Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1933, p. 44

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Rats-1 ents a lhue. Advertsments run in ailthree papero. to the lUne. No black face type used. 20% dlseomnt on ail cash advertlae- Lincoln. Ave., Winnetka. 10% discount on ail advertlsements run four consecutive Issues. l_ýCassIfIed advert.isements wiIi be ae- Deadlne to Insetion cepted up to. Tuesday 9 P.. M. for WILMETTE LIFE or al .three papers; Wednesday 9. P.*M, for WINNETPKA TALK and Thursday 5. P. M. for1 GLENCOE ' NEWS. Telephones: Willmette 4300. Winnietka 2000, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 5687. 3 LOBT AN* FOUND ___ LOST - HALF-G ROWN ENGLISH spriniger spaniel. Black with a lîttie gray. Named "Tobie.'e Collar, no tag. Rteward. Phone Winnetka 1831. 3LTN61-ltp RîARE OQPPORTUNITY: 15 PC. HAND carved lmp., Engllsh Gothic dining rm. set; lmp. Italian Renaissance library table, exquisitely carved; early.Amer. Solid ,Mahdgany cor. cupboard; splen- did condition. Private party. Wllmette 30M3.7LTN51-ltp 14A 9POOKS A $1 REGISTRATION ?EE ENTITLeS you to rent any book or Jlg saw puz- zle for oniy 3c per day at Spinners, 1175 Wiimnette avenue. 14A-LTN5-ltp US BUSINESS SERVICE REAL ESTATE TITLES AN» AB- stracts examined. Legal Documents executed. Ail matters pertaining to Real Estate. 16 years Titie Examiner with Chicago Titie & Trust Co. F. V. Fitzsimons, Atty., 1537 Washington Ave. Ph. Wllmette 1994. 16LTN51-4tc Oil Burner Service MAL URNERS ÀT ALL HOURS POSTER N1TLE Ph. Wllmette 2956 16Lr~N484tp Rats, Roaches, etc. P. J. UEPELHOFEN, EXTERMINAT- ing engineer. Plh. Wlnnetks. 591 or- Northbrook 128. 16LTN25-tfc CI.OCK, RÉPAliIIN EXPERT, ýCHIME, HALL, i dock rèpairing. Learned ln Europe. (Formerly wl'th rand Fleld'u.) WiIl eaUl. Free t. David Johangson._ Phone NOTI CE After May lot we will be at our ground floor loeation, 421 4th St., Wîlinette, oppositeà"L" Terminali,4th & Linden. Pailitie s Eiînp. Agency Wllmette 2i>71 Winnetka -2662. ______________271.TN51-îttc WILMETTE -ARDENER I stili have good rich black dlrt, no weeds., lumps or' Skokie dirt, all in ,bg. piles. Also do any kind of lawn work. Now is the time to have your: lawn fixed. Flower, bedç, bushes and spading dune. Ph. Wilmette 2770. 27LTN51-4tp FO0R SALE- GOOD RICH 13LACK dirt, no weeds, lumps or Skokle dirt, 3 yards $5; rotten manure, 4 yards $7.50. Any kind of moving or truck- ing. WINNETKA 2108 27LTNSO-4tp GARDENER LiF'ETIME EXPERIENCE; HOUSEWORK. Cali Franki WINNETK.4.3622 271N47-5tp PROFESSiONAL LAWN BUJILDING';' repairing; fertilizing; aund other mnis- cellaneous iawn *work. Fred Boeye,. Northbrook, Ml.. Ph. Northbrook 68. 27LTN50-3tlp CLASS A GARDENERt WQUI.D LIKE Steady -Position- or day work. Best references. Call Highland Park 3638. 27LTN\51-ltp) FOR SAL--425 SQUARE FEET 0F, CLEAN. GRASS SOD. PH. WIr,. METTE 3015. 27L51-ltp aB PLAN4TS AND BULBs' 4GUAR-AN-%TEED NURSERY STOCK: amnazing values; Everireens 2 to 3 f.t. 90e; 'shrubs 3 to 6 ft. 25c; perennial1 flowers 10 to 20e per cliump;-veg. and annurai flower plants at reduced prices. Free dellvery; cail Wilmette 4263 for particulars or visit our gar- den at 3223 Lake Ave. every morn. PAINTING AND DECORATING LOWEST PRICES EVER BEEN OFFERED WhY fhot let me figure your dec. istý class work guaranteed; well. recom- mended; appreciate Y.%our' work any, atmount. Louis Skoinik. W.lmette 5034. 42LTN51-îtp 53> sEWING MACHINE RIEPAIRING IMPORTANT SEWING MACH INE REPAIR 5H01> Established more than fifty year.4-ago !n Evanstoni, lg now located at 1008 Oakwood Ave., 'Wilmette. Also re- pairing of ail Electrical home appli- 1ances. Tel. Uni. 2200 or Wii. '43468. L. E. Blunt. S3LTN40-tfc nS upIIoLSTrEày AND SLip COVERtS UPHOLSTERING Rewebb.ing davenport, $4.25 ; chair, $2-.5 etc. Recover reasonabl.e. Estimate free. Write A-93, Box 40, W limette, Ill. 58LTN49-3tp Is WEARING APPAREL LADiESç' RAINCOATS, CONVERTIBLE IINTO LEATHER JACKETS. RATS AN»DI3AGS 'lO- MATCH. SMART COLORS. $4ZIES 14-40. $15~ VALUE~S. $6 COMPLFETE, WHILE THEY LAS r. Stitch-In-Timie Shop 693 VERNON AVE. GLENCUE 60 CLUB MEMBERSIIIPS PRIVATE GOLF CLUB WITI-I W- tered 18 hole course lias vacancy for new members. 16 miles from iuoop, North Shore line. Beautiful perma- nent club house, no nezubership fer, no assessment, reasonable dues. Ful1i family. privileges. Write A-116, Box 40,, Wllmette, Ill. 60L51-itp 64. iNvËsTiEN-Ts 1STIORZTGAGE LOANS SINC1E 1889 $1,000 to $1'000 EovatîstonI lond. & NItg. CO. 618 roest. Greenleaf 5600 64LTN5 1-li t 55 LOANS LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES Confldential service, legal rates. MOTOR LOAN CO. State Bank Pldg.,, Evanston Gi'.. 3200 NURSING INFANT:S; CHRONIC; Olt ANY case. Best N. S. refs. Reasonable. Wilmette 3368. 68LTN51-ltp GIRL CAPABLE 0F TAKING FULL charge would like position ln amail aduit ,famiiy. $12 With lau;idry. Best N.S. refs. WinnietkA 3558. 68LTN5Iltp COMPETENT MII)DLiE-AGîiýL) Wl lTE Woman wishes general h ouse work o>r cooking by day or week. Ph. Win- netka 28.98o ris .o. Box . ________________________ 68L51-ltp 16 oiUTINWANTrED-MALýE__ CARPENTER AND CABINET MAK. *er., If Your screens, flower boxes, or trestie work needs. repairingphone E Anderson, Wilmette 2430. Prce .very, reasonabie. Wlfe wilI care for chil- dren, or do housewok.1 69LTN51-ltpý OUGMAN, NORÏWEGIAN Ej&. aIl-round ýhou,4eman, chauffeu-r, take care. of garden. Wiling worker. Good N. S. ref., Phone Winnetka 286. :6L.N1tp CHAUFFEUR, SINGLE, CAN PIUR- nish best references. 12 Years exp. Wîll tare foi. cars for board and room and snall. ages per month. Ph. Wil'. mette 2543. 69LTN51-ltp years exp:.; 8 years ias,;t place; inar- ried;, overseas veteran;, careful driver; good re.fs. Lake VieW 4669. 6TN51-itp F.XPERIENED 7HITE MAN wants hotsework, window cleanlng, 'gitdeinig, kitehens washed or any odd j04. Ph. Wilinette 3254. WUITR 0.' NEsS69LTN51-ltp, publioity, *advertisîng-, booklets.,AIll Or par1t tiune, %varied resear.h nier- chandise experielîce . %ather, i:A41 Seott Av e., Wnnetka 914. 69L51-Itp LX P i t . A A T * W i . : j the day or lboul', gàrdening or housem Xor . . ; efs. Cail l e,'. 69LTN51l-ltp GAIWENING, HfOUSE CLEAN1"NG, s;torni windows, screens attended to. .Reasonable. N. S. refs. Ph. Wililette. 2088. ___69LT N51rltp EXPERIENCED MAN WANTs iLÀWN work, ,house cieaning .andl odd os Caîl Wilmette 96,3 and ask for John. 69LTN51-ltp 70 SeT. WTb.-MALE AND FEMALE N*OTICE, -After May let we wiil be at our ground floor location. 421 4th St., Wilmette, opposite "L" Terminal, 4th & Linden. Pauline's Emp. Agencies 522 Center St. Wlnn. 2662-3017 p. 27LTN48-tfc EXPER. GARDENER WISH-ES WORk by hour or rnonth. Good refs. Ph. Wliliette 1691. 27LTN51-ltp 'ry reaso red Brobi 'onces.IHHSCHOOI, GRADUATE tlike to take care f child ren '5-4tp' Phone Winnetka 15'0 68 F.u1 hulrqen; also do upst P-.80 a mo. Ref. req. Ph. GlE 5099. WANTED - MAID F( ILD housework and help ns baby. Three In famnily. -ltp Wýilmette 1171. CLOCK inUtq18o i. 1

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