Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1933, p. 38

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at tne Housecleaning time is here 1 Please save ail discarded ciôthing, shoes, jewelry, etc.,, for the Unit's Rum-. Toris CurtMaeril Agricuitural Lime Sand BLOW & COo. Ml Conter St. Wàm . 201 J ucences. ne is also nanuaing, vene- tian blinds and a complete line of Iawn and garden furniture. Mr. Gathercoal 'has been a resident of WiImette ail of bis life. He has just recently enterted business for himecîf at .2411 Thornwood avenue. Mrs.,Eric Haslund from Wisconsin bas been visiting wth.ber sister, Mrs. IVictor Oison,. 1738 Higbland avenue. Mrs. Oison also entertainedà her moth- er., Mrs. Edwin Oison of Marinette. Wis., during tbe Easter bolidays. Mms R. K. Brown, 1125. Forest av enue,, moved on Tuesday,.to. 423 Central avenue, B EAUTIF Y ui- NOUE I IMt LOW GS iii lUas the latent Idea. beautifying the. home with Evergreens * ' * HILL Evergreens . . Costa are low . . . ln fact, nothing that conts so littie gives s0 much ln year-around charm as Evorgreens... Corne and see millions of them at Hiii's nursery at Dundee, or write for a mout valuabie littie booklet "Simple Lessons lni the Use of Evergreens" ...Telle what to buy for rockeries, borders, foun-, dation planting, etc. . . . Also where to plant for ~ best effects . . . You can rely upon Hili quality, and can save nioney on Hill cash-and-carry prices.., . Drive to Dun- de. .. You will be well repald. Spring season open about April lot . open every day Inciuding Sunday. ~~~ EV.EROGR ElENS A LEj Af CLAVEYS Skrubs Most Sensafional Offer Ever Made by Our Company To viiors of *tar Cash & Carry Dept. only ne lyped so close as is custornary, and stili it will present a well kept, neat. appearance. The longer the. grass is allowed tc remain, the longer and heavier will be the root sYstem, andthe thicker the 'sod, in accordance. A close 13 clipped laýWn. also dries, out more readily and presents less opposition, to the growth o weeds. This accounts, in part, for the fact that a vacant lot often becomnes pos-. sessed, of a very thi ck andi permnanent turf iithout- any, attention other thani what nature affords. Experimhents along this line have been conducted on the Lasker estate in Lake Forest. Their scope. and con- vincing findings are most, interesting and' valuable. Just now, withi the cool weather and sunny days which coîne along oc- casionally, .the 'newly -seeded iawns are much in need. of a surface mois- ture, ëitber by sprinkling or, by mulching witb straw or some qimilarly protecting method. COLOR IN THE OPEN LAWNS Just now, and during the past days there hav.e been many examples of easy and very effecétive, use. of. the crocus,, that eatly.riser, i the rock gardens. aimost .ewywhere. >but es- peciaily in the open sweeps of the well kept lawn. Great baiikings of these colorful blooms iinay be seen against the can- vas of the green iawn, unrnindful of chili wi'nds, and suggestive, of a far greater niumber of places where tbey nîigbt well be used. 0f course, the daffodils are rnuch used in the rather open spaces where, thev will not be in the way wben it cornes ~time to mow the lawns. Thney hecome quite permanent and develop into sturdy clumps, givingq a wealth] of bloomi each early lpin! Ail this calis to minci that if there are boggy places anyw here, perhapsi a long 'the borders of the timber cor- ners, Mertensia and Marsb Marigolds are loyers of such places, bloorning early and then disappearing almost until the following ,spring. sorts cat i e procured now lor tnese special needs, if they are sought after a littie, or even insisted upon. There are prepared foods for iawns. for evergreen trees, and even specific foods for the deciduous trees. There are also. as always, rnany materiais whiclî have been used by gardeners, 4pj)lied independentlyý, not in mix- ture with other mhatierials. That' is to say, there are many occasions to use bone mieal, nianufres, humus, 'hmes, ýetc.. ýfor special needs. PR.EPARING FOR SUMMER VISITORS, Gýardening activities are.: at 'their height, jusi now, and there are ma >ny reinders of the, approaching Cen- tury of Progress, Exposition, and its, resulting visitors who* will be witli us, éxpecting to see-these fine North Shoère gardens, which they jhave been hearing, about alf tbe se years. And they %vill ot, be. disappoinited. In fact there is much. special fixing up going on ail arouud tus these days, -in preparation to have the best foot for- ward wben friends corne to spen.d the summùer weeks and take in. the sights. *Right now, vrgenscnbe bougbt so, cheap 'that. it is, practicai bargains and& making use of these to use tbérm in spots whe re tbey may not be expected to last ov er-a, period of years. Weak spots and points needing special. accent, can be strengtbened with fresh snappy evergreen trees of just the size and shape tbat the points demnand.ý Cus- torners are busy picking o'ff these opportunities. NutmeroGus Friends Fete W. L. Harts; Prior to Moving, Mr. and Mrs. William- L.' Hart, 623 Greenleaf avenue,> who are 'movng away fromn Wiimette next week. are- being wideiy feted at farewell parties by their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eci of Evanlston will give a diti- Ftore' Oldrgéot l Landscqape So, RSERIES, INC. road, Kenilworth, is confined to the ,since April 14, and is expectc Niurserieg Sp N. bouse with a broken ankie. about the first of the mont 0 accomp;nie~d Mr. Redding t Deerfield, Ili. M'r.- and .Mrs. Robert McNeil bnrgb, New York and Phi) 'vice Burns, 614 Essex road, Kenilworth, on a business trip. Mr. Redd ________________entertaîned- a f ew friends at dininer returned bomne, and Mrs. Reo Iast Friday evenang. remaining to visit relatives. Il Trees- F. D. Phsone Dt Shle Pitts- lephia ig bas mig- is

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