Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1933, p. 18

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announced, this week ' The airport's offices' -on the fait grounids are al- ready, buit, and, the ramp is nearing, complet ion at this writing. The ramp ilocatt.d just south of the General Motors ,buildingà. Mr. Hodges plans to, bend most of bis working bours at the fair grounds this sumnier, while Cliff Condit, who bas beeti a pilot, at'Pal- Waukec for _ ive yeàrs, WilI be- in charge -9f, the airport. located on Mil- waukee avenue. south of - Vheeling.: Announcement was, made this wcek that Pal-WN.aukee bas obtained ýthe Public Service. Comnpany of North-. ern Illinois Sikorsky and another Sikorsky from the factory to be used during the period of the world's fair for the shuttle service that is to be operatcd betwecn the fair grounds and the Chîîcago m u nipa airport. This service will inake it possible for visitors to the fair who use the air. lines to have direct transportation fromn their city of departure to tbe fair grounds. Pal-Waukee airport has' the exclu- sive concession for the operation of heavier-than-air aircraft, exccpt au- togiros, at A Century of Progress during the period of the fair. *lit. ýLouIs. Thne other, a Locjchead- Sirius,, was brought iii from Omaha by "Duke" jérnigin, çhief of the avia- tdon division ofthe Texaco *companiy,: who was accompahied by Pete CIau- sen, lubricating egne for Texaéo. Jernigig and Clausenhàd. stopped at Curtiýssthe Week, previons on their way from St. Louis to Omaha., Sy'Harbor Cl.ubho's Leased for 1933 Season Ant 1hony Schmitt and Joe Koza have leased the Sky Harbor airport clubbouse for the 1933 season. They plan to run a series of 'Wednesday and, Saturday night dances, and will also operate the clu-bbouse restau- rant. Mr. Schmitt and Mr. Koza ,have announced that they have will sell beer and tbst 4ffried hcket and steak dinners will be specialty. Nielht air rides over the north shore will be an added entertainment feature at the Wednesday and Saturday eve- ning dances. Finish Rebuilding of C. W. BradIey'g Plane Work on the rebuildinvz and nver- This was to be New Trier's décision debate this seasoin. Matches held previously have no-de-cision affairs. Kildeeir Golf ers. Look Forward Another Big JBy E. L. EuIls first T he been to Year Kenneth L. (Tug) Wilson> ,presi- (lent of 'the -Kildeer Coùntry club, predicts a big year for golfers. While it is truc that. during the last two ycars, econôniic conditions have caus- cd many golf entbusiasts. to put their clubs away and just forget about the royal and ancient gaine, it is -quite evident that many enthusiasts are re- turning to the fold and it looks like "happy days are liere agai for the golf crs. Maybe about it been won one of the cheerful things aIl is that tnany who have idering how golf clubs can the storin have foutid otit ugh unusually good manage- direction by the able "Tug" himself, Kildeer is making le strides even during,.these the united States, îoaay, as a con- sequence, the fairway turf is said :to be unimatched in thé country. A., wateritig systemn simi.lar to the one at North. Shore is found only at the Detroit Golf clubi. Its. sprinkler systeni cost ',the North ,Shore club $1 10,000.- The North Shore watering systemn is entirely underground. Main water uines run froin the-reservoir tank un- der. the -rough parallel to the fair- was.Water is. carried firmths feeder lines- by pipes, runningý under the airaysto 450 stationary sprin- kler heads, each with Àa sprinkling radius of ninety feet. These sprin- kler heads, originally. placed just bc- low.the surface level o'f the.fairways,' now are two and a haîf inches be- low the level because of the healthy growth of the turf in thie tr years the system bhas been in use. The full pressure, one hundred pounds, is maintained *at ail times during the playing season, and all that remains to be donc is for a maintenance man to open the sprin- kler heads. Because of the plentiful supply of water five fairways cani be sprinkledt at one time and ine are sprinkled every :evening, the full course three timies a week during the playing season. t 1 Norh Sore irwas Icomplete overhauhing andi the rest ot to ort Shre irw ysthe sbip was re-covered and r- The conipany whicb manufactures finished. Majestic radios bias presented one of its latest miodels to, Clarence Cia- Wayne King Plans Plane baugh of the North Shore airways at Curtiss airport. Mir. Clabaugli lias Trips During Vacation, announced that the niew radio' wilI anlig h rhsr edr be used in connection with the public an ig h rhsr edr address system at Curtiss field, this is planning to do considerable flying summerthe latter part of this inonth, when * sumerhe will be on vacation. King. was at operateci at a profit of over $7,000t last year, one must admiit that KiJ.. deer Country club is, setting à rec- ordl that golf clubs throughout Amer- iça are very muchi interested ini. 1A delegation representing e'astern* golf clubs visited Chicago with the special purpose of going over finfan- cial set up and non-promnotion plan that has made Kildeer. famnous. Il -Doctrine of Atotietitent" was the subject of the le'sson-sernion In. al Churchecs of Christ, Sèientist, on Sundav, April 16. .The golden text was, "There is one God, and -one nieditator betw,%eeni God and niei, the mn iCrist Jesus" (1 Timnotll% 2:5). M. an 'maa aie atthe Ken lb 1- à - ý l . . 1 1 1i , , I i endý t)maha,, clùb.'ý

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