R. I-tawxhurst as president ofthUe vil- lage. The Regular Kenilwortlî part)'si v ictory over tlie Kçepilworth Economy party Was by a margin of approxi- inately 3,tô 2. Mr. Har rison defe.ated ,Hermian, C. Hin tzpeter,' headi ofI the Econoiny, ticket as.,candidate'for Vil- lage president, 615 te 433. Re-EIect 3 TrUiteea> 1liree Kenilworth trustees whose ternis expired i this spring uwere re- elected on the Regular ticket, .Harry '.Crooks,. Richard Wolfe andi Hen- ry G, Zander, Jr. The' rceied6031 .ýt9 and: 627 «votes,, respectively, The 'Economny party candidates for trustees, Warner C. Lewis, John T. Janette'and'David E. Elmgren. pcilled 43i. 448 and 413 votes respectiveiy. G eorge Rothiermel, police magis-: irate, . rit.nig for_ reelection oni the Regular Kenilworth party ticket, de- .eateci Brower. Munroe, the Economiy party candidate for this office, by a ruargin of 631 to 414. Poli Record Vote9 Ali indication of the iinusual inter- e-,t 41own in the Kenilworth election ï, ,eenii M the fact that more than 1.000 votes werc polled, while the population of the village, according t,) the 1930 census, is 2,501. WVith the exception of the presi- troop committees, wiIl start , next Monday also in the Girl $cout room- at the .Methodist churcb. It is te be given for 'eigbt, successive. Mondays f rom 1:30 to.3:30 o'clock in the after- noon. Ne fee will be chargeti those wbo take the course, it is -announceti. -On the first four. Wednesdays of Mav the ýWilmette Girl'.Scouts will hold a bogne-made cookié sale. The S3couts hope in this. manner to raise enough-money te carry.on tbeir werk' for the remainder of thé year with- eut' conducting a, drive, for funds.' They plan to seil tbé cookies at thé homes. and in the schools.. Further an- neuncements cencerning the cookie sale will be made, in Willi~tT1mLnem. Bid to Operate Food Stand Birtngs Pwt Formai application from Herbert Zipf for permission te erect a re- freshment stand at the northwest corner of Lake avenue. and Main street was received by the Village board- in a commuica~tion. re2ad nthe Mvr. r roehde as a rrUsteç. A icrmai resolution to thig effect is to be pre- pared. It will be, spread on, tbe minutes and a copy. sent- to Mr. Froehde. Trustee Froehde has, sérv- ed as chairman of the police and ire. .cemmittee for theé pagt year, and since the deathb of Trustee Stacy C. Blennett hee bas also' been chairruan of the finance -committee.. In addi- tion to bis work on.thiese committees lie bas. spent many heurs witb Trustee Harry,,C. Kinne, chairman of the judiciary committee, and Village Attorney WiIlis D. Nance, working on tbe, revision of tbe Village code. The. revised-code is, te cotue up for passage soon. Seek Permits to Open 1Golf Practice .courses Two communications requesting the Village board for' pér>-tits-to operate golf practice courses in the west sec- tion of Wilmette were read at the regular meeting of the board Tues- day night. Both. were referred to the streets andi alleys cemmittee, of which Trustee Arthur Lee is chair- Pending such legislation, it was felt. that the several municipalities are oh- ligated to. enforce tbe provisions of existing charters. Charte» Standl"a Winnetka« Glentoe andi Highland Park bave city or village charters prohibiting tbeitcensing or sale of. mnalt andi vinous liquors, -tegardless Of the alcoholic content, and the North-ý western univers:ty cbarter imposes similar restrictions in Evanston andi in an outïside radius which ineludes practically aIl cf Wilmette. Kenilwortb, the only village not represented at the conference,. was. organizeti under the general laws of tbe state andti terefore bas ne char- ter res trictions of this nature to con- tend with. However, Village manager F. L. Streee4 a i4 jiand -ttn the Monday evening session,-but was unavoidably, detaineti, explains that at tbe meeeting of the Village board cof Kenilworth on April 3, the ques- tion of licensing or prohibiting the sale of beer was referredti t the po- lice connnittee for investigation andi 1S. Johnston of )r permission tc course on the, aiction toin, \\ ater ;£~. .-n.I1U< ana4111.1. Fox. Swarthmore College Head Will Speak at New Trier Dr. Frank Ayd.elotte, president oi ISwarthmore college, will speak, at the general meeting of the New Trier Parent-Teacher association at Ncwv Trier H-igh school on Mondav, May tresimets.roouu and uce, ne sain. 1I would be serveti on paper plates and1r cups. Mr. Zipf aIse .asked permissionc te break the curb on the Lake ave- nue side cf the street intersection. A letter from J. M. Hartley, 1438 Lake avenue, concerning the propos-1 ed refreshmnent stand, aise wvas readi at the board .meeting Tuesday night.? Mr, Hartley said that sucb a stand1 would cheapen propertv in the ýown as BABIES FRIENDLY HOSTESS The Babies Friendly Society of. Wilmette will have an ail-day nmeet- ing at the home of. Mrs. Thomas N. Mickey,. 2106 Elmwood avenue, on, untiî sucn urne as the question of pro- hibiting or licensing the sale of beer At efnitely determineti. Athe meeting Monday evening it -%as unanimously agreeti that tbe sen- timent of the people of the north shore is opposedti t the sale cf beer for censtimption on the premises. 1* was ls 2iz iYPldrllv ntyrpeA. *hat Asie for Ad-Taker 1,iheridafl.I., 1 &IL,.,