Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1933, p. 44

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Althoughi the meet, like practically every other outdoor event sponsored by the, Recreation board this spring, met with unfavorable weather condi- tions,, the entry list -inieach ;of the events was larger than in previous years. The program of1 events included races for three different age groups, which were lis.ted as follows': Glass A, ufider. 10 years; GClass B, under 12 .years, and Class, C, under 14. years. There were ,one-leIgged'races, double races, 'distance races and tandem races, which to one unfamiliar with the vernactilar means 'one racerskat- ing back of another skater with- his hands on the leader's hips. Winners of - first, second and third places were award'ed blue, red and white ribbons as prizes. Ainong the outstanding prize winners were: Dorothy DaiswÎaner of fouW r st places, Nadine Brown, winner of three flrst places, and Kinibaîl Brown and johin Welter, winner of two first places respectively. Events Su.mmarized *Resuits of the meet are as follows :5 50-yard dash. Class A girls-Tied for first place: Mart'ha Leaeh, 1417 Forest avenue., and Doree Hammnond. 1630 Wal- nut; third place, Caroline Srnith. 50-ard iingh, Class. A boys-1. Winberg Gose 111 Goà.9 Fridmran Van Deusens (24) G. Jones T. Buck Eý. Horn R. Moran W. Jones. 0. Altman A. Rosi Wolff, refere Hopffrnann -Florists Il1. Johnson B. Brarumer E. Schuett, R. Evans W. Johnsoln J. Hoffmann Wolff, referee -St. Francis ý(27) A eerican Joe O'Neil ,John O'Neil B. Moran J.SuIllvan J. arrison W. O'Neil lATlfrf refa..a. Y P.C. (19) Mi. Knelp S. Kraft K. Wagner V. White L. Kraft t'Kibitzin g"' Is Taboo in Jig.Saw Toerney The jii-saw puzzle enntest tn he r thýe Faunsýp ices o LeWil- .Legion (19) J. Jordon R. Steffens .D. Scott A. Bauer J. Miller T. Schinler * Hrrets (~ A. Russo R. Green J. Allworth W. Young E. Young Van Deusen's 15 5 .750 Hlil's Service Sttion 10 81 .656 St. Francis 7 7 .500 Amer-ican Legion 8 12 .400 Hornete. 6 14 .300 Y. P. C. 2 18 .100, "A" B.ASXETBALL LEAGUE state Bank <19) Hoffrnanin Fiorists (23) W. Miller L. Wolff C. Lauer F.Olerlch H.é Stone >R.- Oeierlch T. Varney C. Grater J. Cullen J. Bagnali la. Robi»son R. Huk D. Evans A Hffmann Bas keteers (15) B. Connor John Mantonara Jim Montonara R, :Wolff.. R.'-Jocks.on H-. Schultz K of C (33) le. Hurd W. Melbye V. Meter R.' Meter Hl. Sieren J. Bagnaîl. J. Harriso .Y.P. D. (29) Lynani Texacos, (21) J. Moore . W. Rlogers E. Goodwin L. Pahiman L. -Schmidtz R. Horn' L. Ônion V. WyIe L.. Langdon D. Dingwall G. Stone R. Berndtson Yorks (19) R. Gauger R. Bjork E. Hardt G. Saxton R. Sweet Teamn standings in c'lose of nýext to last w Methodist (24> C. Varney R. Welch, M. Boyalian R. Pence F. Lundb.erg M. Ling "'A" league. at eek of play: ,on Lost Pet., 1 .950 Mo.00 Joe Corr ado of Evanston refereed the nine bo0xing matches and the four. wrestling- events of the e-vening, while Dudley C Stoône was the. recreation assistanit in charge. of the. compiflete p rograni. No decisionis were render- cd. Iinany of the.contests. Twý,o brothers, Donald- Vancc, 9 years old, and SheldonVance, 7; pro- vided oite of the most- thrilling ex- hibitions of the evening.. i their three-round swatfest. The boys' father is HermnanVance, sergeanit. in the Wilmette, police.:force.. A sunimary of thie boxing- and wrestling follows: .1. Wrestling-'Bob Speeht;. Wilniet te. vB ]ill Gr.tnt, Wilmette. 2;, Wrestling - Kernlît ,Sinons. Wl mette. vs. "Siss". Gonelli, Evanston. S3. Wrestling - Vernon Brown, Wil-. me-tte..:vs., 'George moore, Evanston. 4. Boxing-Donald Sance, wilmette, ~{ YÉas oQJ4),. vs. .Sh~eldon Vance. (7 years o](1), sons of Sgt. Hermian Va nce, Wilmetto police force. 5. Boxlng-Norman Evans' vs, llai-NeY Steffens, both Wllmette. 6. Boxlng - Charley Steffensv. Harnld -"Whitey," Borre, both or Wil- ýmette. t. Boxing - Blob Steffens, Wi]lrneule, V.S. Morton Nelleson. Evanston Ath- ]etic club. S.Wrestling -Kermit Siirnons. WiVI- me(ttte, vs. Lawrence Bennett, Wilmette. 9. Boxing--Chiarles Taylor. Wilmette. vs. Bol) Fvrguson, Evanston Athletj4,c 1(j. Boxing - Roman C.er.stenbraýnd, street, ., vîrgînla 'IUUUc, . iziLax a venue. 5 0-yar 1,d ône-legged race. Class B boys-I. Kimbaîl Brown, 1710 Walnut avenue, 2. Charle Beringer, 225 Catalpa place, 3. Jack .irong, 1536 Central, 4. Richard Neukranz. 1227 Ashland ave- nue. 5-adone-legged race. Class C girls-I. Dorothy Davis, 920 Fifteenth strëet, 2. Betty Todd, 1721 Lake ave- nue. 50-yard one-legged race. Class C bo.s-.n1Ediyn Crammen, 1228 Waýsh- pg-saw jJuzziV IIt~iiH5fIis np oniors will have an opportunity to watch the contestants ini the meet. Dudley C. Stone, recreation assist- ant i charge of the iniet, emphatic- aIly announices that there wilI be no ".kibitzing," which being interpreted means, "suggestions fronii outsiders not allowed." The afternoon contest will be for Jasketeers 4 16 .200 Thils Evening to Close Seventli Play Season With the final meeting of the girls' and women's gymnasiumn classes at, the Howard sc.hool gyrnnasiumi thisj evening, the seventh season of aduit activities sponsored bv the Plav-I 1, Wilinette, Catherine, the daugliter of Mr, aifd Mrs. Henry Schmidt of 710 WVashiington avenue, returned home last Friday from Denison university to spend the spring holidays ini Wil- luette. She ivili return to schooi on Monday, April 10. Her brother Hen- ry, who is a junior at Purdue. had ýgth street. 2: boys-i. Klm I3 . t avenue. 2. J tre h meet, afield trip 40 Chinatov children, and other activities. w, a ii ve gone 4UDut tLV i Uys. bas- . -o- ting Mrs. Walter Launder, 230 Oxford for road,, Kenilworth, entertained lier bige cu at 1uncheon Tuesday. 1710 vv ý Louie RoInriey,

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