Topping the events at this termina- tion. of another club year for the wornan's club of Wilmetteis the an- nul spring luncheon! next Wednes- day. For its coming at that m omen when club. activity hangs for a mno- ment suspended wVhile outgoing offi.- cers lay their work into the hands :of, the newcomers* for, continuance, .a program bhas been arranged ontly with, sheer entertainment in: mïd, .a cab- aret during luncheon, a reading and dance divertisýsemenitafterwards. Tbis is an innovation in programn type. For the first time, too, the club is bavng tsfestivelunctheon witbin its own doors. Tbe hour'is 12 -30 o'clock. Cabaret entertainers, di- vert the guests wbile at luncheon in- - clude' Miss Wilma Farnswortb, who with ber brother, Wrigbt, ini the brigbt costumes of tbat sulnpy land tô the SouthI, 1 will- interpret, a group Of Mexican folk songs and dances.i Winston O'Keefe of '-*ortbwestern university, known as "Thie Texas Cowboy," in costume will sing cow- boy ballads to bis own accompani- ments on the guitar. A reader, Mrs. Ethel Swif t, and dances b>' pupils of the MIr Bll Jngram school of Oak Park, will pro- vide the after-luncbeon prograi: 9 1.- three Dafnces Mrs. A. Sundiof,-c-hai-r-ma-nof wo- men in'industry -for the Minmette league, will present Mrs. R. C. Jacob- son, one of the leageues radio speak- ers -and, state chairman of Mrs. Sund- lof's 1departmen t,' in a discussion of some 'of the .most interesting. plans f rom the league's .Depression Pro- 'The regular monthly board meeting. of the league will precede the luncéh- eon at Il o'clock, Mrs . Harry Burn- side presiding9. M4embers interestedin 'the-speaker are asked to corne promptly at 2 Catholic Club to Have 'Anrn ai Meetinq ,Air. 28 ue neld in the Woman's club bouse on Friday, April 28, at 12 o'clock. Each member is to bring her lunch- eon and coffee will be served by'the social committee. Miss Mara Senta, .a ver>" talented soprano, and a protegée of Charles Marshall, operatic star, will sing a group of songs and will play ber ôwn accorantnn2nts. * In pastel-hued boop-skirted cos- ltumes of th~e Louis XVI period, the Eighteenth. Century Singers, will corne to the Neighbors of ,Kenil- worth Tuesday, -April 25, to give their program. The siniging .will be con-ý fined to ;old songs. of the century which bas inspired. the group's namne. Finished performances, critics de-. clare, have won :recognition, for t hé singers who are Marjorie- Kimpton. Le otai olton, Esther Reeder, Sally Radoif, -and Erma Rounds, their di- rector and accompanlist., They ap-' peared in -con cert at the Wilmette Presbyterian churcb last spring, gave a. program for the' Pilharmonic club last summer, and have had nu- merous private engagementsthis past year. Miss Rounds, identified *witb the Wilmette presbyterian cburch for -mor~e lhali ten years, '~is ts iusic di - rector. She is, as well, organist at the Frist- Presbyterian ctiitcarçh of Oak- Park and is one of the leading ar- txmpanists in Chicago. Thé program chosen for Tuesday at the Neighbors is divided into thrce groups: 1. When Davies Pied.....Arne Oft in the Stilly Night .... Moore It Was a Lover and His Lass .,..1.........ý....... K Le i IJe 2. Reading, a igbt comedy Swift 3Dances (a) Fan Dance Betty Cornelius (b) Modern Instance, Frances Ingrani, johnny Vetler Installation of new' officers elected at- the meeting Wednesday of this week 'takes place at tbe luncheon April 26. The slate presented by the nominating conimittee Wednesday arts, chairman of p three directors.. Hostesses during include Mrs. L. G.1 Budinger, and Mrs. L the social 'bour Bratton, Mrs. J. A. C. Oblendorf. is .kiwn onWny niiu the north shore, wUll b artists featured. by & Broad, Program chair» act Play with beautifid tî,,is atiother Ire «t wic lover; oet e one of thse Urs. Charles nan id stage set- planned. (b) The Ways of the World '(c) The Drummer Boy The luncheon. bour is 12:30 o'clock. bu~t for a haîf hour preceding it the annual meeting will be beld, includ- ing in its procedure the election of officers. Those whoin the nominatîng9 committee has presented for' offiée. are: Mrs. Vernon Loucks, for first vice- president.; Mrs. George - Vaught, re- 1fo' two..year.. ohnge President, e at a mee itilI bc isi, I phanage.