Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1933, p. 38

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UÇ11IVs. ieis 5 aiso, nanwU1g v ei1- tian bljnds and a complete line of lawn and garden furnituré. Mr. Gathercoal has been a resident of Wilmette ail of bis life, He bas just recently enterted business for himsgelf at,2411 Tbornwood avenue. Mrs. Eric Haslund- fron Wisconsin bas been visiting with ber sister, Mrs. Victor Oison,ý 1738 Higbland avenue. Mrs. OIson, aiso entertained ber m'otb- er, Mrs. Edwin OIson' of Marinette, Wis., during the Easter holidays. Mrs. R. K& avenuee moved >C nrl ;Iitie Brown, 11251 Forest on Tueésday to 4-23 J- %tCnlra. a vlue ~L~~lFT ourNOIE HIL EV!R8RUENt It'a the latent Ideo, beautlfyig rthe hompe witb E,,ergreens HILL Evergreens . . . Costa are low .. I fact, notbing that coats ao little givez. so rnuch ln year-around chai-m as Evorgreena Corne and aee millions of them at Hum 'anursery at Dundee, or write for a most valuabie littie /4 .. ot"il e Let osln tf h ocerlteaordEera, fon-" ToketlSmle aa on uy othckes et Evergreeon" dation planting, etc. .Aiso where te plant for best effects You can rely upon Hill quality, and can save money on Hill caah-and-carry pice . . . Drive to Dun- dee . .. You wil ho well repai4, Spring saaaon open about April lot . .. open, - every day Including Sunday. DIVE EEROGREENM Tm.s, At CLAVEYS. Most Sensational Te visite Off or Ever Made The Lake. SA Phione De.rfield 36 Coete1: rO DUNDRE-A Sig&# te Swe Shrubs by Our Company >epf. oiily £5, INC. De.rfi.kf, Ili. Landscape Service mI,,~ a~ i.~ and stil it will present a well kept, neat appearance. The longer the grass is ailowed tc remain, the longer and heavier wiiJ be the root system, and the thicker the sod, in accordance. A. ciosely clipped. lawn also dries out .rnore readily and presents less opposition to the growth of weeds. This acco'unts, in part, for the fact that a vacant lot oft'en -bécomes pos- sessed of a very thick and permanent turf without any attention otiier than what nature affords. Experiments along this line have been conducted on the Lasker estate in Lake Forest. Their scope and con-- vincing> indings are most interesting and valuabie. Just now, witiithe cool weathfer. and ýsunny. days which corne aiong oc- casionally, the newly seeded- lawns are mucb. in need, of a surface mois- ture, either by sprinkliug> or by mulching with, straw. or some sim ilariv protecting method. lizers', even of the commercial an be proct*red now for these needs, if they are sought after or even insist,èd upon. There are prepared foods for lawns. for evergreen trees, and even specific foods. for the deciduous trees.' There are also. as always, rnany materials. which have 'been trsed, by 'gardeners, applied independently, not, in mix- ture with other materials. That is té sa, there are many occasions. to use bone mieal., manures, humus, limes, .etc., for special needs. PREPÂRINGFOR SUMMER VISITORS Gardening activities, are, at tbeir heighit just now, and there are many reminders of'the approaching> Cen- tury of Progress Exposition, and its 1resülting visitors who will, bc with us, expecting to see these fine North Shore gardens which tbey )lave been hearing about al tbese-years. And they will not' be disappointecl. In fact there is much special fixing up going on ail around us thçse -days, in I>Ir>paLr.ation onv ns ot'>IVCLI V ULLoI - COLOR IN THE OPEN LAWNS ward when friends corne to &pend Just now, and during the past days the summer weeks, and -takeý in the, there have been many examples of sigbts. easy and. very effective' use of the Right now, evergreens ýan be crocus, that early riser, in the rock bought so cbeap that it is practîc'al gardens, almost everywhere. but es- bargains and making use of these pecially in the open sweeps of the to use them in spots.where tbey may ,weli kept lawn. flot be expected té last over a period Great bankings of these colorful of years. Weak spots and -points l)looms may be seen against the van- needing special accent, can be vas of the green lawn, unmindful of strengtbened with fresh snappy chili wirids, and suggestive of a far evergreen trees of just the size and greater number of places Where they shape that the points demand. eus- migbt weli be used. - tomers are busy picking off tbese Of course, the daffodils are rnuch opportunities. ustd in the rather open spaces where t.hey wilI not be in the way when it cornes time to mow tbe lawns. Thev Numerous Friends. beconie quite permanent and develop Fee T TL - into sturdy clumps, giving a wealth, FeeW . L. Kars.L of lom ac eri srig.ifthrePrior toaN4oving Al this -calls to mind thatif hï1 are bogg places anywbere, perhaps Mr. and Mrs.. W.illiam L. Hart, 623 along the borders of the timber cor- Greeneaf avenue, wbo are moving ners, Mertensia and Marsb Marigolds a way from Wilmffette next week, are are loyers of sucb places, blooming. being widely feted at fareweli parties- early and then disappearing almost by their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. until- the following spring. Cari Ed of Evanston will give a din- road, rKenlworth, is confined to the sînce April 14, and is expected home bouse witb a broken ankié. about the first . of the montb. Site 0 accomfpanied Mr. Redding to Pitts - Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNcii burgh, New York and Philadephia Burns, 614 Essex road, kenilwortb, on a business trip. ýMr. Redding bas> entertained a few friends. at dinner, returned home, and Mrs. Redding i last Friday evening. remtaining, to visit relatives. Housecleaning time is bere 1 save ail disecarded clothing, jewefry, etc., for the Unit's Please shoes, Rum- Temis Court Materil Drivways Fertilizers Agricuktural Lhmie Sand: DILOW &Co&, UCotft St. Wial, -;-7- -" 1 e y iý

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