Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Apr 1933, p. 13

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*Oni Friday evening, May. 5, the nekt ehurch party and social will be hoid at the Woman's clubrooms at 8 o'cloc1k. The social will be ln charge of th e- Yountg Wýomen's Guild, and the -main feature of-the program wil be a home talent play. by the -guild. -Ail memrbers ý;ind rriends of the church are invited to corne. Thée Ch-n-Ui-ee. se well begun last 8aturday by the men and boys of the ëhuireh, wili be fgnished this S$aturday, April 29, both morhing and afternoon. ivery marn and boy is iniylted toshare ira the work. Wheelbarrows, shovels. aund rakes are the tools specially neeci- ed this ýweek. Rumors are that the ladiles hâve a. surprise, in 'store for* the menu and boys who are worklng, but pern ' ission bas fnot been given te vérify - ls uror. Best corne and see!' Stress Parents' Duty in Selection of Films 'tle responsibility of the parents in, selection of pictures for their families to séeý,was stressed in the discussion held bY fthe Wilmette Better Film group at its recent meeting in1 th e lhome of the presidenit, MIrs. Robert Hlahliwell, 1133 Lake avenue. hI order, that parents mnay guide ilieir blidren, inithe selection -of' mnovies. -theéXilmette Better Film group bas recommended tvor books:. ".Hstryof *the Movies by Becnjamin Mois by Alice Miller-is Mitchell; also the Payne Fund Motion Picture. *survey, "Wh'at the M.\ovies Are Do- îIIIÏtO Our Chiildrèni," a condensed re- 'port of which miay be fouind in the -Septemlber, October and Novenmber issutes o( McCaWls magazine, and a * ctirreuit pamphlet, "Endorsed Motion. Picttires," edited by r. Rita Nlc- Ltcal theater managers subinîit their >oigsfor the carrent nionth, andi pareuits 91 doubt as to what.type of1 piiture th eir children should sece are iîvite<l to eall nîel>ers of the \il- mette .l3ttCr ilîm .groilp hichi studies cadi mnlth's offerings -ini-- ci.ud(ling feature i)ictures and short sons desïring iurtner information re- garding the ticket books are requcest- éd to cali Mrs. R. H. Henderson, Wihnete 1687, or Mrs. Stanley Smilth, Wilmette 5037. ATTEND CONVENTION Mrs., LoweIl D. Snorf, 717 Elmwood avenue, and Mrs. George Quinlan', 211 Greenleaf avenue, as delegates of the Central-Laurel P. T. A', xnotored to Danville, the middle of Ia.st week to attend the P. T. A. convention takiig place there. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Yoder andi children are moving from 555 Walnut street, Winnetka,,to 816 Greenwood a-venue, Wilmettel. They. had beený living with Mrs. Yoders mother, Mrs.. W. R. Howe, who lias, taken an apartment with her son in Evanston. P E XSCX George H. Redding was re-eleci- cd president of the Wif mette Ciic leaguec at its meeting held in the Houtàrd school auditorium Mon- day evùening of this week. Mr. Red- ding has serz'ed one term as pires- ident. He has bees active in com- munit y affairs for several' years, niotabIy in connection zeith the Community Chest, the dkinuai uni- fied fund collecting campaiqn to raise the quotas. of varions charity and welf are agencies. ASSOCIATION OFFICER Miss Caroline Littier, first grade teacher at the joseph Sears school in Kenilworth, bas been electeçi secretary of the primary section of the Lake Shore division of the Illinois State Te achers' aàsociation. 'The Lake Shore *division 'of the association held its an- nual meeting iii Evanston Monday of -this wxeek. Public schools in tbe New Trier villages were closed that day so that teachers mighi attend, the meeting.1 l Telephone WiUwette U8 'r 'O a G"'0' %S PAUAGIJS, home grown, S buclie............... GR1APFRfUIT, fimi si, seediess, do:. ...... 49c iES resb, sweet, 3 Is .,.......... ...25C FLORII)A ORANGES, seed. less, extra large, 3 doz. .. 8 c, FRED DELIVNRY NORTHK TOWN, FRUITMAET PHIfoNE ÈWIL.Ili, 1111 Central &Vo. 1178 RUG CLEANING Pricle Redâuced .9xl2 Domestic Low 9X12, Ornta W. guawamttet4he meqult wovmnumspr.m&hrd t. this eommnityfor .more tan20 y.aa. MESTJJAM Pro&. Uni. U50 Wihn.ett. me 1 u I I I i ioW on dot WihutteCoal MN, .aterial Yard. 1301 Lake Avenue Phone Wilm.tt. 42SW Gooci qualify oak leather soles end lon~g wear ing rubber heels put on eviy size sho... Se.wed or naileci on. Besi of service. Work don. while you w ait or delivered fre.fo your home, Wiboldg's Bgues-gs.,o It and floor. Lk Mena St. 637 III gaz

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