ess trip tolPA TRONIZE OUR. H-ayd& Jones,- eldest son of Dr. and Mrs. i-lton I ra Joncs of 1538 Forest avenue, Wilmette, has been granted a fellowship, at the Uni-. versitv of Chicago for the coming. year. Hie honor grâduate of New Trier High school -antd also of Lâke Forest college a,:d has already received his master of sci-. ence de grcec *t the Universitýv of Chica go. I Christian Science, Churches "Probation After Death" was the subject of, the Iesson-sermon i al Churchesý of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday,* April 23. The goldený text was% "He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved" (Matthew 24:13). Among the citations which comn prised thie lesson-sermon was the fol-ý- lowing froin the Bible: "If the chauds be full of rain, they empty .ten selves upon the earth: and if the, tree fali toward the south, or toward the. nlorth, in the place where the tree fahhth, there it s hall be" (Ecci. 11:3). The lesson-serinon also inchuded I g The Local Telephone Directory GOFS PRESS TO. SOON aliy. Sîmilar scnolarsnîp awards have- been made by the college l sevrral other -mid-west bigh schàols. R TIZERS i~- -î-*