Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1933, p. 37

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il iqu 11tia , * l,8a e iLC '%Nit- wer, soprano; Howard Thurstoil, the inagiciatn: Fu Manchu, Tom. Dick, atnd Harry. Howard Newmniller. ,%,'tii others to i>e givein out later, form t.le stellar, arrav who will entertainithte audience.. Tickets for the, revuie, %vhicli, are separate from, those * kir the dlance. and, whichI dot'not include the dancing, and tickets for the,<ance itself, may vbc, procured.I onlyiu inad- vance iroin the mnembers of the aux- iliary. No tické,ts will be sold at thé The, personniel directing and iru- rattging the event includes: General comnmittee, wbose chair- mnatitsMrs. E. E. Sheridan.adwh 1-W a%lsted by Mrs. Ray Hoover.." Mrs. Otto Schnering, and Mrs. G.jeor.iz Paddock,; the. ticket *conîimittee--witli Mu s. Hugli McCullocli the chairnait and its iiembers Mus. C. A. BunilI, \Ir,, Edgar Lee, Mrs. Mno ok reil, NMus. Johil imbrkMrs. tRobert Sheérîniaii Mrs. Lawrence Hallbterg, aid Nlrs. Harvey Woodruff. Dalice comimittee - Mrs. Alfred \\Viltb)erger, chairmnan, atnd. s. H1ar- old Biariies. Mus. John Swýeet, -Ir., NIs, aMrv Dawes. jind MssAi Rutle&lge its niembers; prograni coni- iiittee-M\rs. Everett Cook, cliairiitt. anid Mrs. Rawleigh \Varnier : M s. Franklvii Bliss Snyder. Mrs. Keiteith Burgess. MNiss Charlotte M.\cCali. anid .\iss Frances Buck. , (ji I.- s-,. a (1 v 'JuUswilII U one of the two hostesses at this litncheon meeting. MIrs. E. V. L. Brown of Winnetka and Nirs. Bruce M.\acLeislb of Glen- coe wilIl)be Iwo of thé hostesses-at a, dinner meeting 'Friday *eveting*of next %veek. whe'n Dr. ani Mus.ý Edgar J. Good speed , of>the University ýof Chicago. vill be guests of honor. Mrs. (;oodspeed will, give an illustrated lecittre 0"n "Colotn ial Illiniois from 1673 to 1893." Irs. H-arold Ickes 'of Hubbard .1 Woods wijll speakç on , *\asbington," Saturdlav, April2, after lutîcheon at the- club. Mothers Meet Today The Kappa Delta Mothers associa- tion is holding its regular >ahl-day' 'Meeting, Thursday, April 2Q. at the home 1 of Mrs. Henry Ed ler. 132q, R osedale avenue, Chicago. M embers; and friWnds of the sororitv are urgted to reserve Saturday. April 29, for a benefit bridge at the Kappa Delta Chapter bouse on the N orîwesterîi university campus. More detailed ani- tlouncement concerniîîg the eveitt will he made later. To Address Alpha Phis The North Shore Alumnae assai-. MIIK-FED r EVERYNIGHT Thero's à* specil farm i n 1lô*& that supplies the. Vota&lAgowen Restauront witl, ch1ckons, and .vory dey ftp, arrive fros"-, plumpost, mosi tender mlk- foi! chickeén you!ve ever eatenI Every day: our dinnor and luncheon menus includle oe of thoso dishos . nd- fashlon.d çhicken pie. chicien Maryland,. golden, cispy fried chic&on, or roasted chicien aIl pr.paoed in the Inimi- h ta bie Megowen style. Y ~'&%I. 1IKgq~ LV.LL5~F vy~~,i1 Early Am.rkcan EVANSTON 501 Davis St. b - ui i .uii>J k-ltt lici cll miý i1.1 t e Spea tmer Bersbacb, Mrs. J. Elliott War- liay be ner, Miss Phyllis Pank, Miss Frances Donald; Chaniberlain, Miss Loplise Clabaughi Miss- Josephine Otter, and Mufs. Mii- FOR er Ponitius. PROF9 Alu'miae Sponsor Dance l'le Alumnae association of Mahin- ~krodt Jligh school will sponsor a dance~ to be given at the Birchywood ilUWF i<-er. 1iunicneon reservations made -Witlh Mufs. JohiiN Me" 419 Ninth street. WViltnette. ýERTY NERS REASON' No. 3 SALE Y/2 I.ngfh.. hip .n gfth. 3/4Ilngh.. ot Chnicago at iuncenecnd ii«u Wednesday, April 5, at ber res 1111 Sheridan road, Wilmette. were one hundred guests. Son 841 Eliv St., Ph. Winn. 3250 ice, WINNETKA OPEN. WEEK. DAYS - NINE TO NINE 008 DAVIS STREET Fountain Square EVANSTONJ 1 - 1 :

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