At i& Cmtàory of prgrwm "m.k1rii, at Wor"- t& F.xbibig .1 *6 2eaiç Ls and Peu.,, adAs:,y Compa, 1ELATIVES and aid friends from far -off places. will soon be coming to visit yôu ...The World's Faistarts in June 0f course you'll be glad ta se them agýeain. And in playing hast, youl want your hom to look its best-even better: than- its best. Here arc .a few Iwhat-to-do" suggestions from yoiir Public Service Store an~d other local dealers:. Nothirag makes a home look more hospitabie A double'-action vacuu m cleaner wilI simÀplifY your task af keeping floors, always spic - ad s pan. The Hoover Special is naw only $2.15 dawn ($21.95 cash). P-UB8LI C SERVICE COMPANY 0F NORTHERN IlLINOIS