Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1933, p. 52

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ZAII<Ughnom men are represented 1420 Maple avenue. April À.s Cbild ini the exhibit, the collection Of painlt- Wel fare nionth for the auxiliary and mngs produces an impression Of sub- we _ will, have. as our guest Dr., Bea- stantiability,. value and depth-an lu~- trice Hawkins, departmnent child wel- dication that womenartists aàre, "0 fare chairman. She, will tell Of, the longer only dilettantes,.but 'take 'theè work that 'is being doneý throughout matter seriouslyi and offer*, men, as the state, and the possibilities for wvork, much competition here as,.iii otllr along these unes'in our local, coin- professàions. nlunity. Dr. Martin: Seifert, -healtb Shows On saaIty commissioner of .Winette, will tell Theïre j5 no doubt 'but that Carol- us of Village health .cOnditions and Lou Burnham, tbe young daughter.of their relation to child. welfare.. Anita Willets Burnham of Winnetka, bas originality and artistie ability Last Saturday morning the junior equal to the most, mature1 of lier Auxiliary held a regular meeting at competitors. The srnoothness of ex Mrs. R. johnson's home. It was de-ý ecuio ina til-he f wldfloeis.cided that the next meetings willI be and the new point -of view on a can-n efom ftiptohe itrca vas of1 tulips set ber> Wor k apart in, a society. in Chicago, Lincoln park and, class by itself. the Forest Preserve. Mrs. C. B. Cochran, second vice-president and Mrs. Peter Johansen 'exlibitm; a Amerjcanism chairrnan of Cook Coinwtyt cJmiv.r oil portrait of a, Winnetka cotijicil, addressed the grou .p and pre- man, and an oul painting of a VOung- sented Auxiliary pins 4-ti he offiçerst girl seated out-of-doors on a suuny and cfairmen. Mrs. F. J. Dowd, sub-t bencb. Botb immediatelv atttracted stituting for Mrs. E. V. Cullison, Unitv attention. Miss Rutb Gibson exhib- Fidac chairman, explained the Fidaca its a self-portrait, remarkable for organization and gave a short descrip- this difficuit type of painting, while tion of French Morocco, the country ber sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Engelbart, Fidac is studying this year.. is the artist of a series of crayon por- t traits, among theni the president i,-nd Members and friends of tbe unit' past-president of the Woman's club, are requested to ferret out ail dis- terspedin thspring bolidays With The Homard school dental clinic tbe former's parents, Mr. and ýMrs. meets every. Thursday morning from. George, Springer, 724,Forest avenue. 9 to 12. Miss Jane Springer- is reurning soon, to Stephens college after spending a The Higb Crest.dental. clinic is con- week at home during ber spring vaca- ducted every otbe.rWednesdayniorn- tion. ing froni o'clock. to 12. Frdrc ulnale, Jr.,. who atl- Friday, April 7, is the day set aside tends. Princeton, .and bhis' brother, by the philanthropy. departmeént' of the Henry, a student.at the Gilman, schoôl Woman's. club, to sew' for the Martha, in Baltimore, spent their. spring vaca- Washington home for Crippled Children. tion at Atlantic City with ,their var- This borne has nany warm friends ini ent, M. ad Ms. redric QulI-Wilmette, especially among the Health male of 25 Melrose avenue, Knl Center. board members because it e.orth. opened ifs doors to "our Henry," that lovable crippled baby, Who several Mr. nd rs. arr P. arrson years ago needeci desperately mother- and ad rs cblrn,37Atrd . H ri n tg and a home. Since he became the 'an chldrn,307Abbtsfrdroad, ,r baby at the home, Heal ,tb center meni- leaving Kenilwortb Friday to drive to bers bave paid them. a visit at Christ- their summer home~ alt I>lnd., Micli, m~as ad Ester time Carryfig goodies to spend1 the ch:ldren's spring vaca- to the children. The philanthropy day tion. Tbeir daughter. Ruth, who at- f urnishes thé Health center another tends Scripps college, will spend her opportunity to express its friendliness vacation visiting-friends in Claremc'iit to the bomne. And so the regular and Pasadena, Cal. meeting of tbe board will be held on '---- Friday at the club at 10 o'c-k& with James Hunter Knox of Springfieîd, the hope that most of the. memubers l, spent the week-end with bis is will be able. to spend the rest of the et, Mrs. P. J. Kirwan of 1607 Elm,- day sewing. Former members please wood avenue. join u S. For those who do tiot care for the too vital, the very new, there are tvio- canivases of street scenes, conveving rich thOughtful rnoods, by Ethel Coe. Quite in contrast are scenes in light summery colors and clear outlines byv Marguerite Caîkins Taylor and Miss Elizabeth Janes. Anita W'illets Etii- The Jig-Saw bug lias bitten our boys at Great Lakes! .Mrs. Thomas Hall, Wilmette 1252, will be gla d to receive any puzzles you iniay wish to send up t them. "KING 0F POOLS" Jack Foley, 811 Ashland avenue, aj student at the University of Illinois. q.Beveragjes IjeCuxe 'Co. Winnetka 76 Spaulding 6800 exclusive distributors for the North Shore area -Nte iiame, to spend. her FA win cation witb ber family. AU Beverages Guaranteed Under Federa' Pare Food, La ws 4 win'l

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