Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1933, p. 46

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Ph.- Winnetka 965 m. to 9 p. mi. daily-and 111LTN51-1lp This Week's Special 1EVANSTON Owner will seli 8 rm. home, English di- sign, located in Lincoliiwood, on- weli lanciscaped 50 ft., wooded lot.-011 h. w. heat; ,1, bath, space for second. Cost $24,000; priced at $15,500. Mr.. Didrikaeen, BAIRD & WARNER, 522 Davis, Evanston., Greenleaf,,1855. KENILWORTH, SPECIAL Nearly new modern English brick, 6 rms., $11,500-$2,000 handies., S.bika., to IMdan Hill station, 3 to Neiv Trier H. S. Fine resale value. BILLS. REALTY., lac. No Man's Land Wilmette 3740 111LTN5-1tc FOR- IMMEDIATE SALE OR LEAE GLENCOE Owner must liquidate or lease beautiful 9rm "'. 3 bathe, Cape. Cod Colonial home. 993 Elm#rldge Dr. BAIRD & WARNER, 1071 Skokie, Ridge Dr. Glee 1554. IllLTN5l-Itcj ils _ SUMMile R REUORTS TreACHE9R WILL- TAKE CHILDRE L 3-7 for sumnmer. at Michigan cottage, in woods on lake. -Rewssesble ratesi. Ref., Cal! Gre. 3846 eves. or Dorches- ter 3R56. 116LTN51-1tip 118 SUMMER CAMPS BEIYi AND BEYE PRIVATE SCHOOL and camip, Marcellus, Michigan. Boys, girl&-3-15. U. S. Nutrition scheduler. A1l year. $1 day..$25 mo. Phone Wlnn. 428. 118LTN5-4tp 124 ACREAGE AND ESTATrEG ALL OR PART OÏF-27-W6(jDEËÏ acres, the choice of the Sunset ridge-' Skokie Estate section. Icleal foi, 1, 2, or several suburban homes<. Specially priced for imm-edilate sale to close- trust. For coinplete details consuit anY North Shore broker or eallI.1. B Connor, Keniworth 4136. 24LTN5J.-It 129 FOR ALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS BARGAINS--7-PC. WALýNUT DINING room set, $35; tea cart, -$5-; dînette sot, $12, velour day bed, $20; porch *furn-.. $8.50 ; taîl living rôoom chair, $8.50; end table, $2; smalLruge, $1.75- $3.50; curtains, drapes, fixtures, 35e to $2 pair. Kenilworth 527. 129L51-îtp RASINETTE, BUFFET, CHIFFONIERS; desk, table, ice box, kitchen table,. antique rocker, sa4nd box, telephone table and chair, 5-piece 1F'ene-hi day- bed beaded evening dresses. Phone. 526 Center St. Office open 9 a. Sunday. tions of titis ord nance. - Section 2. Regulations. It shaI I- be unlawfuî for any person, firm or cor- por'ation to sell or offer for sale lni this muuicipality apY uiilk or creani which does not fully conforni to, the standards* coutained in this ordlnatnee, whether such sale le at wholesale -or 1ta-tl. Section -3. Application fori liense. Ap- plication for a retail milk dealers lienrse sha:W be made eI in riting..to the Iclerk, and s;haîll confoirm te the general provisions of 'the. ordinances relatirig to licenses. No s-uch lcense shall be issued excptine on > the examination of the: premniseA ntenided to be used, and the approvsal thereof as being sanitary, by the health cumminssioner. Section .4. Fees. The annual.fee for sucit lienses shall be. five dollars for ,acit delivery vehicle used iu the village. Section 5. Standard of milk and èreaM.. - Cows mnilk is. the whole, fresh, elean lacteal secretion obtained 'by the comnplete milking of one or more healtliy cows,, that arè. propenly f1ed and kept,, excluding miîk obtat1ined wlthiu fifteen days before and fifteen day's .'after cadviu or such longer periods as'may be- re(,lulred tu render the milk prac- tically coflostrom free and shaîl conformn in nîilk fats andi solids flot fat .tu the provisions of the statutes4 of the State of Illinois.- Ail the skim aniilk, butter mnilk and cnearn shahl conformi to the standards tlxed by, kw and the sle or offertig for sale of -ary such products which-d not conformi thenewith is prohibited. . No cream shaîl - e soli. -offered forl sale, exchanged,- delivered or kept for the purpose of sale that contalus less titan eighteen per cent of butter fat, fil-- that is obtained froni any impurc, diseased, adulterated or unwholesomn, mîilk, or iik to which any foreigu euh- estance lias been added, or milk contaita- ing less than three per centumi buttoir fat or' front cows fed it refuse or sloîs, nîash or foods which have been subjevt tofermientation, or àny food other thit good, -wholesome food. ýýeçtion 6. Containers. . No milk, ex- cept skinined înilk, butter -milk or sour rnilk, shall be peddied or sold at retail in quantities of less titan five galloris except lit containers bearlng- the truet namne of the article, the naine and- ztddress uf the j)roducer, deailer or dis- tributor,. andi -the net voluxnie of thie colitents in accordance with the Illinoi.s L)iyand Food 'Law and inu, person shall sell milk o~r creain in aný1 bottle or container other th-tan those bearing the seller's naine or to iiýhieh he bas ic4luir ed' title1 as required by that lâW. Saîd ctbntainers sha-il be 50habuled and séaled>-at'the plaLnt where such miilk i1 pasteurized and shahl remain so labeied and sealed until dehivened to the, purý ehast-r.- No milk shlui le sold tô) patrons li restaurants, eoffee shops and lunch -omis uniless soid and -delivered lu original individual size - botties, sealed at the plant wheu pasterized. Ail milk containers. - Section 8. Mlch animais. Bacteria rating. Ail raw mllk off ered for sale or' 501< must come from animais under sta.te and féderal supervision and -prover free from al contagions and lnfectious diseases, and shali contaîn not more than one hundred .thousan.d. bacteria ber cuble cenitimeter nor any pathogenle bacterla, and shahY be produced under the followlng conditions: < a> Ail persans living upon the pro- d.ucing. larme, emfployed thereon andi ail persons handhing or coming in contact with miik lies or other places shah be free from contagious or lu. feetloDus..diseases and shallflot have been exPosed to such disease withina perlod of~ one week prior tu the exercise of such duties- (b> No person who is a typhoid,1 paratyphoid, diphtheria or -septic sore th.roat carrier shall be em.ployed in the production or handling of such mnik. (c> It shaîll be, the dut'y of, every person,' firm or corporation, having a knowledge of the facts to notifyý at once the heaith commissioner or other legaiiy nOfsttuted authority of the occurrence Vt ay ofthe above afflictions in per- sons, living or èmployred in or about a place where milk is produced, handled, or 8old.. Millk an(i mulk derivatives that have been so exposed shaîliflot be sbipped, tnto or sold or offered for sale in the municip.tity. -Section i9. PastetitizatUoarequired. it shâli be unlawfuî to seli or offer for sale any milk or cream in the village wlilch hâts flot' been pasteurized, as pro- vided in the foliowing section; pr)io%,ided that mîlk or cream certified -iu accord- alice with the rules of the medical.milk comiisiýsion, in accordance' with the standards adupted by the Arnerican Association oft Midical Milk Cornants1- -ioli, nmay be sold without pasteur-iza- Section 10. Method of Pastuurizatioun: P-'IstOurizaljon is heruby detilied as a process by whioch miik is heated to a lemlperature of 140 t0 145 degýretes Fahreffheit and iheldi at this temnpet-atuie not less titan thirty miinutes aiti PropeŽrly' cooled to a' température oi fftyý degrees Fahrenheit or lowver and niaixataaaec at- sixty degreeg -or lowei'- but flot trozen-.tntil delivèred to tht consumîer. The, bacterial (*(>unt oi pas- teurîize<j miik or cream shah - not be m'ote thit 50,00() pur cubîc enltinieter. ,rhure shall be no B. colu or other. pathi- ogenic bactelria. Thiere shah l be ttaeýthed to utach rnilki ')asteurizing machine ail automatic recurdig 'devýi(e by which thé tempera- .ure of ýiniik .nd the lnghof tiln it le heated shall be recorded upon a *liait These chants shali always be availa.ble for inspection, by theéiaealth. commis sionieî. ancl shall be'so, arrangeil1 when ufstructed as' not to be su,.- ceptible to chanilge before 1such inspec- tion. Seut-ioî Il. Labels. EacWh bottie or1 coptaine,. of ,,iilk- Pl -.,,.-s waavrv nk us PrOatced, -handled or sold the sa-le, exehange, re- - moiraI or' distribution -ini any mianner Mrs. Jolln H. La%ýsotý> Jr., 330 tif mllk, cream or milk products found, erlingra,-Knlwrb rtre Produced or handled in sucit premîses is St gra,.eilotrtr strictly ýprohlblted untîl quarantîne, If last Sunday fromn a three 'weeks'ý.so- declared,, bas been termlnated aud 'the jouru -at Miamti Beach, - Fa. 'i3oL'rNsî-¶tc I n Kept in a eau a; n i airy condition. s Section 14. Examination -of mlch> eanimais. No milk or creamn shaîl b. r ,,,Id,,,ffered for sale or dlstrilxited ln teilage unilese9 each and every animnal r ln the herd. fromh which sal,id milk Io obtainedl shaîl be under state and fed- era sperison and shahl have been Iexamined withln the year. Such animalé t must be shown to be free from con- taglous or Infectlous disease on such examnlation. D Section 15. Inspection of, premises. The health comnmissionorer shall make in- spections as. frequently as mAiy be neces 1- sary te enforce the provisions of this >article.. He shah make an analysis Ô1f cream or milk sold or offered for sale ln the village .wheneverý he is requested, to do se by the ýboard of trustees or. as often as he deems Ilt desirable. Samples of 7 milk or cream imust be given to the health commissioner on requestfor such. inspection and analysie. Section. 16. Penalty.. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the pro- visions- of this, chapter shall be tln.ed flot less than five dollars for more than two hundned dollars for each offense. and a separate offense shahl be.deemed eonrni.tted on eech -day duri-ng or on whicit a violation occurs or continues. This ordinance shaîl be In full force atnd effect from and after lts pasýsage, approival sund .publication -according 'te Adopted by the President aud Board or Trustees of the Village'ot Wilmette, Ihhl1nois. on the 2th day; ut Apuil, 193.. Attest: INICHOLAS P. bilLLER, Village Clerk. App)roved the 2th day of April, 1933 CP. DUBBS, Presideut. PýUbll«shed the 27th day of Ap-ril, 1933. NICHOLAS Il. MILLER, . V illage Clenk. - L51-1tc Dr.' Edwin B. Frost Is Speaker on This Frida Dir. Ed-win B. Fro.st, 'noted astronio- mer, for mnore than 25, years director_. of. Yerkesobser-vatony, wilI gîve an illustratc"d lecture, at UEm Place, school, Highland, Park, Friday-ceve- ning,. April 28, at 8 o'clock. Tickets may be ohtain-ed fromi niembers of thé Highland Park -League of Wom- en Voters, under whose auspices the lecture is given. Mrs. M-arc A. Law, bC enA aild

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