Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Apr 1933, p. 36

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A..seusuu on £rogram Members of the Wonians Club of WVilmette "go to the polils" next Wednesday to elect their new o fficers for the- ensuing. two-year period. They may cast their:ballots betweén the hours of 10:30 in the: morning and 2:30 in thélafternioon. The élec- tion« is one phase, .and an important one,: Of the ail-day session on April 19,, which terminates' the regular meetings for this season. Only the annual cabaret luncheon at ýthe club house on-Wednesday, April 26, re- mains on the, regular club ýprogram, Late May and summer activrities wil be ways and imeans benefits. The civics departmenlt. with Mrs. Frank Church its chairman, and'the music departmnent, whose directing officer is Mrs. Charles N. ýEvans, are presenting, respectively, the morning and after~noon 1w4ogranî. Henry E.. Cutler. one of. Wilmiette's own, and one of the outstanding at- torneys niii Aericai specializing in *mtünicipal law, and president of the Wilinette Board of Education, will discussrevenue and that branchi of taxation which applies to schools, at. 11 o'clock. The. second speaker on the niorn- ing program is INrs. Savilla Simons, daughter of H. A Milis. chai rm i,,a oeen public attairs secretarv tor the Cook County League of Wo-men Vot- ers. She formerly served as child Nvel- fare chairman of the Illinois.,League of WTomen Voters for three years. and in 1931 repriesented the league at Springfield as legisiative secretary. She was chief social worken for the Chicago Department of Public Wel- fareuntil October of this year when Mfiss Est-her - Di;hec of 1029 I,ake. avenue, Iawyer, zw"ll talk on "Pendisng Legisiat ioni" t the din- >1CY niering .of the Bus'iness and Pro fessionalIl Woeni's club of Wilmettc this rvrning (Thursday~). 'Women who are not club menibers iii also bc interested in the discourse. id are most cordially invited. f0 attend )3ake, Sale and Birthdag 1P art y O. E. S. E vents The Wilmette chapten of the Order of the Eastern Star hias announiced the following program for the next f ew da'vs. I-vLIInger was elected' president for -the year 1933-34. Other offices are filled by Miss Jane Newton as first vice-ýpresident; Miss, Dorothy Mar- shall,' second ývice--president; Miss' Patricia McCarthy, recQrding secre- tary;ý Miss Mary Jane Curtis, coàr- resondig ecretary,, and, Miss. Ce- celia Benz,. treasurer. The office of director is beld by Miss M:anian Ortsejfen. The program, reminiscent of the, Columbian exposition of '9e3, was re- markably well arriangedand present-. ed by Miss Vivyenne Morin. Miss Ruth Truska gave 'piano in- terpretations .of, songs of the 1893 fait.- Miss Tr uska also accomnpatiied Mrs. Harniet Childs 'Atwood who rendered "Daisy Bell *" "After the -Bail," songs popular at the period of thec Colitrn n expsiion. In contrast to the Fair of '93, a 11n. Harrison of A Century of Prog- ress, gave a vivid description of the rapidly approaching fair of 1933. A replica of old Fort Dearborn made by Mrs. William Weber fur- nished appropriate fable decorat ion. The club 'was honored by having for its guest, Mrs. George Cox. junior chairman of the Tentlvdistrict. Y-s Cox and -Mrs. Weber poured. Junior Auxiliargy Offices The annual meeting of the junior auxiliary of the Woman's Club of WiImette will. be held Thursday, April 20, at wvhich time ail oficers" and committee chairmien will submit their annual reports and the new of- ficers will be elected. According to 'The anhijal meeting and election of officers of the North Shore Congre- gationi Israel Sisterhood wiIl be held *on Monday,> April 17, at the Temp le building, Lincoln and, Vernon ave-, p ues,,:Glencoe., Tfhe business meeting wil begin at il- o'clock in the *morning wben an- nual reports will be read. ', Tis wijl be followed by luncheon at 12:30 af- ter wbich there will be, an elect ion of officers1 and directors for the ensti- ngturo years., The program for 'the afternoon, ar- ranged by, Mrs.. Sylvan. Hirschberg, chairmnan Mf the program comnmittee, wilbe a presentation of the one act playlet written by Miss :Rutheda L. Pretzel with, the following, cast: Carrie. .....Mrs. Harold M oses Grandma: ....11 Mrs. Milton Stern. Salesgirl*.... Mr s. Warreni J. Shuter Ariette1..... .; Mss. B. Leo .Steif Mrs. Judd .... .Mrs. M. Kruleivich Mrs, Walton...... 1. ...Mrs. A. F. Mecklenburger Mrs. Lewis .... Mrs. A. H. Ginzburger Ellie ..........-. Mrs. Marc Aistier President . ...Mrs. Hugo Hartnmann Mrs. }Iodgkins ........ .....Mrs. llarry L. Cannmanui Dr. lMititurn . .Mrs. I. M. Greenberg This play won second prize in the récent contest sponsored by the Sis- terhood, and Miss Pretzel will be a guest of honor at the first preseiita- mnade with .Mrs. A. F. Mecklenburger. of 1201 Chatfield road, Winnetka, flot later thian April 15. As usual there will be sewing for the benefit of hospitals. and. aîu charity institutions. Guests are welcome. Garden Mart in May The Wilmette Garden club liasI avenue, served a soéac onu- ress.asascaecn ct Mtrs. Fran stre et, wil Monday of Order of Mai at- 1O'Clock. ýa., Sewing w ei song in egin

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