Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1933, p. 46

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Uc a -w m---sadn 9ron.5va es-VVimete, ftenilwortn, Winl- WiIlow Rd., Wlnn. Owner. Ph. bedroomns, 3 bathset Winnetka 3278. 97L,50-ltp Engllsh style home., Unusual loca- netka and Giencoe -will be closed tion. 1 bleck from .Sheridan rd. Price that day. The mieeting will be held 5 AND 6 ROOIW HOUSHS- IN NORTH- subjeot to offer forquick deal. New- at the E-vaniston ToWnship ýHigh brook, hot water heat. Reasonable hall. Glencoe 1554.. Briargate 1865. school. *rent. Call at 1937 Willmette Ave.,,WII- 1071 Skokîe Ridge Dr.. Glece ar mette. 97LTýN50-ltp &Warner. 11lTSoe4 tc Followingaenrlssinsa- 2 BUNGALOWS 11IN NORTHY'IELD. SPECIAL THIS WEEK-WILET at .9:30 o'clock in the morning, ONE5-OOM 04E ROM. Substantial 9 room frante homne on large thr will. be sectional meeti.ngs, Glassà porches, garage., Winneatka 797. lot :10ODXI60 2 tile baths. enclosed luncheon, another, general sessoni --------------97LTN49-3tp sleeping, porch; library with tireplace. teatron aa usiness meeting. - OMPriced at. $16.000. .for a real tefamllyonan ROMHOUSE; LARGESCREIENED lInvestmnent. .Mrs. Didrîkaen, Holly- D*R S. von -KleiinSmidt, president porch;, où heat; eaat of tracks; $75 court 1855i Greenleaf 1855. BAIRD& or rent furnished for sutrnmer.'Glen- WARNR52Dai t coe 1330. 97LTN!50-ltp 1MER,50-522 DavisR CAMP à RM. BUNGALOW NEÂR SC and tranap. H. . hoat. $6.306 llth etreet, Wilmette. Winneétka. 3132. ,97LI FOR RENT-6 IROOM HOUSI Water heat; 1 car garage. trans. Reasonable rent. 'W 1910, 97LT NINE ROOM STUCCO HOUSE baths,, sleeping porch, garage trally located, in Wfi1w.tte, HI4GHLAND ýPARK SPECIAL OPEN- TODAY Red uced 1,from $z4.250 to,$15,000. Attrac- tive' 7 réoome, 2 bath, Engiish houseý wlth Sun room and slp. Porch. Lot Reasonabie taxeS. WII1 also rent. NeWhall, 1071 Skokie Rldge Drive. 4jiencoe. Baird & Warner. B9riargate 9 ~o (iencoe 1554. 1IlTN50-1tc COLONIAL, HOME ON WOODJED K ~Geee, àbedi'ms.; 8-bah; breakfas.t rmi; 2 screened pehes.; o11 heat; 2 car~ garage. $23.000. $18.000 nmortgage. INN IN ()R EL4A ND 66 ~3 Vernon Ave. m EANSTON *Attractive 7 rooni fri 5Oxi5O; hot w$ater1 eration; 2 blocks to * to relIa bIc Party. $10,000. Mi's. Didrf 1855, Greenlea? 30511 BEYE AND BEYE. PRIVATE SCHOOL and camp, Marcellus, Michigan. Boys., girs-315*U, S. Nutrition schedule. AIl year. $1 daY. $25 mo. Phoneo Wlin 428.. 118LTN60-4tp las EXCHANK7-j,, ESTATE HAVE AN ATTRACTIVE HtOUSE 1IN Glence. and 2 flat ln Evanston. Both clear, wish to trade both for home ln S. E. Kenllworth, or N. B.Wimetté. Speakers who will address the sec- tional meetings and the subjects on which they wilI" talk have been an- nounced. as follo,6ws.: Elementary ,section -Dr. 'Ernest Horn of the University of Iôwa, "Evauation of, Activities." Junior -and senior high school sec- tion-Dr. R. S. von KleinSmidt, "Reconstruction and the Teaching Prof ess ion." Junior college seéction--Symposium prepared by this section- under the direttion of: Dr.- Leonard. V. Koos, University of Chicago. Fine and, applied arts-Dr. James McKinney, education director of the American.school', "Adap tation of Fine, and -Applied Arts to Present-Day Demands." _Home .economics section - M iss. c -rogress, "Spot Lighting a Cetury.'s Learning." * Le. Sow.rby on Program SMusic section-Leo Sowerby, con- tf ductor, "Modern Music." ePrincipals' and supervisors' sec- -tion-Dr. E. O. Melby, professor of p education at Northwestern univer- Ssity, "The Role of the Principal ,in YEARL UNUSUAL FRE ravine overloo bedruis. 4 bath bath; 2 c&r gar. ANN M 663' Vernon -Ave. iX' RENTAI. Kimbaîl, owner, Glencoe 170. i 4NCH HOUSE ON 111ITN50O.lp king lake-4 master FINE HOMES IN. EVANSTON.__W1IL'- is; 2 maids' rms. and 1 mette, Winnetka, Glencoe and High- 1 %; ohl heat. $250. land Park, for rent or sale. BAIRD 'q [ORELAND & WARNER, 1071 Skokie Ridge Dr.,. Gleco.305 Gîencoe, Glencoe 1554 or Briargate Glecoe305 1855. 550 Park Drive, Kenilworth, 98LTN50-ltp Kenilwortlv 4785. 522 Davis St.. Ev- anston, Greenleaf 1855; Holl3ycourt ro RENT-NOUSES 1855. . 11LTN50-1tc 'NGALOW;- GARACIF L SIMMONS I ld to doublee lient conditioi Physical education section-Leon Krantz, associate professor of phys- ical education at Northwestern uni-, Sversity, "Justification of Phvsical :p Education." 'y Parent-teacher section-William T. . Foster, "Woman's P~art in the Eco-, V nomic Reconstruction. S In addit ion to the sectional meet- ~ings there wiIl be a luticheon meet- Sing at the Orrington. hotel at which Mrs. Kerry C. Meagber, 716 Celn- tral avenue, entertained the Tuesday club at luncheon antd bridge April 184 48-4tc U

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