$1395 Splendidly tailpred of plaid-back fabrcs and swag- ger tweeds these coets are made in fâavored double-breaested style with sither, full or baif-beit. Aremarkably durable, good-tooking topcoat, for the mon Who kno;s style ýand appreciates yolue. Cà:mels HMa ir Topcôats at Ye iiAbsolutely 100% pure carnels hair, in the' softSpriq shdesyou prefer. Excellent failoring, fine styling, good fit. The price? Just $20! of-the-Loom )de.' $ Clnting Crystal Neklaces, Any, ColorTý There are the çharnieig cut beads, graduated .. the uncul. Prystal- Iike néckiaces with etcbed designsl White .and . colors, strng aon gold chairas. a ste r- Pouches- Bags Envelopes. .95 Nofed for their quality workmarsbip. and fast- color qualifies these shirts corne in solid col- ors. wites :and finuredeffeçts. Simes .14 to 17. Kid. Gloves 0f Exquisite Quality on Davis I WiIm.teIlI OO (7 1