Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1933, p. 14

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Resuits in Draw Howard school was the scene of thie three basketball gaines between Wil- mette scbool teains Thursdgy nigbt. Thie gym was filled' to capacity and. many had to stand. Stolp.,schooi sgent a big delegation to cheer its teains. Each schbl. had cheer leaders,- and tnany yellis were given. TRie outcome of the gaines was satis- factory, to . eacb school 1, as thé, final standing . was a tie. ,The score for the peewees was Stolp 15, Howard 15, This gaine was close al the way but' Howard heid a lead.most of thie battie until Stolp staged a desperate -raliy at. the finish to tie up tRie score. The gaine didnt -go inteo oertime. because it would bave takien too long., The next tussie was. between'tRietwo ligbtWeight teains. Stolp, won tRis, gaine, l8 to 16, after rallying to win. This battie was close and çxciting. Howard won the heavyweight gatne and tied UP the standing.' The final score for the heavyweights was 23 to Ail games were interesting and tRie people who saw them went home satis- fied at tbe outcome.-Evan MIliraith, Stolp lB. Rodman Joyce Vows Neyer to Bat So Much' stoppeci me, teiiing me that I would be sick and also rémarking tbat I had beeni sick last IEaster. After baving aIl tbat excitement, our family went over-to a friend's bouse to be treated to a chicken dinner. After I got home 1 was exhauisted but I promised my- self I would neyer ýeat so mucb. again, -Rodman Joyce, Stolp 2B. Students Write Names to Appear on Diplomas Musical Pro gram Howard 7B will have a mnusical pro- grain Friday. Miss Flaskered, our dramatic teacher, and Mrs. Clark, our music teacher, art botb helping us with it., Numfbers by the girls' octet, along with seveèral piano duets, piano -solos7 and a few instrumental solos, will, fea- ture thie entertaininent. Thie boys' quartet will sing one verse of the min-- uet- to* close thie programf. An accoin- panist will play,. wbile four boys and four girls wilI, dance the minuet 'on the stage.- Maria n Goode, Howar<l 7B. Mamual. Training Pupils RaeOver Crystal Sets Our manùal training teacher, Mr. Bail,* made, a smnall crystal set AUl the boys are asking him about it and he said Rie would belp us inake one or fix an old one. Now aIl onecan hear in thie matnal roûi f rom beys who have notbing to do is: crystals, coil, aerial, ground wire and tbe far- away stations you get on yours.- Charles Hai gh, Howard 8A. Duties, Places Assigned to Junior Police Force The, junior police force of Howard scbooi numbers foiÎ-iteen boys. Bob waiicing acrosstne grass and chilclren's entering the building early. - Harolcô Borre, Howard 8C. STUJDY 13RINGS CHEER In social science the eighth graders are'studyving "Tbe Reign of Andirew Jackson." Thie times then were just as they were a few weeks ago. Banks failed, people were out1 of work and the farmers had a bard time. Now Students Are to Debate .on Question of Slavery We are to have a debate on thie slavery question. On the South's side are going to be Evangeline Oison and Bill. Steen. -. For thé, Nortb are Kimmy Urion and Charles I4cCandlish. The week before vacation, SB had a de- bat e. Miss Van Horne- said tha t thé contestants hadn't even practiced to- gether. First we ,read the different mn'ns speches; ýthen. we. take littie notes on. thein. jI hope our debate. is as successful ai 5Bs.ýChales Mc- Candlish, Howard 5A. Pupils in Lower Grades Seek 3,000 aster Eggs. A4pril 20, the lower grades had their annual Easter egg hunt.. At ý1:15 o'clock, the junior police wenit out, and bld 3,00 candy, eggs. At exactly 2:30 o'clock the lower, grades ran theý length of thie football field to get the eggs. Almost everybody ioulid an egg some .place-in tin catis, under things, and even in the ground. I arn sure the lower grades enjoyed it a lot.-James MIlîraith, Hloward 7B. Stolp Eighth Graders Abandon Paper Projeet The Stoip eigbtb graders bave been considering starting a class paper 1n cluding sport and social news and jokes asb mfucJlas wV flQpVU 10 VjUo ours.- Bettv Ellis, Stolp le. GET ANêOTHER TRY Those who were unlucky enough to fail to reach tRie standard record in our recent ma th 'test are to bc given another- try next -week. Among tRie other tests to:be given are a punctu a- tion and~ a cap italization test in grain- miar. We expect a test soon, on our hast unit in social science. - Bctt Dodds, Howard 8A.1 t Spring Vacation During spring vacation, I discovered something. very, interesting in. our own backya.rd. I got up early and was out. tooking at birds. As I w*alked toward the alley, I heard a, squirrel cbatterinig away as if in *a tree.. I went, into tRie' bouse to get some nuts ýto f eed hum.1, When'I came out again, he was sit- ting on a stum*p and alt of a sudden Rie disappeared. I went out to investi- gate anid found Rie had a nest with five little squirrels Ini it., When thie little squirrels started mrn- ning, around, tbe mother-grabbéd theur with ber moutb and pulled them back itito thie nest.-Dick Haas, Howard 7B. Sehool Begins!1 That'"s -"News Flash at Stolp School begins aiter a week'~s vaca- tion, is the Iatest news according to tbe Stolp News Bulletin. Did you havé a rest fui vacation? It seems$ that some boys, including me, Riad several jobs to perform, such as roîl-. ing the Iawn, raking leaves or spad- ing the garden. Now as thie last quarter of school begins, wq will have to buckle down for some good steady work.-Lowell Snorf, Stolp 2C. Ed Hess Shows Movies at Stolp School Meeting The regular Byron C. Stolp school assenibly was held recently in tht, school gymnasiumn and we had a very interesting program given by our club president, Ed Hess. It con- sisted of movies, taken in E~urope, and s hort explanations about- each scene. 'The prograin was very ed- ucational, and I arn sure .that, every- one ýenjoyed it.-Madeline Zeli, Stolp 2C. PREPARE Ail thie girls in îMiss Wnodlev YLE SHOW, oward are coniing, FORt PERFPECT SPELLERS AUl boy's who get 100 on Wednes- day are permitted to go totthe shp on Friday during spelling. class.- jack MXcConneil, Howard 8A., got pluses in spelling on their' cards and candy for 10) centý and the, three wbo did nôt get a plus. cents worth. We ma got average, Thie best record we mnade profit We took bas tRis year -was, one lord misspelied. room. We haven't de That. is a very fine record .-Lorene do wjth thie money.-I Buzan, Stolp 2C. jýMiss Scott's room. Scott's room sold hot doga LIKES JIG-SÂW WORK I bought 20 I like to work in thie wood shoip ýe $8.80 clçar because 1 can make book ends, ships, ets to everY jig-saw puzzles, and models. I have id ed what to a Jig-saw, a hammer, a plane a nd abi L awrence, a 'Pair of pliers.-Warren 'Palmer, Hoiward SA. j;

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