Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1933, p. 32

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Program May 2 Mrs. H. L- Barker is chairînan.of. the annual spring luncheon of th 1e Woman's Catbofic Club of Wilmette to, be held at the Shawnee Country club on Tuesday,.May 2, at 1 o'cllock.. The entertainment plannfed by Mrs.. Charles* Broad, programn chairman, Will be of unusual mnenrt., The musical, program will, be by Mrs. Walter Bermingbam,, Who will sing thrèe groôzps of songs. Shas chosen: A Green Cornfteld .....Michael Head Worde by Christina Rossetti Have You Seen But a. White Lillie Grow........Anonymous Worde by Ben Jonson, English air, of the ,early Seventeenth 'Century The. Month of May . . .Linn.Seller . Poem by Charles Wagner: A Question . -...... 7.. Jessie L. Gaynor. Worde by Susan, Lauderbach The Sleep That Flute on- Baby's Eyes. ... ....John Alden Carpenter Poemi by Rtabindrànath Tagore flitteties, Opus 20j No. 4.. Linn Seier' Words by CarlI mo. Lullaby, Opus 57, No. 2 ...Cyril Scott Word, by Chrlstina Rossetti The guest artist wbo will ac- company Mrs. Bermninghami is Miss Marian Setaro. Mrs. Bermingham is a pupil of Mrs. Samuel Wright of Chicago and an active member of the North Shore Musicians club. A surprise number will be a. one-ý act fantasy entitled "Many Happy Returns of the Day." This play has been <rected and taired '.Abufthe Mrs. R~obert,- Markham, Mrs. J. L. McCartby, and Mrs. Clarence Weeks. Miss Rosemary Ronan, -a junior, and Agnes Thale, the small daughten of one of the past presidents, also will appear in. it. Reservations must be made bef are. April 28, with Mrs. H. L. Barker of 1765 Washington avenue, the club an- nounces. The following committee is. assisting with - arrangements: Mrs. Mathew Franci, Photo "MIlawy Happy Returns of the Day, thte oge-act a tasày menabers of the Woman's Cathlic .Club of Wilmette vill prejeni as patrn of the- pro- grain tgven on thte oicasion of thte annual luinciseon next Titesday at Shaw- nec Country clubi, wil/ have in its cast the following, who are pictured front le! t to right: Mrs. Clare~nce Weeks, who zvl/I pIaytkè part of .&Iit& Baxter; Mrs. Robert Font/tam, the role of Margaret RéswelI; Mrs. Robe rt Mark- hamn, Mrs. Haswefl; Mfiss Rosemary Roktan,. Miss Jenks; Agnes T/tal<', the' part of Margaret Elizabeth,7 Mrs. J. C. McCarthy, Louise. The tie of the pla y is thte prescoit, thte scen# t/te living room aof Ma'rgaret I-aswell's Junior$ Junior auxiliary, of the. Womafi's Catholic Club of Wihnette will enter- tain at a. dinner for the fatIiers of its members. It will be held in the Wil- mette. Wornan's club building. at 7 o'clock. Elaborate plans are made for a, sur- prise program following dinner. One of the guest. antists pnomised the juniors is, Miss Mary Jane Salvey Studg Clubs fot Mothees to Heat Speaker Monda y The Young Mothers' club, and the Pre-Adolescent Study group will bave a joint meeting at the borne1 of Mrs. Eanle É). Lyon, 1504 Elmwood avenue, Monday evening, , at.' 8 o'clock, The speaker will be Dr. Katharine W. Wright of Evanston, graduate1 physician,,whose subject will be "Sex Education for the Young Cbild." D.. .Wright was graduated in medicine f rom the George Washington uni- versity and, bas practiced bath in the District of Columbia -and Maryland. May 9 A joint meeting of the Evening Garden club and the Wilmette Gar- deih, club -will be, held on Tuesday, May 9, at 8 o'clock, in .the Wilmette -Woman's club. This will be a guest, night and. many friends of the mep,- bers> of both clubs are to, be invited. , The* program is to be' gi ven. by John, Ot.t of' Winnetka and will -be an entertaining talk, illustrated by moving, picturesý of the, lueé cycle of various' plants, their :growth. and blooming. Mr. Ott also bas photo,- graphs. taken' through, tbe lens of a microscope s"îwng anatters of in- terest happening in .fields far re- moved from ordinar isionHeil explain the mechanical devices by which it is possible to take. these un- usual photographs. The regular monthly-meeting of the Wilmette Garden club which w'as thave been. held Friday., Ma-y 5, ini which Mrs. Charles D. Ewer's garden has been 'postponed to a later date to coincide with the blooming of the tulips. Tbis date will be announced. Preparations for the Annual Gar- den market, which is to be held Sat- urday, May 13, on the grounds, at' the Wilmette station of thie North Shore line, are going forward in vani- pus . committees. Thie chairman of plant sales, Mrs. J. Benton Schaub, asks for contributions of plants from the natural overflow of establisbed garclens. These will be welcome not only f rom members of the garden- clubs but from anyone in Wilmette who canes to contribute 'fnom their abundance. Plants may' be sent ta the market on the morning of, May 13, or will be called for if desired. Notify Mrs. John F. Weedon, iI- mette 3778, the club annaunces., Al proceeds. of this market are 'use d to.beautify Wilmette. At present the Wilmette Garden club is financ-. ing. the Iandscaping of the grounds. of the Highcrest school in the western addition. Last year's project was ornamenting the banks àif the canal Clarence Rosenfels, atthrTmp. MneriMntyoMa n. tteTml etr odyMa e first board meeting will be lield 1, at 10 o'clock. 1A. C .Oblh ýe luncheon. F. 1 '. rA. ro mezueay Thre J,ogan-Howard Parent-Teach- er association is meeting, Tuesday afternoon, May 2, at 3:15 o'clock, in the auditorium of the Howard schooL. The eighth grade girls, under the supenivision of théir domestic science teacher,. will put oir a -style, sho W. '10

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