only sure ineans to combat pumîtic and the many attendant wiles of the spoils system, she .was eminently fitted. and our loss is inestimable. *The Forum meeting wiIl be helId Saturday., at 2 o'clock, in the. Paliher House. Miss josephineé Roche, presi- dent ofý the Rocky Mountain Fuel company and a woman eminentlyl CUIRISTIAN SCIENCE SERWVICES "AWre Sin, Disease, and Death Real ?"1 will be the subject at the servicesSunday. morning, pril 9, at* Il O'clock in First Church of Christ, Scientist, inWimtte held in the edifice aàt:1003 Central avenue. Sunday school convenes. at 9:45 J. Us, oward Jordan and lier-soli, Howard David, 320 Cumberland ave- nue, returned to Kenilworth Thurs- day of last week having motored to Kansas City. Miss Jordan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Miller of Kansas City, returned home with them. How- ard left on Wednesday to return to bis classes at Choate school. 0o George, 539 C urnor of 'Womnen on J ures in ino,. WAAF wilI. present, Mrs. Ma urice A. Pollack at, 2:30 on Saturday after- noôn, April 8. She will speak, on the "Reguýlation of Public Uitilities,"' In the league headquarters on'Fri- da y nmorlnng, April 7, at .10:30, M4rs. Raymond Suions' will speak on "A Married Womhan and Her Rights." NAMED PRESIDENT Harriet Webster, daughter of the Alb ert Websters of .1601 Tenth street.' formerly of Kenilworth, was elected, president of next year's junior claÈsm at Conne cticut college.. Harriet will spend, her spring vacation visiting Nancy Andrews, wlio attends the Sa- rah Lawrence college, at her hiomiein Bronxville, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs., Johin V. Rathboiic, 366 South avenue, Glencoe, aninounce the birth of a daughter,. HJelen Col- in, March 31. at the Highland Park hjspital. The baby weighed seven pounds. Her father is a former.Ken- ilworth resident. *Her niother was Alice Brunison of Glericoe. * -o0 Pwloes lu E £tfe hn FÉui.,Sat.9, Apv.6-. M E A T s QLJALI TY permt& of ocopoms and bhas no substitut.. ]RIBROAST PRIME BONELESS.No waste. Juicy and tender, ib. 23C SPRXNG ýLEGi 0. LAMB Tenider and flavory. 8 t,9 lbs.. CHUCK A'y aize <ut POMK LOIN R@OAST 2% to 3 Ibo.. lb. 9. -o- M.Nrs. jack Simon and her fiye.* month-old baby dauighter., Clara Jac- queline, of Montrel-an-ada are ar- iving this week for a visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liamf Klein, 400,Central avenue. Mrs Simon is the former Eleanorý Kleini. Gordon Cutier,. son of the Per Cutiers, 207 Woodstock avenue, Ke ilworÏh, is visiting bis cousin, Tc Scully, a sophomore at Princeton., bis home ini Winchester, Va., dunil their spring vacationà from PriticetÉ e Evai ate ofl -of VEAL SPECIALS Veai may be servedlnl manY afplz. Ing wa.ys. A deliclous Meat Treat! LEG 0F VEAL. Milk f.d. Short SI.aik. S to 6 lbs. avg., 14 --o- Mrs. J. J. Seerley and child Mrs. Guy S. 'Hammond, 801 Hub- Oxford road, 'Kenilworth, hai bard road, returned tbis week from to visit Mrs~. Seerley's moi a two montbs' stay àt St. Petersburg, Glendora, Cal., where Mrs. Fla. Mt. Hammond returned March 1. expects to make ber home. E A T uluI,àp2....