Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1933, p. 48

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me r r iiuay ani bau r4UFy igli J>VI formances, -ail of the reserved seats having :been, sol1d. Because of the" heaàvy demand for seats. it was, de- cîded* to presenitthe opera on Mon- day nighit aiso. The music epartinent, which is presentng 'khe opera, ,bas had ,the assistance of the dramatic, art 'and physical. education departinents, as Weil as of various'other orgalnizations and individuals at the high school. In fact, the entire scbool bas been con- centrat >ing ail efforts on the produc- Altbough some studenits W'ill takeé part in al of tbe tbree performance of the. opera, new faces will be seen in the cast of "The Gonidoliers" ecach night. The fact that there is to be no school on Monday because of a teaçhercs' .meetin in .Evanston, will give ample tinle for tbe students to rest on Sunday and Monday for the third performance, Mrs. Manian Cot- ton, head of thie music department at the higb scbool, said this week. Mrs. Cotton bad a word of praise for the two boys who wifl have lead- ing roles as the gondoliers, Arthurt Katzel. and Bertil Hiller. Arthur I Katzel, a senior, possesses a tenon voir çu.IArn founi n ahiz h hol. I er Dlarrevu, ini cnarge of publiity, aeaso to be. complimeàted for -thein fne work. Because, ofthe::illness of -Miss Olive Grover,. head of the art de- partmnent, Miss Catherine Murph'y has been directing the work of. pre- paring the -stage settings for "The Gondoliers." Miis s1iabeth Baihatchet of (Wilrnette Uit 46)» of her Fresisma»t year. at Wellesley Il'n Februiary the. seventh district of. college, is beiing> dekitilied uith -col- the Amenican Legion Auxiliary'planý- lége 'etvt hssrn.Si a ned a ational defense meeting at bee seta be a î prongm Sie aiso Evanston. Inclemnent weather forced the Jaenior pronm on A pril 28. let tbe postponement of this meeting. It 1Mlay she will be one of the group is now plan ned to have the saine pro- cary.nth rse hi i te e gram Titésday nigTt, April -25, at tigi tf id Tree Day cereniony. Miss '*The Hut" (Central street station, Elizabeth is the daig hier of the Evanston). No one in our auxiliary Williamt Baihatrhets of 725 reiit/i1 is better posted nor better able to street. president, Mrs. Melville Mucklestone, and she will be the guest speaker of Howard S. Miller, 332 Wasbington the evening. The seventh district avenue, left by motor in March to national defense chairman,' Mrs. Car- tour through the west. He wiIl go to rie Walzer, will also speak-, The Mexico and Caii'fornia and neturn on meeting is open to' botb men andi the S. S. Cali forn ia -tbrough the Pan- wornen and it is hoped that every amua Canal. He will visit bis sister.' the finest accomnpanists New Trier fon the. district. wek bas ever had. She cid the açcompa- Thursla.y (tonight) at 8 p. m. there mother in1 nying wben the New Trier opera was will be a sewing meeting. Mrs. older' daugi given two years ago. James Barcus, 303 Seventeenth street, ber visit wit Commenting furtber on the fine. is hostess. Department bas set a quota of one layette a month. Help Mar lr i us ni~~eet that quota! Also, our unit brayCa ~.T.A has been given as a receipt for its bertNeber, Idefense fund, a beautiful plate dec- prom at Ct iday from a 'irs. Wilds' C. Thieir Aill exteild ith ber grandniother. -0» ýrke, daugbter of Mrs. Hunt Badger, 9'10 lake avenue. te- turned Friday froin a tripto Wash- ington where, he went iwith a, gite froin the Evanston High sçhool. They visited Mount Vernon, the Senate and White House, and >Annapoli-s. Hunt, a -for mer 'student at lEvanston Hligh school, at ýpresent is studing at New Trier. Mrs. Ralph -Whitsett, 8M0 akwoo<ei a venue, returned 1Moniday co',last week from a six weeks' visit withbher son-in-law, and. daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Robent Murray.,at their horne in Saskatoon, Canada. MrE., IMurray is the former Coralee Whit- sett. -0- Barbara jean, daughter of. Mr. and tMrs. H. G. Van Win'le of 313 Park avenue, celebrated ber sixth birthday onSaturday, April 15, with an Easter Party for tvelve of ber littie play- mates. ,Mrs. WV. P. Goldsmith, Who makeS ber home with ber daugbter, Mrs. Arthur M. Long, 1106 Greenwood avetne, returned last Wednesday fron i Tdalantic-by-the-Sea, Fia.. where she bad spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. P: children, also of un nl 'anetka. ky a ri 0o- Mirs. W. Wallace Kerr, 707 Fore-st avenue, bas returned frôni a six weeks' visit with ber daughter ini Melbounne, FIa. She also went through the Charleston gardens.wil away. -o- Mn. and Mns. Harrv Vromnan of dies at ileloit vacation. -- --** ..uii a ir PenuIMng is spring vacation avenue. mwith bis Parent s. Mrs. George D. White, 1101 Green- Clarke Kirwan, 1607 IElnwood ave- wood avenue, entertained ber Tues- nue, spent bis spring vacation Visiti.9g day bridge club at luncheon April 18. 'Mrs. Harold Riesier in Springfield, i i

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