Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1933, p. 48

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Mr. T. Saniuei tParsons, chiaîrman ot the Evanston Water comnittee, ail of: which correspondence was dated subsequent to Februar>' 21st. 1933. The. publicationi of this correspond,-. ei.ce was evidenitly iutended to con- ve>' the impression that the officiais of, the Shaàwiee Cpuntry club. actu- al>', believe that Wilmeétte should have, a lpwer water rate,. and , that' they hacI been eudeavoring to obtain same frôni Evanston. In his letter 'to Mr. Parsons, under date of March 2Mt, XMr. Pearson states. that. he preseuted the inatter ini full to the undersignied, >as-, acting president. On the afternoon of Saturda>'. ýMarch 4th, 1I had 'a conlference with Mr. Pearson, Mr. Frenicli. -Mr. Mvc- Donald and Mr. Page, during whi ch conference th-ey inquired as te 'wlwtii- er it would be possible to stop the construction of the %water works pro- viding a ilower water rate 'cotild be. obtaiued from Evanistoni. Jstated thiat. in my opinion the principal difficult>' in making sucl ai) arraiigeiienit would be to ascertain the ainount of reduction whichi Evaniston would ai- low and then to deterinie the amount whiich it would be iecessar>' to pay ini settiezuent with the conî- tractors. Althougli Mr. Pearson evi-, ltvaitstoni The' extent of Mr. Pearson's eni- deavors along this line is plainI>' showu b>' his letter of February 2lst, where lie states, "It had been the po- sition of the club that the water works was none of their affair and theit ouly objection -lias been to the location.". And ' fnrther, -you cati imagine mv surprise when 1 asked *By a careful attalysis of the figures set forth in the above letter, it wjlI be seen that it costs Evanston 3.06 cents per 100, cu. ft. to pumüp its wat er, to whichl. caiî be added 6%/ on the total cost of its plant, (.63 centsî per 100-cu. ft.), 1 iiaking 'a total cost of 3;69. centsý It lias beenî re- ceivîng 7.12 cents Per 100 cu. ft. ov er a long period. The records of, both Evanston and Wilmnette show without any speculationwhatsoever the anioUnt -of water purchasçd during the Iast twventy years. The difference between the .côst to Evanston and the amouint, paid by. Wilmette durlng, the last twenty. years, based on actual con- sumption, anmounts to over $450,000. In other words, we have paid Evans- ton during thé lasttwenty years an actual profit sufficient to approx- imiatel>' pay for the additioiîal equip- tuent which it expeët,,-ii the near fuue o instaM~lluiicase WilJuiet :hould enter into a contract for a period of twenty years oni the pres-. ent basis, (which is the onlv basis oit %vhich Wilmette autlôrities liad an>' right to rely Up to the tinie of let- iing contracts), Wilmett.e' would build the additional plant for Eivans- ton and have nothing at the enid of twventy years. Out of that saniieprofit practicaly. the entire Wilmette .pumip- îtîg plant. cati be buit and at the end of the saine period this village .twenty years. Froim this nmust be de- ducted the cost of settling *with the contractors who. have already beguni work, Ieaving no saving by sucb a procédure. Tlhe 15% loréduction plant %*onld still obligate 'Wilmette to pay Evanston a profit' of $300,000 base.d tipon thé water actuall% .p.urchased <ltiig the past twenty years. gratitudeill 1 e gaineci. Surely flot b>' saddling an expensive ..laws!4it upon the- Village -of XVlmette, which. Iawsuit has been ,brought.about priai- cipaîll>'b' Evanston mnenibers of the club. It occurs to the wýriter that the Shawnee Country- club' would' gain the gratitude of the residents of Wil-,- minette. to a far greater 'degree if it would pa>' its taxes when due and. ini full while'the schools,anid the Vil-_ý lage are in financial. difiçulties. -This is the. club's cîvic dut>'. My oni>' desire is that the.citizens of Wihinette kn 1ow.the facts. Yourtrul>', Harry C.- Kinne- Gi'orl Scouts Plan & Bg Prents Night WVilnîette Girls Scouts will hiok *a parents' Üight Monday, April 24,. it 'Wias amiounced this week. 'Mothers anîd fathers are being uirged to re.- serve this iniht so that they cati at- tend. A pageant depicting the variolns phases of Girl Scout work is to be presented, with memibers of aIl the Wilmette troops participating. In addition to the pageant there in easy cltuviig, distance oft Milwati- kee. The latter camp is for oné-day camp trips. Further details concerning the plans for the Wilniette Girl Scout parents' night will be annouinced ini F ,. Frr ELî:~next îveek. .M',nt'iI e11 'AÀ 111mn, large baskets of luscious fruits and bouquetsý and baskets of exquisite flowers, besides potted, plants. Que dehighted prize winner carried lionîe an eighteeni-pound hani. ,After the gaines were- played, ..thle fashion sh ow was staged. Ten mietai- biers. of. the Society nodeled the verv latest creations .ini sport s.,a fter.nooi, and evening clothes. The stage was, fitted out as a lovel>' drawing roonli in which a--debutanite tea took'place. Mrs. George Davie as the "bud," was the center -of attraction, gowned,,ini white organdy enibroidered in blue. She was. presented to, the guestg by MVrs.,L. E. Mitteni, who,,as her notl- er, was dressed in beige crepe and lace* with brow i accessories. Following the debut ,vas thcý wed-t ding. Mrs. William Abboit a,; the bride, was wearing afi eqtùiItetra tion of white satin witlu long tralin and tulle veil. Shie wa, atteiided b).% Hielenl English as ,naid of honlor ini browNv organdy and brown bat and tvo bridesmnaids, I<oretta White and Mrs. Walter Glass, wearing pink lace with brown jackets. and hats. Eddie Catîjis and his ine-piece or- chestra genierouisly, furnislîe< the mu- Sie. im.unu vcunneîî the luiicieeon oi S- ess. On Weduesday, April 18, theére will be a business meeting at theý hoeof Mrs. Cedric Sinith, 205 ls ,,ex road. Jews and Christians to Have Fellowship Meeting On Tuesdav evening, April 18, at the Covenant club, 10 North Dear- born -street, Chicago, there is to p.ase 1 Ile tan, nta.., IC 88*. No one can justi>' Mamie Evausoo Frida% lifor wishing to .keep Minmette as a birthday. aia a*iy .iage ulimier -1j i îy uiotorea borme witfl Ms.. Aller iii hionor of ber hiusband's father, A. B. MacCaughey who I eanwitb thein for a visit.> ly .a 5 w4ter - a..ui e, a large uje

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