Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1933, p. 1

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,to Continue Work for Turn your clock ahead onie hou,, -upon retiring this Saturday ngt Ohairman Thanico Voters Who be entrusted with decisions on and the for Sunday morning at 2 a. m. Day- Supotd olces; Cites management ,of Village affairs with the light Saving time goes. into effect Partisan Tacti1s.uderstanding that important issueson again. If you fal 1o oplyyo ».which opinion appears fairlyweld- ae up Sunday morning'coie hour vided should be decided by direct vote bebind scbedule. Ail churches in *Thianking: the, voters of the coin- on the issues 'themselves. the community wiIl hold their, serv- uàity who' registered approval of the CIai ms ,Mis epresentations ices on Daylight $aving time this Harmiony convention, platform and of "Tercn lcini neapeiSunday. thée. Haroypat candidates in the of the sort' of misrepresentations which TeCiao ot hr n recent Village electioîi, F. :o. Ebeling, arise in even so comparatively innoc-l Milwaukee railroad will operate on chimno h amony convent ion, uous. a campaign as this was. At the, Dayligbt Saving time, and, the, this week pledged for the convention first meeting of the Hamncnv- schedule of trains will be practically a cntnuaio ofit "ffotsiiith tpo n it wvas unanimously decided that the samne as at present. Villagers motion of the prirnciples and. policiesioaeavsdh * advo~~ated in the ptom"Hefr h water %vorks. issue had been set- ar dîehwever, to consuit * ter 'sertd hatth Hamoy cn-tled by 'the referendum of December aet gadns any possible. ventin slltetak e anatie nterost 5, 1931, 1and should' .have no place in > changes in achedule. in . ail civîc affars and wilI endeavo th is campaign., The Ifarmony candi- Tansrieo h iwue tobing th cv refalisrs and problemsàvo dates for Village trustees subscribed to division of the Chicago and North citi- this decision. tissuesmeeting ofethe Western railway will'be advanced ofth cmmniy ailyheor is League of Woinen Voters on April 10, anhour,' except for the tbrough at whichail can~didates of bôt par- trains whiçh supply the minimum In his statement Mr. Ebeling termned tc eeitrucdiirspneta of regular' service throughe ot th rent election as "an 'exaiTple Of direct inquiry frin the floor; each' of1soecmuiie. lgt'hne the 'sort of misrepresentations whicli (C'oîîtiiiiîedîon Page '6) in staces.l a eefetv ns atrise trn even se comiparatively inniocu-! ___instances.___ pus 'a campaign as this' was." He i_________________ elaborated 'upon that assertion by ex- Coast, Guard NVill i pia.inieng that while the 'Harmony con- C tH g o ee u gs en the %terw'orksissiehd been set- Broadcast Station to Strengthen tled by the referetiduni of December 5, 193, ndý sholdlivcriop ac i ýThe Wilmette station of the United "Manag'er Plan" 191 pn Stud hv oplc n ates coast guard in Wiimette harbor this caiipaigni," ihat President Dubbs,Inarct ofec wh in cmpig lttr irctd e heis to have a high power radio broad- uaecncoercewt Village voter on he da befre th eletio' casting station in the near future, it ofiiIteWimteCvcla1 hadr olaniyheiasi fo the elearm on a-wa nouniced this week by Com- reaffirmýed its support of the Village ty anidaeswih te si~~ o mander T. S. Klinger, officer in charge maaer plan for Wilmette by stug- the waercsandidaffsrded the oiin to f the Chicago district.' Commander1 gesting that the proposed revision of1 mon paty nsuficentopprtuityteKlinger said that equipiit is now1 the Vlge code be changed to ini- correct that unfounded impression. enroute to Wilmette and that construc- croaetefloigtopoi~ ""Nt ee o hi siner ofthe'noicetion of the broadcasting 'station will ions: cf heinuntio sitagins te a-start in about a week." 1. The. Village manager &hall b. ter works, of which 'a copy was en.-1 The station, which wili be the sec- I imd head of each dep.rtment under closed withMr. Dubbs' letter, has-wny ond majo ni iter ado- communi- h~ uidcia n hhb epop- cennect io n whatever %vit h the Ha r- cation system being developed on the'sile for tihe work 'i these depart-. mon cnvet îin"Mr. Ebeling point- Great Lakes, wili be of value in speed- ment.. e u.Iing up resçue work, Commander 2. The. Villlage, managr hall make Ebeýling Makes Statenient Klinger pointed out. The -coast guard recommendations .ini the matter of Mr. Ebeling's statemnt, . including a 'has. a similar'unit at Cleveland an papointmnents of a&l departanent hieads. statenient of campaigni expenditures, smaller unit at Sauft Ste. A'rpotortiscnfrec.a reads as follows: Capt. Ni. A. Jacobson' is now inigivepobrtJof hn P.. Bamanc aîrm i -To Citizens of 'Wilmette: 1rharge of the Wilméte. coast guard' of the Villame af2*rs - coemmifte ai' ews. 'e'.. ftdu, since the harbor ment property. charactero Coast Guard and Other Craft Encounter Diffiçulty in Negotiati.ng Ghannïel Efforts are being made by yachting enthusiasts to bring about the dredg-ý of Wilmette barbor, which is con- ,troiled by the Chicago Sanitarv dis- trict, and is used by the. Sheridan Shore Yacht club and the Unitedl- States Coast guard. Last Thursday.afternoon Frank Heyes and Clark, and Hlarold Mor- ton, of. thée Chicago Yachting- News made a test, of the harbor waters. A small power fishingboat was run about the harbor and went agound several times. Capt. M.,A. Jacobson,: who: recently replaced John F~. Jans-, sens as commander of the Wilmette coast guard station, and a crew from the station towe'd the fisrhing lboat off their small power boat. Flid Chmnniel Shauow Soundings taken by Captaîn Jacob- son reveal an average depth of water of about 2Yz2 feet in the harbor. A channel froin the coast guard station to the lake varies from 3ý2 to 5 feet in deptb. It is pointed out that the lake level is dropping constantly and that within a few weeks it will be iin- Dossible for the large coast boat to. get out into the lalce, leaving only- the smali 'power boat available for rescue work. With large numbers of visiting Pleasure craft expected to use Wil- mette barbor during A Century of Progress exposition, in addition to the wàter taxi boats which lnay be oper- ated between Wilm ette, and, the warld's fair grounds, frequent calis- fonr the coast guard are anticipated. If it is impossible for the, coast g tarcl ta get out with the large boat, ha7- ards wil l be great and loss of life Imay resuit, it is pointed out.. secillaa Healili Menacen

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