Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1933, p. 18

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T raining department heid its annuai * physical training. and athletic demon- stration at the Howard' gymnasium. The memn*bers of the staff' are: Danel M, Davis, Wilmette, recreation director, Dudley C. Ston e, inistructor * at Howard, and Glen. W. Gathercoal, instructor at Stolp. The first thing.on the program was a iormal and postural demonstration gaven by the Stolp -seventh grades. Next came the circle ames given by the Central sixth grades.',The games were: "hook-on, tag," "ýjump, the poRe" and, uswat to, the. right." The Howard seventh. grades presented exercises on the parallel'bars as the third number on the program. ýThen the' si*th -grades of Howard gavýe three relays. They were "goat re- lay," "angleworm relay" and "I-ndian Following that came the low or- ganized games given by Stolp eighth grades. The games were " three deep" «circle chase" and "poison stick." Then came the Indian club drill given by the, Howard eighth grades. After that the individual athletc events werc ifiven. Thev uwere itasb. gym. TAr iitre CIc (ilt, games and athletic evecnts. The gym was very crowded. There were people on il sides'of the gym, inltbe balconyan on the stage. I am sure that the girls Who were in the demonstration .en- joyed being in it. We aIl hope that the people watching enjoyed it too.- Jean Frances Miller, Stolp 2A. Here's Dog That.Combe> Himself After Brushing 1 have a dog.- His name-is Wang. It is a >chowi. He combs himself if you brush him; alter yoù, lay the brush on the fioor, he will roll on it and scratch, hiuuself.* He likes to play with the children. We won't let bim go out to play because we're afraid that he will get run over, so we keep him in the yard.-F--ranklin, Joh1nson, IT&vard 5Ê. Science Students View an Experiment With Air In sgeneral science we hait a very aýWgrds. In some events the points are equal but there is a difference in the following': Stol» Howard L. Highest possible*ciass pointe 130 150 2 Migbest possi1ble ganie points 75 145 -2: Rope ciiinbing 00 20 25315 It was possible tio make 110 points mhore. at Howard than at Stolp this, sem!ester.-KYay Wenter, Stolp I B.. Fouir Boys Are Added, to Junior ýPolice Force Thbe junior police, during the wan- ter, were having a pretty hard job keeping dhe boys and girls out of the halls. Now that spring is here, it's much easier making them stay out. At our last junior police meeting, we took - orn four, wew fellows. They are as follows: Dick H aas, 7B, John Seddon, 7B, IJarry Seifert, 7A, and, jack Harvey, 7B.-Bob Anderson, Howard 7B. Long ins, oui an j:in can.1 a little held Sattarday morning at 9 o'clock on Park avenue. .Tht boys and girls under 10 years were in Class A, under, 12 in class B, and under. 14 in Glass C. The races were as follows: 50-yard dash,,Glass A, girls; 50-yard 'dash, Class A IboYs; one-legged race, GClass. B girls;' one- legged race, Glass B-,boys;. one-legged race, Glass C girls;. onc-legged race, Glass G boys; double race, Glass B girls; double race, Glass B -boys.. Tandem race,,Class GCgiris;, tandem, race, Glass G boys; 75fs-yard dash,. Glas Bgirs; 5-yard dash, Glass B1 boys; 100-yard ýdash, Glass G iii; 100-yard- dash, Glass G boys;' 100- yard dash, open ra ce for girls, and 100-yard dash, -open -race for boys-. Dorothy Davis, Howard 8A. Wins Mothiers' Approval Ail mothers of eighth grade girls attended a meeting Wednesday, March 29, at Stolp school to decide *what the -girls should wear for graduation. There was quite a littie discussion. Some of the girls had a style show to give the niothers some ideas as -to what the girls should Then last but not ieast, came the letter awards. Boys who win a let- ter have to play a required time in the games. The boys wbo received basketbail letters' were Howard out it.- school.: lbh, f or. JHowua Fhe pupils of Miss -Olthoff's room .t The eighth grade girls o Howard re reading, ini history, a story cati- MUSIC NOTEBOOKS DUE have been seen often ini the sewing "The French and Indian War Be- Mrs. lark has asked that al. music room recently. The reason is that, s." In the story there is. Brad- notebooks be 'in Friday because the May 2 is to mark the day for the ck's defeat. It. was very înterest- grades for the report cards have to annual style show given. for the P. r when the French attacked the be in before our spring vacation. We T. A. by the eighth grade girls un- iglish troops. We -fi nished March have to have' five grades on cour note- der the direction of Miss Woodley. -Lawrence Boling, Howard 4th books if we want to get a passing Most of us are coming along fine and de. mark in music.-Grace Winkle, How- we ail wish to thank her -for staying ard 8C. after school so much for our benefit. on1 - nine box- ng bouts. 11, 1-

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