Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1933, p. 20

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',ýOne thing I like about your boy Dani," said Mr.s.. Bartlett, "'is bis de- Votion to -Nan. There are f ew boys hisago in Middleton more considerate Of. their sisters. Nan> never needs to worry about baving .sonxeone; take ber tô parties; in fact, I)an's migbtypar- ticular about wbom sbe goes witbi. He'd rather go hiniself, tban have just any- body take ber." .1 suppose Carl feels that way about it too 1" repflied Mrs. NewvtÔn, witb a tWinkle. in ber eye. Carl was the Young son of Mrs. .Rartlett, who was Dan's. best friend,. and according to gossip at the .M iddleton Grmmar school, be' was also Nan's best friend. Dan. and Nan bad been cbhums from infancy; there was only one year be- tween tbemi, and their bonds of devo' tion grew stronger witli advancing ytrýThis feeling, wsinfiutced a great deal by the fact that Nan had been an invalid during lier seventbi and *eigbtb vears, wben, due to an accident, f roin wbicb she later recovered, she wore a* metal brace a round one ankie. Dan took bier about ini bis little. wagon, and in winter gave lier great fin b pulling lier on bis '"bob)-sied," wherever slue Nanted to go. Perhiaps one of the first figlîts Daii. ever hiad Nvas over an insult to Naîi. Sharp, lie rustied upstairs to report that lie was going to eat supper at Carl's bouse. Wbile washing i the, bathroomn, le shoutei,"e're, goig to havýe a special- meeting of tbe Drag.. on club-a secret meeting, tonigbt, Mother., Doni't wait up for mne. Carl bhas invited nme to stay witb him al nigbt! Is it, al rigbht Mther ?" -he added. "AIl rigbtý, Sonny, but doni't stay out too late,' will. you, dear ?" she an- swcred frorn tbe kitc.hein, ,wbere sbe ýwas preparing supper. After the ýDragon's,>meetinig, wbich adjourned earlier. than' usual, ýDan, realizing tbat be bad forgotten a.-school book whicb bhe-would need ini the morn- .îng, decïded to go boome to sleep. As lie turned the corner near Sarn Sbarp's hardware store, bie noticed a thick cloud of 4moke spoutinig- irom he rear wvindows of the second floor, bhis mother's and Nan's roomns. Hie was speecbless- witb frighit. "Fire !" bie gasped. His only thoughit was to fly to bis ni other and Nani; bis father was out of town. Not -a -prson was in sighit,' and even if sonieone had been, Dan wouldn'ýt have seen himn. Without turniing to look righit or left, lie rusbed mnadly up the front stairway, unlatched tbe door witb bis pass key, and, a.s lie swung the cloor open, 'was alinost Yes, how would yoü act if 3-ou were Dan? Get busy.; read this week's 'Deeds of Dan" episode,,and, write a letter telling 'wbat you vould do if you1 were ini thë perplexed bero's place. You, too, may win the 'one- dollar. trade certificate. Don't forget to. put your naine, age and address on the letter -which you write to' Mr., Hurst. Letters must reacb 'W1LmkEJLÉE' on or before the first Tuesday follo*ing t.he "Deeds of Dan" story. Letters about the story in this issue must reach WIL- M WPrTE 1LÎFe 0on or before -Tuesday, April 1IL ter reads as follows; iDeai' Mr.. Hurst: Wi lniette, 111. April 4, 1933. 1 we iv'e P4ii. 1 woI!d tWck the lues sage. soixie safe place where it would flot get wet. 1 wo'uld then try to walk the girder wlth the support of the cable. if 1 fell off 1 could swint tho rtniain- ing distance. 1 like the "Deeds of Dlan" ve' rnueh and 1 hope you curry on writing thern. 1 anil years of age. Yours truly, Bud fialIiweiI. GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS the 1. at vest' On grotYv sans LUIILY The Kenilworth Realty association was formed ini 1923 as a venture into the field of civic enterprise. It was flot, organized for the purpose of en- tering into the real estate business for. profit, it is ex plained. The erou was o riginally composed of twenty- eight Kenilworth ,families (since. in- c reased to forty-two) who brougblt up what -was known as the NQrth Shore Golf cçlub'grounds and sùbdivided this property in '1923 for-the purpose of developing: the w est side of Keni- worth in.:the saine high grade man- ner. in which-the east. side of Kenil- worth ivas developed 'by jos.eph Sears. Since buying the original tract, the association, bas also acquired a num- ber of other properties to the no rthl of the original purchase i n order that it might develop the whole west .side cQmmul3ity on à high!y. restrictive basis. Baird and Warner lias opened a temporary office at 550 Park drive, Kenilworth. John Carlton Wins Honors at Purdue 1J ohin Godfrey Carlton of 707 Brier street, Kenil-worth, a senior at Pur- due university, was among tlic 393 qtilAlti,o a mr4ir , eiverl the i s t in- Iaugbter was suddenly turned to howls bY a punch on tbe nose f romi Dan, ivho belped lis crying sister back into the wagon, and then cbiased Harold uip an alley, wbere lié finisbed the job. One of tbe great joys of Nan's child- bood was to have Dan baul ber even.to the city imnits, at the beels of. an Ital- ian organ grînder and bis trick mon- key, wbich would climnb up on bier mient block t1je passage to bis mnotfler' Tuesday, -TIants and Animais'of dit and Nani's rooms. Apparently they Past"; Wednesday, "Roman Ex- had gone to bed and as usual clQsed bibits"; Thursday, a genieral tour of their doors. Everytbing was quite anthiropological, botanical, geological stili; they were eitber asleep or ovér- and zoological exbibits, and Friday, cornle b%, snoke. Ini terror, hie tried to "Primitive Clothing." These tours, cry out to tbern, but bis throat was so conducted by staff lecturers, are open parclied and choked lit, couldn't. utter to ail museum visitors. Those wisb - a sounid. Thie flanies ývere now leap- ing to participate assemble iniside the îng higlier between hini and bis môoth- north entrance. made toclay trom the office of rresi- dent E. C. Elliott. Those stuldents %viose scbiolarship index is 5.00 or above are designated as "distinguished." Iii effect, thil, ineans tbat these students hiave at- tained an average of- A, .whiclb ap- - proximates 90, or above, ini their se- mnester's wvork. In addition to the scholastic bonor involved, the rating brings a material rewAard in the formi of a reb.ate- of tuition fecs to the. is mney in thbe depression, Dan be- a huticred- scenes and incidents; lis utwe;WO owrui m- dren's school, National College of IEdu- gan more and more to spend nigbts brain bubbled forth vivid mniories of tions, as if by bars of iro.H uidctnexwekT.WlnMGrh witb Carl. He was a bit unbappy, childbood joys at play with bhis dear bis bair in despair, anid cried, -Oh! and Viggo Bovbj erg of.the Cbildren's hecause bie no longer bad a room of sister Nan. He could see the steelwhtsa .* school staff are in charge of the ex- bis own. The fat was too smtall. TIiere brace around ber ankle that cut ber Childre, what zoudd you do, if you pedition. School closeoes for tbe-1aca Nvere only two sleeping roons-one for off f rom thé games and frolic of other were Dan? i April7adrepsApi18

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