Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1933, p. 39

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***5A5J-~4I8LUI IIXi vil bethe Rev. William 1L. CasweIl Tuesday to attend the National Church 1(%iYofVnkers, N. Y., and William Law- coungress of the Episcopal cbiurch. The rence Wood of Harvard university. Ciago diocese, of which the Rt. Rev. The present missions prograin will be George Craig Stewart is hishop, will dealt witb in the .eveing of the saine be -host to the congress and St. Luke's day' Mrs. Harper Sibley of Rochester, proýcathedial will. be the hcadquarters. N, Y., and tbe Rt.. Re.v. Frank W. Meetings, which will continue tbrougb ;ihoho eîok ilh h Friday of. next week, will he beld in 1spae. thé parish bouse. sears The Oxford group movement,, to be1 'lhe prograin for the.congress wil given. attention Fridav morning wil include discussions ofsome of the most g coitroversial subjects . before tbe cburcb today, it is announced by "the Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard, rector of i Christ church, Winnetka, chairman of the local convention comniittee. Among these.will be: 'Is the conduct of busi- *~ ness for private profit consistent with LChristianl principles ," "H.ow f ar sbould national and racial distinctions be f os- tered i:the unity of the ,cburch , ~Witis the relation l)etween the au-~ *thoritv of, Orthodoxy and that of per- o«na religious experienice ?," and "Are *Christian Missions, as at presenit Col- hî ited, juistifie.d ?" Debate Inter-Communion T wo topics, wbich in recent miontbs have been the. subject of a lively de- hate witbin the Episcopal. churcb, are expected to prompt further discussion. durinig the. congress. One is the Ox- tord movement; the other is the ques- i tioni of inter-communion witb -chtirches ut other faiths. The latter is an out- grutb of a recent communion serv- ice hield Ili St. Louis cathedral in which r epresentatives of various faiths par- 'Re'v. E. hleGear ticipated. with the approvàl and assîst- - aly ehr ance of the bisbop of St. Louis. Ili involve, a discussion between widely the congressional debate, Bishop Wil- ýdivergent. groups of tbe churcb. Lea.d- liami Scarlett of St. Louis will defendi ers ln the debate will 'be the Rev.. T. tbe. action of his group while Bishop L. Harris of Harvard uniiverslty and 1lrving Peake Johnson o( Denver- will the Rev. Frank Gavin of General The- take.the'opposing view. ological seminary, New York. The Theconerece illbe ffiialy 'Rev. Kari Morgan Block of St. Louis elned with a luncheon, to be held at will discuss the ..topic, TePaeo the H-otel Sherman in Chicago Tuesday Prayer ln Christian Life" at 'the Fni- noon. The visiting, churchinen wiIl be dyatronmeig Welcombed by Bishop Stewart and he The Congress sermon Will be de- and Charles P. Taft, 11, of Cincinnati livered ln services to be held Wednes- will be the speakers. The first formaI day'niorning by the Rt. Rev. Robert !session of the congress will bc held ln Nelson, bishop of Western Missouri. St. Luke's. parish bouse Tuesday .eve-. It. will. be held inu the, Pro-C athedral, Ce mplete PRICES REASONÂBLE WINN.ETKA 914 ~Vrld'." Musc- athte services is an- no0unced as follows: Adoîî Olont............Fisk I3orchu................Fisk Shema..... ................... Flsk Michomocho.... ...........,Suizer Kedusha . . ». ........ ...Stark-Sliapiiro Let the. Wordjs <Traditional)............. Shapiro, AntheI n-"EilU Vo-ejiÙ" .......Modim Binder-shgiipr0 oo"IWili Lut Up Mine Eyes Un:lto the, HUIfs"....* *...... McDermid isis Bernice Taylor .I Va'Anachnuý ................. .RuIzer Largo .....................Perliman Elohgenu........................ Stark. Oirganizes Booking Agency for Bands, Ente rtainment Bihll ehie.of Wilmette is organizing a bhooking agency - on the north shore -for, orchestras and eînterainet Mr I.ehle, who bas heen a resident of Wl!-' muette during bis entire lifetime, is now I CunIdiietiig a I-piece orchestra in Chi- cago. lie also wvas -leader of several other orcbestrWa wMile att ending New Trier H-igh school. With his neW booking agenc'y M r. Lehie plans to provide orchestras and entertainment for dances and social and club affairs. MNrs. Johniii1.- Wilds, 244 Oxford road, Kenilworth, i s eintertaining a luncheon ani bridge today in, hbonor1 of MNrs. L. Crossett .%ho is visitin;g lier daughiter and famnilv, the George Kingsleys of Kentil%%-rtib. Tognei J . ton, N. Y., formerly of Wilnie -te, who is visiting- ber mother, in Chica- go, was one of the guests. THOMAU-S DECDRTING CO. Painting -and- Decoratirgý 1033MNAIN STREET WiImette 2378 'H i now rendy to serve your AWNINO NEBDS Custom Made Awnings Rehanging end Cleanini 1511 Highland Ave., Wlmette 1PhoUeeWILME989 GUARANTE the SUCCESS Of Your Lawnansd Garden Ail oui sds must bc the best-and oaIy the best. With them you may b.. certain of obtam.. ing the maximum remilt. with the proper cars. GWs Seed-Our Own Mixtur.e, r lb' 0 Porenniai; md ai*l Bul bes

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