Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1933, p. 28

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where. an admittance charge ls pugbIlshedI, Wll be chat,'ged at regular advertlsing rates. Nowv and then -we run ýacross a piece of writing. in verse or prose inw c-u ch1 fault is found with life. Here is a samiple: "Ail that we know is idie'; Edward J. idie is ail that we chcrish; Phelis idie- thel wil that take s Ioads that proclaini, it strong. For the .knowv1edge, the strenigth, the burden-ail shall perishi." Andiîf you, are curious to discover the sam-e'attitude expressed ini prose, yotu can fid t'on* ativ news-stand, in dozens of "sniart" maga- -zines.. When wve have been forced to believe that there are thousands of unfortunate hurnan beings who apparently cherish this cynical, hopeless attitude xve turn for ref'-eshnient to a consideration of the life of a man like Edward Phelps of, Kenil- wvorth. Now retiring after, fifteen years and I'rn not.. through yet." That's real literature. His firn belief that virtuallv ail the high school students with whorn he has lived and worked and played are dependable and reliable is a rnost valuable piece of tes- tirniony. What a worthy philosophy is re- vealed in his answer to the question, what rnav a school be expected to do for osophy this revising and rnoditying lias been going on. Wheni we studied, the problerni of just how this change was brought, about, we discovered, that the agent was experience and experirnent.. The old body of, kn owl- edge- did .'pretty welI for> a time.ý Then along:carne sorneone who found fault with the old knowledge and -suggested th.at it; ought to be revised. Conserva tives ob- jected, *but rnany of the suggestions after nuch opposition. were accepted. So know.1- edge grew. Thle. saine change has taken, place and 'Will -continue. to take place in the. nia tter of, education. Meth.ods of education will; l)e revised. We welc1ortie imiprovernents îiii autoinobiles and radios. Let us welçcorne with equal gladness itnprovernents ini schooling, nii training the young. We arc proud of our progressive industries an(] professions. Let us also take pride in pro- gressive schools! This is frankly a song of sorrôw,\, a inoan. \Ve would lay our head on sorne- hody<s shoulder and weep when we con- Of course wve shoul dn't feel so badl if. we hiad ne ver been tô Ravinia and heard that d1eIightful mnusic under such ideal condi- tions. But Nve have been there many, rnany tirnes. On one beautiful summer day, wve-t\vo of us-went up there in the early afternoon. XVe wandered here and there a.rnid those pleasant natural scenes until the hour for thé' afternoon Crocies péc/'ing throitph the sod *Clains a kiinsh i/ close with God; 1.ilies biirstig throiugh the iiold *Tell the tale that's evèer told Of the joy ccrdnggloopi lVhcuý Spripig leaps from Na! ure's womnb,--. And the rIobin, weith hiis cati Chants. a glad anitiphûnàkal: .4rishere aiid E aster inioruz, Il1! t1e Eorth is neùwlv borit. --Ai.THEAÀ. OGDE. W--innietka voters are being especially f avored this wveek ini that two elections, of considerable impor- tance-if ýone.is to judge by the intensity of the cam- paigns-wvere on the schedule. On Tuesday John and Mary Voter deccided in n * uncerantrst retaiin President William B. Moultonri and his Cau- cils party confreres: i f act the: final. resuit showed a precentage of iajoritv slightly more potent than *the brpd of new 3.2 beverage that beçomes avail- able generally on Friday. This Saturday Winnetka -goes to bat again to select schooI board candidates, and what a hattle that promises to be! *Glencue, at this wvritinig appears to have elected ani F conomyii president iii. the person.,i of Mr. Auguste Bàbize, and unofficial returiis indicate that Mr. Bahize and his opponient, Alfred B. Smith, ran about as :nerry a race as any neiitral bystander wvould care to witiess. An extreme partisan, how- ever, would have <ifficulty iii slirviving the ordeaI. It vas that cdose. A. Lee Adanmi,. geniial Winnietka druggist, who pePped up his business a bit by appearing as an eleventh-hour third pa.rty. candidate in the Village election by runiiniig for ail Villages offices, flot to mention various others including senator, sheriff, and coroner, inanaged t~ o )" a single vote. Returns. inçicated he failed to vote for hiirself, a fact which immediatelv makes hini eligible to be kicked out of the politicians' union. Since our school days, however, we have discovered that this 'metbod hasn't al- ways, been used. We have found to our' Such study ought to future for Arnerica. in abte pesrifetous, box. -MIQU~.'

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