IlIctlO Uâ urnrecn r.theeaitor oy TUOsGB7 Dnoon tô Insure a~PearRnce In current, Issue. Remolutona of condolence, carda of thanke, obitu- sA*es. notlem of entertainenta' or other affaIru where an admittance charge la publllibed, wiII te eharcpd SAt rerujar advertiulng rates. Grade Separation Will Save Life Many, of its cutstomers have suggcsted a. change. in the banking hours of The Wilmette State bank for ýthe summer mnonths*. Instead of open- A Good ing on Saturday evening Suggetion frorn 7 to 9,,it is proposed that the bank rernain open ail day Mondayfrn 8 a. in. to 6 p. nm. (This plan was adopted by the majority of north shore banks some timne ago and bas worked ont very satisfac- torily.) We feel' that this would be a wise miove and that the bank will be able to give its custorners even better service than usual, as ini the sunier rnonths, when people are frequentiy avay on Aweek-ends, they will have a l-ong Mâondav. on wliich to do their delayed banking. We believe this change would be welcorned by most of the bank's custoiners and w hope it wiil be given a trial. W e must constantly remind ourselves kof the unusual difficulties that our Vil- lag oficilsmeet and overc ome in these Not o Be trying nionths and vears. Not o Bo Problerns of payig bis [~ Frgotte longsince 'due mnust be solved in sorne wav or. other. Th.e uuerploycd must not be allowed to starve or sicken. The tax question must be faced and.answered in some respectable way. Our officiais we can imagine no better lifet which is a judici6us mixture of and profit. ani one lasure One resuit that the leaders of the. Sco uts are ýernphasizing is character growth, format.ion of &ood, habits.. The young people are iearning the value of honiesty, cour age.. kindness, :industry, pa- tience, per'sistence, 'and other virtues. And. thé, best of it al is that they are iearning this- value in happy ways. Since the future weifare of, Our côuintry. depends uponthe character of 'Our future citizens, wNe who are- aider should do al we can .ta support the activities of the Boy Scouts and, the Girl Scouts.. Money invested ini thern will earn large and sure dividends. These are exciting times. Judging f rom rnany signs, and believing in signs, espe- cially when they agree with our own pri- vate desires, we co nci(e Lxciting that the depression « has' Times passed and that some other kind of "times" bas corne along. And after having read the dailY papers industriously and listened to the radio thoughtfully we venture the belief that these present times are exciting. Like a much-read feature writer on one of our Chicago dailies, a writer who lives on the north shore, no sooner do wve gain a fair understanding of war debts than aiong cornes inflation to test our intelli- gence. For sonie strange reason wve neyer signed up for econoniics or finance 'in our college days and the consequence of such. neglect now appear to annoy us and'keep us awake nights. Now, at iast, we feel forced to study such terms as gold stan- dard, mnedium of exchange, and currency. ut revile the wicked and bombard the Yet outr crities should realize that, ]Even if we heaid a mnan speaking crossly ta his wife It wouldn't, do -for. us ta give bi name and address.i Sa we shall continue ta extol the beauties of nature And especially May, ta many the fairest inontb in the year. le May the, trees burst forth, some 'into, blossomis and leaves,' Others only into, leaves. Some dlaim] that October is a better tnonth than May, Stili, for sheer loveliness ýMay takes thepize -FlOssifer. BLÂME, IT ON THE ýDEPRESSION O!d Mot her Hlubbard Went to the cupboat;d Toget her poor dog.a bone; But,' inasmuch, as, Mr. Hubbard had Iost bis 'job, the: local relief committee wa.s out. of funds, and further credit at the, butcher's was im possible. ýIt is bardly necessary- ta add'that the poor dog got norie. 1-Jickery, dickery, dock, The mouse ran up the clock; Buit, in view of the fact that the piece. of cheese which sister' had hidden an top of the clock for ber own consumption bad been found. and eaten by littie Willie, there was naturally nothiing for ý the mouse to, do but run down again. Hlark, hark, the dogs do, bark, T/e, beggars are copning to *0wn; But, 'being mhet on the outskirts of the village by the chief of police and informed that tbey would aIl bave ta saw and split wood if they expectecf any band-outs, they turned sadly away, wandering how ,on earth sucb thiîgs could be. Tom, Tom the piper's son, *Stole a pig and awvay he run, But, with visions of being turned inta pork prod- ucts which no one couid affard ta buy even at the ridiculously low prices prevailing, the pig wrenched lbase, immediately afterwards venting bis indigna- tion upon an innocent hystander in tbe shape' at'a goose. There was an ldwôma WHIo lived: in 'a shoe; She had so any children She didn't knozu what to d&; But, suddenly recollecting a souvenir fifty-cent piece which she bad boarded ever since the World's Columbian Exposition, she was enabled to .buy the mna terials for an appetizing broth wbich she ad- ministereci ail arounci bef are sending the children' to bed. [a Mnost ofl our fun playi-ng vani- Scouts ous games with the other boys of the neighborhood,, games such. as basebali and "ruui, sheep, run.". Anotilier amusements was, catching bull-, most enthusiastic over the woriders that will be exhibited when the opening days ar rive. We would urge ail who have flot seen the grounds and buildings to do so et their earliest qpportunity. expasuire ot that unavaihing, we sl less dawns inm to suit the offena )f the genus h many, many conjure up -MIQU~. i frm proves sleep- iments