Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1933, p. 16

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The Men'a club met Monday night, In the Pgrish' House- and elected of- ficers for the coming Aeason 'as follows:' Roger .Jenness, président; George E. Ha.rtman, . flrst .vice-p resident;, W. ,L. .Jones, second vice-président; S. K. Jor- Jorian, treasurer,, and C.,,L.- Drake., secretary. *The rector ipreached the sermon Sun- day evenlur In the .Congregational cbureh ln the series of united Sunday evening Lenten services.ý. The Rev. John T'. Venekiasen, minister of the kIrst Presbyterian church, wlll preach the sermon at the final Joint Lenten service ln the Willnette BaLptlst churich Sun- day evenIng. Aprîl 9,at 7:30 o'cllock. There wlll be a vlllage-wide serv- ice on Good Friday frein 12,to 3 o'clock. known as the 'Three-Hour service. There will be ý seven. perlods, each in- ,troduced and ended wlth hynins and devotions. ln each perlod there wil! be a short address given bY the minfigters of the village cooperating ln the United' i.enten aoalgr" Thse who atend a4 corfie. and go as they please, oppor- tunlty 'being given at the begnning and end' of each twenty-halnute 'perlod. There was a large attendance at this service last year, especlally from 1 te 3 «dcock. In the evening of Oood Fni- day there will bo a joint service ln the Congregational churc~h and services also ln St. Augustine's and the English Lutheran churches. On Frlday, 'frin 12 to 3 o'clock we wil1 join wlth St. Augustine's church in a Good Fridayý service. Thisservie will be divided into seven periods of twenty minutes. each. wI.th hymna be-' ginning-and closlng each. perlod, se that those, who w1sh to, attend maY corne and. go. as they wish or must.- This le a Most befitting service for that Me- morable day. Yen are cordially in.vited te attend. on. Friday evening et 8 o'clock a Union Good, Friday- service *111 be held, at the Conhgregational church, the Rev. George Alsnpreachink the sermon. The Young'.p eople of Wilmette are invited to meet with the Young people of the Congregational church In àan Easter Sunrise service at* 7 'clock on Sunday mornlng. Aprîl 16; Our own Young people's group *Ill join. them. Our Easter'services w!11! be held on Sunday mnornlng, April 16, at Il o'clock. You are cordlally Invited te worship wlth us. Those who wish to join the chuirch at Easter are invited te interview the Methodist Church Rev.' Oscar Thomas Oison. D. D., .minuster Sunday, April 9, le Palm Sunday. The milnister's sermon theme fer the il e'clock worship service wUll be "The Prophet of the 'Highest." The music fer this service 'will be as follows: Tonlght,' Thursday, April 6.' marks the' last of the sertes of. ten' !Church Nlght" programsé. The schedule for the evening will be as follows: 6:80-7 :3-Ca feterla dinner, served by the W. H. M. S. and Wr. F. m. S. 7:30-8-A service ef Worship, under the direction of the ininister. 8--ieInterest Groups:' Group Iý-The Use of the Bible in the Modern Home and School."ý Leader: Professer. Frank M. MeKibban. April, 6-"The Future Place and :Use. of the *Group, 11IConltemporary Literature, and Its. Meanlng For. Today." April 6 -"«A Preface te Christian Faith. ln a New Age" by Rufue M. Jones.. Re- vlewed by D)Pr. Harris Franklin Rail Croup III -. "Thin'klng lt Through wlth Young People." Leader!.flev. Rau- dall B. Hamrlck. AprIl 6-"WVhat Are Hill-Top Experlences?" Groupi IV-"Receut Social Trends."' Group V-The choir, under the di- rection of Miss Marie Bni. St. John 9s Lutheran Wilmette andi Park avenues. Wiliet'te Herman W. Meyer M. A. pastor 406 Prairie avenue 'relephone 1396 Church teleplione 5379 SERVICE S PALM SUNDAY :15 a, m.-Flrst service and sermon 9:30 a. m.-Sunday school a.nd Bible classes~ "A' Church that Cares", Next- Sunday Is Invitation Sunday. and we wili be especlallY happy toe x- tend te our friends the Invitation tô join the church at this Eastertide. Aý beautiful, Palm Sunday .9e rvice is plannied With processionals of the JuÙnior and Senior choirs 'and special. music. D)r. Allison will flollow up last Sunday'ýs sermon with one entltled "What You MaY Do for the Kingdom' of God2'" - In the evening service at. 7 :30 al] churches will meet wlth us for the final union service. The musicý will be fur- nished by the children's combined chinirs :of the village. The' younig ,People *111 meetý at 5:30 o'clock for a meeting in charge of the. Fellowship commission. Anna Gertrude Orvis directing.. Dr. Allison bas a spe- cia!, message *to give and will want every young person present. Trhere wjll be. no Wednesday ievenin$e service, next week. but. on Thursday evenjng Will be our -Upper Room Com- munion Service." Thls wiIl be a union service with our PresbYterian friends. It is alwayVs the miost inspirational and devôttànal of ail "Our gathéings, luis occasion for gathering at the Lord't: table -and reinembering Him. We. urge- every one of Our mnembers and friends to keep this tryet with' their Lord and Good Friday, April 14, the threc- hour service from 12-3 wil! be held at the Episcopal church. Corne when you can and stay for a period -of the serv- ice at least. Messages will gi%-en dur- ngthe three hours by the variow: rninisters of the village. a.."" ';."nd l'a.ni.wlt -aChlde"n'sOrgan Postinde: "Hogannah" ._Dubois "K..Senior Aduit departmeut will' meet at asternayfett:45ap. serCice rehar4.l9 :30 ln the Junior ronm for the Easter Istr fstvalseric at~'"Is Religion a Necssity?" la ýthe Tuesday at 7*:45 p. m.-Voters' meeting worship service of the school. question te be considcred at the eve- Wednesday at 4-Chnistian education of Boys'. and Grs choirs will gathf r Fis rsb tral niug 'service of wexshlp next Sfulay. chiltiren ' nt twentv minutes te eleven in the- The service opens wlth an orgati re- Saturday at 9 a. m.-Classes. for chil- Guild i-cer for a Joint-rehearsal. Woman's club roome. citaI by Miss 'Marie Briel at 7:165 dren Tenth street at Greenleaf avenue. o'clock. The music for this service wlll The last of the midwcck lenten serv- A great Easter service ln the sanc-, James T. Veneklasen, minister. be as, follows: ices was held last cveniug. There l'O' tuary will begin at il o'clock.Ter -Organ Prelude-"Marche maai two splecal week-da.y evcnlng will be several baptisms of oui- boyrs Sunday wlll be Invitation 'Day ln the Triomphale" ... ........... Dubois services durlng the leuten season. ln and girls and yeuug .people, at the' kurches cooperatlng ln, the Union Antliem-"Blessed Is He Who Cometh both of which. thé Ljord's, Supper Wil! close of' the service. Both choirs will mten program. A cordial Invitation Is 1in the Name ef the Lord" . .Goun'od be celebrated, on Maundy Thursday and furish music during the mornlng tended te you te' attend some one of Offertory -Antheln-"]Palm on0i GooG PFiday evenlng at 8 'elock. worshipi The paster will have a vital ip Smoe nh.n.nhac fln thA nr.~nne,------. -If'L * t- ,f4a..RRn - -- ..... ne- A .4 8u e J5 ra8iauy i*vt 8Wtu *E Un. I *Womaun's society wllme'o tethinflUwUil O .-Wuere Ar-e endly cirée .members InviteJ vouonial, educatioual, businessa 'es of the Program WiIl be obser ere will be a. gToup. debate on ln the imusic,,and mÛ wil!!preach on Page 36) .1

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