Troop 1, Wilinette, reccntly held its monthly court of honor for April. At this court of honor the special. speak- er was. the foraier' scoutmnaster M r. Colburu. Mr. CoIburn was scoutjMs ter fromn 1910 to -1914. His subject was how he and aMr. Rice took their 12year-old sons and many other boys and formed Troop 1., Troop 1, is sili Coing, having stopped oônly once for about six onths in. 1928. He also told -about, some of bis scouts wbo were "J iumypp" Paterson, now * cýàch at Wabash college, and a boy nanied' Dubbs and a few others. We ncect had tbe tenderfoot investi- ture' ceremonies wbich were very in- teresting. Six tenderfoot scouts. took * this investiture.- Tenderfoot badges were'awarded to William Poizin, Bill Bartlett, George Lundy, William Gra- barn, Edwin -»pissrn and Mark 1FuIlanas. bee. $econd class badges were awarded tBob Anderson, William Hayt, Bert Simons and Lawrence Scbuber. 1First Class badges .were awarded to jack H-arvey, Blob Henderson, Bill Knepper, james Mcllrath and Bobi Mattbews.s Merit badges were niwarded ta Rob Spring 91 as set1 scout s a nd leaders to tbinking, of Camp Ma-Ka-J.a-Wani and. their summer activities at tbe camp Sitei nortbern Wisconsin, Preliminiary plans are under wa y for this season's camp program and camp' administration. 0f the twenty-four member&oLtle camp staff lasît year, many are. re- turning, and able leadership is fore- seen. One of the bappiest facts is that the famous chefof last year, R. W. Ross, manager of atea rom in Evanston, is, to bc back- again this year. His inusual abiity as a cook and bis likeable personality made hlm the niost pepular cook, camp bas 1 ever iiad. Scouts going batte this- yerare looking forward again to tasting some of bis delicacies such as sweet rolls, fresb home-made breati, Scotch kurls, scones and other famnous dishes of bis. This year 'marks the fifth anni- versarv of Camp Ma-Ka-a-Wan. A fine name for himself in another part of the world. The scout, Jack R. -Wil-l liams, many of the old Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan campers will,.reinember. Aithougli he lived in Chicago at the time, he at- tendeti Ma-Ka-ja-Wan as a guest camper. Now living Honolulu, he: is active in the Sea.*Scout, Ship On Washington's bithday of tbis year at a grand outdoor scouting e x- hibition calleti the Makabiki 1which bas annual event tbere.for twenty- tbree years, jack' Williams was, one of the.Honolulu scouts to get bis Eagle Scout rank.' jack> Williams is a frienti of'Cbarles" A. Steele of Glencoe, chairman of Re- gion Seven Canmping committee. Ini a letter te 1Mr. Steele, Williams encloseti seve rewslpaper elipp1Tggand mit ticles telling tbe story of tbe Eagle Scout presentation and Honolulu coun- cil's big Boy Scout entertainent. Mr. Steele in answering Jack's let- ter enclosed thiig paragraph: "Con- gratulations on your receiving the Eagle Scout rank. Tt takes a lot of sticlc-to-it-iveness to become an Eagle, andl later on--in life you will realize The Ma-ICa-Ja-Wan lodge ofhe Order of the Arrow lias organized to help,,prornoft the annial camp ç 'n"o and council meeting to be beld. Friday, April' 28, a t the Raivinia school. -The president Of the Arrow, Cal- vin Gartley of Lake Forest,. met with thée district, chief tans on Saturday, April 15, to Malce plansfora ro member to yisît .every troop in -thé. council to teill the. scouts and scouters more of this great célebration, featur- ing- Bob Becker, of, the, Chicago Tribunê. Tbe district chief tans delegated to. direct this Promotion gr e: George Bersch, Wilmr-tte;'Val Smith, Kenil- worth; Bob:, Winnetka; Lewis Birdsall, Glencoe; Henry Wilder, Highlandj Park; Jake Jeppesen, Higli- wood; Elmer Carlquist, Lake For- est; *foward iCrnox, Lil-ýryvîlIè; Fen- ton Hopkins, Deerfield, and Frank Appleyard, Glenview andi Northbrook. Optimist Troop Makes Arrangements for Hike. Troop 10 held its weekly meeting, andi an annc>uncement was matie that we were going to go te the cabin-in- the-woods for Wednesday and Thurs- day. niglits. The number of boys, who tioA cards -and ranks. Thie following oi Progress ranks were given out: coxwain-Jarvis participation Brown andi John Luke; second mate- thre,-eamp John Pearson anti Mr. Van Deursen; been set as first mate-Fred Mass. We hope that June 19 to the ,Sea Scouts will be ready te take' July 3 te jul tg thé water wben .summer. comes .17 te july and Sfor a birthday gift from :by parents. It belongs ring "gooti bebavior." LTHY. IFTY. Save'your health so as to bave a, reserve gency. It is the reserve iarks tb.e champi*n* MOVIES FOR CHILDftEN The James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymond Foundation wil. present a free program of motion pictures fo r chiltiren Saturday morning, April 22, at Field Museum cf Natural, Historyv. 'The filmstahpc n- "A '-' to ha for ýperiora- the £x. jiA5e uZiiet t worry about wori in, a late 48, Lake