witb tiny greY forget-mne-nots a 'shade darker thani the bat. The onlv- other cras Harry -P. Harrison Of tickets at the Century of Progre-s exposition. 1 He is now busily engag,.d( i this activity. In Kenilmorth Mr. Harrison bas been prominent in the activities ul the Kenilworth Union church. He is a Congregationalist, a Mason and ai niember of the Union Leagu,e club. Hs biography appears in Who's Who in Amierica. Mrs. Mary Schwall Oies; .Resident Here 41 Years 1 Funeral services for Mrs. Miary ,Schiwall, 804 Ridge avenue, were held Moônday, April 17, at St. Josepl's church, 'Witb burial at St. Mýary's cetnetery ini Tecbny. ,MIrs. Scbwall, NO'o ivas 72 years old, died 1tiursda3, April 1, of pneumionia.> She Jiad been iii four days. For the oast fortv-crne. vear Mrs.1 Il Geai i nliusiaSm. T.ney are Mrs. eMarshall V. Kearney, president;, Mrs. Edwin L. Georger, .first vice- president; Mrs. J. . Ford, record- ing secretary; Mirs. R. Markhani, treasurer; and Mrs. 'Clarence Cava- niarîgh,. corresponding secretar.y.. The eiehth grade pupils wrôté coin- positions on "MY Favorite Movie," .which were read.,.by Mrs. Charles Broad and: judged by the mothers for the rewards: which were g,,iven ito the first, and second best. They were won by Jack Youngman. and Alice Jane Rohol. AUl the -papers were so good. that,,it, wasý difficult to decide wvhich were.the best., M\rs. William Fitz Patrick- gave an interestîng. summary of ail the pic- tures she has pre-viewed.duriîmg the past .m onth. for the benefit -of the school children. Mrs. Robert, G. HaliwelpresiÎdent- of the Betteri FIni Gropof Xilmette also gave a splendid account. of the work her commiittee basbeen doing and asked1 the nohers, whose children have1 Ïiked the filmns selected for Wilmettet theaters when tbey are expected to be t there, to say a word of appreciat.ion1 to the managers, thereby encourag-r ing them in their efforts to secure the better films for their theaters. Mrs. Richard(l MCluire. genieral Inovie chairînan of the Federationi of XVoin- an's clubs, talked at lengthi and gave a wealth of information about the great movie industry and the many phases of it te Svhich the public gives little thought. Slie says- that splendid0 work. is being done by Womnan's clubs iu securing clean and interesting pic-, tures and assures us they will be show,î if the 'public let it be known by their patronage the type of pic-t tures they 1refer. So many excellent IF movies bave been financial failures. s] Mrs. McClure listelied - attentively s Ihl h hlrnsciioiinýb were being Iread. and was'pleased to 'h hear their ideas of the pictures tîey tf have enijoyed the tuost. P The tea table was decorated with .pretty spring flowers, and the se- J cial baif-hour was vr b uien-i joyed. ey u The meeting this' year is of pa!rti- cular interest because of the fact that it marks tht fortieth anniversary of the founding of tht .Qrganization. one of .wbose chief purposes is te -collectr and pJreserve. implortant facts, docul- ments. anid other matter concernimg the early, history of the. village. EalrF. ,orner, former- Village, prùes- ident and Village clerk, ïs president ,of Ye Olde Towne Foîkes. Other of- ficers includ.e Mrs. Kerry- Meagher. vice-president; Miss. Georgia Watson. secretary, and George, R. ý.Har'baugh. treasurer. Directors of the organiza- tien are: W. G. Glover, Mrs. Ch*arle! Hoskins, Miss Jane Doig, J. F. Scbni- mnacher,1 W. N. Waidner, Mrs. Stan- ley K. Gage, Mrs. Wallace Ker-. Louis K. Gillson, and Mrs, CharIés Dingee. 1The association bas a Membership of tw.o bundred. It.bas extendecl a.11 invitation to any resident. of the Vil- lage net now a member and eligiblc for membership to get in tonicb willh the . secretary, Miss Watson, at XVil- mette 2067, or with, Mr. Orncr. thtje president, at, Wilmette -4. Th-e. n]%- requirement, for ýmembersh.ip is tht- tweuty-five vears -Of residemîce :in At tbe aniual meeting on 'Ma v Il linner will,*be served at 6:30 o'clock.- T'his wvill he followed' by entertain-, mient and, asocial heur, it is an1- îiounced. The affair will be inforinal, )ficers of the organizatipn .statçý. RETURNS FROM MAINE Mrs. William Vreudenreich, 3 14 Abottsford road, Kenilworth, lias r(-- tirnie(l after a visit of -one niontbhin Pretier, Maitie, (near Bangor) hr bhe attended a family, reunion.. U-er 4ster, MrIs. S,. E. Thomias, and bier brotber's littie niece returned with cir. Mr. Thomas will join. his wife the last, of May te ýsee a Century o;~ Progress. Mrs.' PROM EAST. T. Dyer, Jr.. ue e ixntli -. - - Udplz'.ciy. mi will postpone -o- -- il next summer A, son, Richard Eldredge Siggens, Mrs. C. Rollin Smith, 1728 HigF- ie at 4111 Bel- was born on April 1, at the Evanston land avenue, entertained ber dinner >on the.north- hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Col- bridge club last Friday evening. There liSiggens. 1425 Maple avenue. were twelve guests. lantI L zy, and a few clays with her father in New York. Robert R. Fontham, 121 Third street,. is . returning this week-efid from a ten-day business trip througjh the middle West. j f *The bridt their honey and are nc plaine aveni west side.ý 'j

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