Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1933, p. 32

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-U--.. --. ' -_ D. A. . members in the state. Mrs. and spice of its countless flowers and Catten attended the conference as evergreens and the beauty of its'gar- a delegate from Kaskaskia, chapter,, dens and exhibits wil be there until< -hich a ersne ieb t 10o'clock Saturday night., Among registrar, Mlrs. RayodKoho these many exhibits which thousands Winnetka Mrs. Charles S.KJchsof are viewing daily, we, as an eager c ubr odrgn fSoî seeker, found tbatagain mnore honors Valley chapter, .was .at the confer- have been sp.illed into the lap*s cf.gar- ence, as was Mrs. ,Vinton 'E. Sisson den clubs cf Wilmette. Kenilworth, ofWnekammb0c h li winneéfka, and Glencoe. Two silver cago chapter. medals,--three'purple rilibons of spe- cial award, ive blue rîlbbons, tbree Gie , .O red,0 one white,, and two yellom", nb- G e e o bons are theirs. rw e br A blue ribbon hangs -on the- fruit 2 e e br shadow boxc cf the Wilmette Garden of Catholic Club club. In lit a Chinese lacquer red, Mrs. Arthur Adamns, membership wrap, and a two-branch,, bras.s and chimncfteW ans atoc coper andlabum ithpal taersClub o.f Wilmette, was hostess to gives contrast to a tilted blue bowl tet-n e ebr nFia with vivid-hued fruits brightened by afternoon, March 30, at her homne, kumquats, in the. foeoiaa. E3-orest avenue. This was thre an- Mrs. Naomi Hamnilton executed nual invitational tea for. the recep-t this exhibit. For its indoor box cf tien of new memnbers. The president,. white hyacintbs under a window c r Mrs. George Beaudin, assisted .by theL tained with bine silk haiigings and bocard niembers, composed the receiv- white Venetian blinds, a third prîze ing line. was given. An oriental rug, a rust Mrs. Frank Thale had charge cf colored chair, and walnut incidentai the entertainmient and introduced. fvrniture blend with the green and, soine unique features, the first of geld and black of liamp and vines.in whîch was a humnorous interrogation wall brackets and silhouette pic- of the new miembers which inspiredS tures te form the windowgrouping. many witty' responses. The chang-9 Mrs. W. A. Kendrick was the design- ing of sats at frecntgent ineva% Aýrden Shore, faced with financil stringency, closed its winter camp doors the first cf this month instead of in May, in order that. its budget will. make possible summter camp ses- sions for two months. For that reaàon M rs. Hutson sends forth a special1 plea for these soap wrapper conrtributions .Which the housewife bas -without added expense when she .buysithat necessity, and wvhich, , vhen collected in large nunîbers, add, silverware and. other itemfs: to the camp. Mrs. Hutson's ad- ciress is. 1112 El mwood ýavenue. Spring Garden, Talk Plan for Junior School B ranch "Morning in a New, Orleans Court-' Yard" is the intriguing titie of a spr ing garden talk to 'be gi ven by Mrs. Harry Barnium of Winnetka, Monday, April. 12, at 10 o'clock . 1The occaion is the Apr41 meeti~ng o the North Shore branch, Friends of Chicago Junior school, and the mem- bers will be entertained ini the replica of a New Orleans courtyard ini Mrs. Barnum's home, 735 Walden road, arnumn, a noted authority on. wilI tell sonme of lier gardexi- iences and make heipful ns for the planning of local- ilarrisn, Lîttelland., rs. .urcette- Gibson are, "combing. the town" ýto: flnd. nothing less than the "4world's best band.'! Some cf the manikins for the fashioni show. have been selected among, the north shor's most beauti- fuI cebutantes.and young m:tatrons, and masculine zuanikins will show what the well dressed gelfer sbould, wear. The fashions te be shoawn will be fram two exclusive sheps. Mrs. Roger F. Sherman and Mrs.- Georgeý Cutter are in charge cf tickets, while Mrs., Leonard J.. Paidar cf Kenilworth, Mrs. Vilas Johnsen adMrs. E. L. Lasater are taking reservatiens.- Only a limited iautnber tan be accemmeda'ted. Aniong those who art on the social committee are Mrs. Ralph 'Smnith cf Wýilmet'te, 1 rs. William Robert To- bey cf tlencoe, Mrs. Charles E. GaI- lowav cf fIubbard Woods, and Mrs. Henry G. Zander, jr., cf Kenilwcrth. Infant Welf are Center to Give Spring Carni val A carnival is the social event planned by memnbers cf the Wilmette center oi the Infant Welfare Society of Chicago as a spring benefit at Shawnee Country club Mai- 3. at 8 one cti us members tells nme, -.witii turquoise Laguna, pcttery on petunia colored mats. With this wasus.ed hrushed aluminum begkers and cen-. ter piece, the flower arrangement be- ing rubrum i hues and Copeland tulips. The second blue ribbon was award- edfora Iarge Christmas. cactus in Ink, made ce green and anoriginal det garden sh awn, b6y rit a superbly arranged table in the diii- ing rocm. Mrs. George Beaudin and Mrs. J. W. Dienhart poured. --The new members on the guest, list were: Mesdames Fred Clark, James Crowley, J. W. Dienhart, W. H. Dillon, Thomas P. Gibbons, J. Q. Grant, Leo J. Hassenauer, Howard Hickey, A. R. Houle, W. E. Hust iing, W. WT. Lloyd, George C. NlcCartily, E. W. Meyer, Herbert Meyer, Henry ,ed triangular poollof 41rii Its fruit shadoiv box drew a re Wrnnetka. J) '~Usre, Celebrates 5th Birthday On Monday, April 3, Jean Hans- mann, the daugliter cf Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hansmann, 1220 Maple ave- nue, celebrated her fifth birtliday with a party given at Mrs. Lenoir senior lormal dat and a mid-night son, K enilwortb' s Drive for .Bechtel Crabs Bi rs. Àrý. rý. Hrall, Llrs. Marvin vrs, C. T. Frykman, Mrs. ,ui, Mrs.. George Redding, Smith, Mrs. T. E. Thornp- Bettin Stalling, Miss'Rosa- and Miss..Medora B3right. c f this week READING CIRCLIË HOSTESS >will have a The Reading circle is meeting Mon-. h open bouse day,.Aprit 10, with Mrs. Henry Gates, supper. cf 911 Washington street, Evanston.

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