Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1933, p. 3

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*wcirth, Winetka -4nd . Glencoe-nex~t tveek to give the eighth grade. pupils information about their registration for New Trier High school. *Parents are invited .to attend these meetings., ings:. *Tùesday after.noon, May 2. 'at 3 o'clock--Jos.epb Sears scbool, Kenil- %worth. * Wednesdày afternoon. May 3. at 2 45 * 'lock--Wilmette (Boys ýat Howard school, girls at S1tolp school.) Friday, -May. 5, at 3:20 o'clock-. Central scliool, iGlencoe. *Monday, May 8, at 3:30 o'clok- Skokie sc.hool, Winnetka. Hei Schoel DeauS ýAt these, meetings the freshmen adviser chairmen, the deans,, Fred- erick.A, Kabler and Miss Elizabeth1 Packer, and the director of research, WV. L. Brown, will give the eighth grade pupils instr uctions relative to their high school registration. FùrmaI registration of ail freshman sîudent.s entering New Trier High school next fall froni the granînni-r schools in New Trier tomnship will taeplace. Thursday -and Friday, May * Il and 12. The pupils from WVilmette and Kenilworth and from.,the paroch- ial sehools in »the towvnship * ill meet at the high school auditorium at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of -May Il to register. The following day at, .the samne hour pupils from the Win-, netka- and Gle ncoe schools will meet- ai the New Trier auditorium to register. .ro Receive Tests Pirto these meetings ail eighdi. grade pupils are heing given a :series of tests as a part of the require- mientsý for entrance to -hitghl schibol., Since there are a considerable numn- ber of ciidren i the township who. do fliot attend tht. public schools. oi the differenent villages, arrange- ments have,,been made to hold a- spe- cial- meeting at the .high school Thursday afternoon, May 4, at 3:20 o'clock in rOoom 205A to condutiè these tests for' pupils not attending ý the public grammar shosadto relative~ to registration for next fall. -qc..;. ...11 I: rp i 1CL4*8 Ilis tueN Howard school auditorium, Monday nigbt of this week. The choice of these men followed precisely. the recommendation of the nominating committee headed by J. IN.. Macalister.> .Tht president, se cretary and treas- urer were incumbents, while Mr. Hellmuth ,was- elected .treasurer to succ.eed Ralph H. Durham wbo bhas rsiged from the board of directors. Vaà Deusen Où Boum > A. S. Van Densen, elected, to the board of directors, . succeeds J. E. WVorthen. who bas resigned. William M. James and Enoch .Steen were in- cumbents., PaulLang was elected to the board of directors for two years- to f111 the unexpired term of Herbert B. Mulford who resigned f rom the ,board of directors of the, Wilmette% Civic, league following bis election this ýmonth to the :board of, education of New Trier High school. Tliamks Re tiriag Members In connection with the resiginatioiv of Ralpb H. Durham, Arthur B. Sei- hold. Herbert B. Mulford and J. E. \Vorthen. fromn the civic league's board of directors,. Mr. Redding exe- pressed th le opinion that public, rec- ognition was (lue those four men for hiryears of community service. Kenilworth Churches to Conduet Joint Service The Church of tlhe Holy Co)miorter and the Kenilworth Union churcb will hold a j oint service Sunday nlorning, April 30, at 1.1 o'clock iti the Union church. The Rev. Leland H. Dan- forth, rector of the. Clurch of the HoNv Coniforter. wiIl preach the ser- mon. On the saine day the Suinday school of the Union chuirch will visit the Sunday school, at the Church of the Holy Comforter at. 10 0olc, w~heîi C. .*Russell SmaI! will be thef speaker. These. coivbinied. services. of the two I<enlworth chutrches are held at intervals i accordance witIî a cuis- tom establishied several years ago. Noteworthy in the almost con- tinous stream of visitors were the Ruinerons family groups who took advantage. of the opportunity to observe operation of the plant Nyhicb produces the community, news-magazine. F loral gifts f romn varions well-. wisbers lent. color to the aff air which, fromn the opening of the doors at 2 o'clock until the -ciosing hour-extended to 10 ýo'clock to accommodate the late visitors- bore an atmospbere of pleasant informality. WJLmETTE Liu'E desires to thank its many friends who. visiteýd the plant, as wvell as those who, thoug.h1 unable to participate, conveyed their expressions of good will and. congratulations. Dr. -Eston V. Tubbs to Address Mens Group Dr. Eston V. Ttibls, of Wlltfette, will address a meeting held under the auspices of the *Men's Class of the- Wilnette, Parish Methodist- church Sunday morning, April 30,. at 9:45 o dcock. The meeting wiIl bc beld i the Com- muniity House. Dr. Tubbs' topic will be - À Curriculum for Character Edu- cation.- Dr. Tubbs is nationally known as anl authority on this subject. He wvas formerly Superintendent of the New Trier High aschool. He bas been for several years director of the bu- reau. of. curriculum s for the b~oard of education and the public school sys- tem of Chicago. and i that capacity hias given the subject special and con!- titinuons study. He bas written exten- sively uipholding the idea that it is the special mission. of the public school systemis of America to- see to it that. th.e.votith.,e specially ini formative vears, is given the sort of training wýhich w11i hring albout the developm.ent ,of high ideal$ in character.. merce that Williette merchants be permitted to sell 32 beer. This re- qnest was contained ini a letter ad- dressed to the Village -board'and read at the regniar meeting of the board Tuesday of last week., At that tillDe the matter was referred to Village Attorney. Willîs D. Nance. Mr. Nance at the.adjourned meet- ing last Tbnrsdsy, stated- that attor- neys for thé north shore coxnmu- nities from Evanston to Higblagd Park. had held a m!,eeting recentfly and were of the opinion that thie in- dividual municipalities should'pais nio regulatory ordinances until thie, lli-. nois state législature reaches soine. decision on. the question of. beer sell- Waate Charte R.sP«ed In thie event the, state takes away the privilege1 of local option. Mr., Nance said,* the question wonld be. ",Shall Wilmette follow the provisions of the Northwesternt university char- ter which prohibits the sale of maelt and vinons liquors, regardless of thie alcoholic content, within fonr miles~ of the -univers ity campus>".~ Village *President C. P. Dubbs. expressedl the opin ion that the university cçharter* should be respected'. Mechants Favor Sales Thie Chamber oQf Commerce board of directors decided to ask the Vil- lage board to permit Wilmette mer- chants to selI beer after a poîl taken recently showed that ninety-cne percent of the. Chamber's member-, comhmunities is attracting new busi- ness to those ctnimunitie's a-nd is "penalizing Wilmette nierchants sev- erely through this, unintentional, bnt neverth-eless unfair, competition-." The Villageboard indicated at tht, adjourned mneeting last Tbuirsday that no action would be taken, for, the present at least, to change the Village ordinance which forbids .thie sale of beer. The local authorities are awaiting action by thie state. general, suD- Iof: is wee t a: . Enter .Our served on thie execi ing the past year. oaci the. Clessfieci col- ;of WILMETTE LIFE for i of pet you desir. ai y saving prices. -cornu suing, year, it is ai W. Zabel, .'secretary ture mea al organii be heardi New Chu thie league.

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