won the entbtlsiastic approval of critics in most of the' large cities of this country for, ber recitals and ap- ---pearanices witb the Am.ericaân Opera coinpan Gretel,-is augb uie Steen, whose *clear soprano voice and charming stage presence never fail Io Wini the sympatby of the audience. She ýalso has appeared in: a vari ety of roles witlh the American Opera company, as well as witb te Cincin- nati Opera company. The remaining parts are, sung by Constance Eber- hart, contralto; Olive Meminger, mezzo-soprano, and Charles: Dobson,, baritone, ail of whom -are* pro .min 'ent figures ini the musical world. Willard Rhodes, is the conductor and director.ý The opera is sung in Engliih. IN CHARGE OF DANCE Mrs. Hald B3arjes. of 98 Indiau, Hill road, Winnetka, and 'Mrs. Alfred fWiltberger are in charge of the dance which wil'l follow the radio revue of the Evanston branch. and Junior au%.- iliàry of the Infant Welfare society --are- 'sponsoring Saturday evening, April 22, in the Evanston Fligh scbool. The revue, in whicb proniinient radio stars wilI appear in person, will be f romi 8 to 10, and the (lance, for which separate tickets are necessary, %,.ill be from 10 to 12. consul, was present, attired in bis kilt, -and spokie briefiy. The part eof the Prince is taknb Geoge MacKill of Minmette and that of Flora MacDonald by Miss Cathe- 8nuei Binnie Of Winnetka. Dancing by a group of children during the Gathering of the,.Clans isa feature. ý. Tickets for. the' eve nt mhay be ob- tained from the club's presideut, Alex McFadzean of 2755 Prairie avenue, Evanston, .at Winuetka Commrunity House, from any member of the club. or at the door. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barnes. 94 Indien Hill road, Wîn fnetka, will be host and hostess at a Dutch treat supper Saturday preceding the Ev- anston Infant Welfare benefit radio 'io ie -Id A n . £-AS T0F Epslal 1v Tuw Vv "d Une POEK LOIN Ri r -Loii end Hou"7 B.IiedSIc.d. H AX HfiÇf Pinit Cole, 51mw or Potato S&Wa FREE club at luncheon on \%edniesdav of last week. Mrs. Justin Lange, Mrs. E. A. Robson of Wilmiette, Mrs. Her- bert McKinney of Glenicoe, Mrs. Wil-. lis Litteli of Evanston, and M.rs. D>. S. -Elrod of Wînnetka are nienibers. MOVING AWAY Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bathrick, 66 Indian Hill road, Winnetka, are moi'- ACCURACY COURTESY FAITH irmia .5for 5 R.st. Granulaed, SUGAIL 1I me 2 p TENDER NATIVE rPOT ROAST lb. 101/2