K~ 34Ui~e/&«te~ ~ee44 caiee«~~d~~ make 6amoi<Ô ~beinqIè& Ns;w Lifr MALT TONIC T H UntedStates Brewery stands right weeit did fifty -eight years ego. It supplied fine beers to exclusive clubs, se- lect hotels, conservative restaurants, dis- tinguished homeis. It became Chicagos quality brewery and is today the. oldest operating brewery i Chicago. Tii... fine old brews are here again-will be avail- able to the publie on and after April 7. now the grand old BEERS our pa rents Ioved-Rheingold, Savoy Special, Loewen Brau and New. Li. Malt Tonit with its old time strength and vigor. Wwin nfot compromise with QUA LITY. We will flot hurry oui hrews. Proper aging in back of every one of our prod- ucts. For QUALITY is our watchword. The. deanand for good beer is se, gmat a I[. a