men relief worini Wilrmettc was ap- Ûounced . by C. C. Schultz, treasurer and chairman of tbe Wilmette Board of Social Charities, in bis talk at the public meeting sponsored by the Wil- meçtte 'Civic league at tbe Howard, scb9ol, auditoriuim Monday- nigbt of this, week., * We are now t rying to reorganize our association," Mr. Schultz stated. We have requested twenty different churches and societies to send us two representatives of each organization sp that we can enlarge on tbis workc and, .also let oùr organization know througb their own representatives the trials and conditions as we are obliged to meet tbem. Our task isa very seriôus one, as these people who are receivingre- lief arc out own citizens,. our f riends and our neighbors. We datée not f ail them. Ve ..must carry on.ý Need Reinforcements Earlier ini bis talk, -Mr.' Schultz pointed out "that so far. our littie. or- ganzatonof twelve or fourteen mem- bers bas tried to carry on, but we are now 'calling for reiniforcemiiits." He also stated that the funds will be ex- hausted after the. April buils are paid. "Our organization bas two paid em- ployees, Mrs. Lillian D. Northam and Mrs. J.-.C. Blaylock," Mr. Schultz said. "Mrs. Blaylock bas charge of our employmùent department and is doing very commendable work. To date our ermployment bureau bas registered 608 unemployed. She has placed forty-P three in permanent jobs. She bas pro- vided'626 temporary jobs for men and women . and it is very gratifyin~g to have some of these people tell us that though she had no job for them, it made. them' feel beeter for baving talked to her and having received a î little of her sunny disposition. Veteran at Task. "Our welfare work is carried on by Mrs. Lillian D. Northam wbo bas done' this work for many years and Wbo, in- timately alo the families Who corne, to usfor relief.* 1 Wonder bow. many of us realize tbat to ber are con- fided ail the troubles and problems and- beartaches of tbese people, and to one of a less cheérful disposition it would have aý tendencv to cause a feeling of for a help we have received outsidc that. from our own people is ýseventy bar- rels of flour from, the American Red Cross,- Mrs. Lillian D. Northam, in ber, talk at the Civic league meeting Mon- day nigbt, told 'of ber welfare work wbicb she has carried on in Wiirnette. during the past seventeen- years, com- mended 'Mr. Schultz for the amount of overtime he. donates té tbe work of relieving unemployment, and. told ai how gratefuül people were wben jobg W-ere found for them. She said this. geratitude wag one of. the finest com- pensationis she. received forber.efTô«rts. "My' welfare work. would. flot be possible if it were flot for the board of. loçal. charities," Mrs. Northamn added. Dèeribes lIeath Work Dr. Martin H. Seifert, Wilmette heàltli eomimsoner, gave an interest- in- talk about the work of the healthj department. Prevention of disease is the primary . function of tbis depart- ment, he explained. In. addition to the 'quarantine work, this department '13 vitally interested in controlling disease bil educating the public until every per- sin, wiIl wish to be immunized against disease, including smnallpôx, diphtheria and scarlet fever. È He also cited the danger of rabies -"100 percent f atal"-and pleaded for complete cooperation witb the health department with regard, to muzzling and, observation of dogs. Mrs. J. H. Dyon, 1310 Ashland a venue, entertained ber sewing cir- Cle at luncheon Tuesday. This. is a group of women .wb-o have met monthly for thirty-t.wo years. The group. started 'at tbe Broadway M ethodiît church in Chicago. [BERENICE VIOLE J Teacher and Pianist iewages ui the mani operating theC grader and also the, gasoline used in its operation. - In order, that the work might be done ýTrustee joseph H11ri1n-pur Ch ased.$100 worth of the Village's tax anticipation warrants. Mr and Mrs. Fonzo Pesley and theirdaughter. Jane, of Chicago -were guests of Mrs. -Pesley's 'parents.î Mr. and Mrs. William. Awe,, 1030 Illinois road. WILMETTE HOME BAKERY Peraonaaj Attciitim. to AUl Orders Opposite Village Hail , 1193 Wilmette Av. ýWIL 542 Ou_ RîUGS CLE.ANWk'l ý9xl2 Demestica 1Site.d ý '193 Phono Wilmeffe 1200 IL' Iow aes FRANCES TAUBERI 13WILMEItrE AVE. B.autiful PERMANENTS Fiaterang adj Glorioûs wavy hair ýmcdé possible byOur 7kPort opoeaors. Most Powuer Wav. Others #8.95 <and $7.50 FPor A ppoitmet Phono Wilmtti 4582 (JAIUTY 1126 Central Ave. ~JO $5 AN DýERSON S GROCERY & MARKET Ridge Road and Wilmette Avenue Telephone lit8elWilniette GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, Savoy branp No,. 2 cana, 3 for .. . .3 Th. lem&4 wor&e ý%Chhti@n Science Lite - the Reading Ro.m. *r authorized purohmoed et s, THE PUIBLIC s OORDILLY INVIEED 70 ATTE14D TISE "bIJRCH SERVICES AND. VIUTTH11 EAIO OO U MI Pl s . . . . . EF POT ROASt, . . . . . . . -lu 1 a lm ý 1