A committee of- the Chamber of Commerce lba-;, heeîîarranging details of a plan to, provide accommodations iii. the. village for visitors who corne k>o Chicago froni the north, and niorth- %% est. The. Chamber %vill contact in- t .rnatio)n'iooths> Lu be established on the highways West of the north -shore fur the ýpurpose of extei ding a wel- coIIIe ýto %isit Wilinette atid enjoy its *Residents, registering %vill the Chami- ier if. Commierce.will ' e asked 'to pay a registration f ee of n dollar. This, it is exp lained, is necessary to defray the 1I)are' cyst of operatii g the- regis- tration 'I mlreau and ,other inceidentais!, attènd(aflt upon handlîig, the détails i< .nneeteéd with thé l)roject. Rooms. for visitors wiII he assigned tu residents ini the (irder ipf registra- Lion, it. is .Pointed out. For the accommodation of hue hulders wishing to ýregister with the Chamber of Commerce housing bureau, a .ce)upon is printed onl page 48 of thi, iSssue Of WILMETTE iVE. hose d(esiring further information arc in- \ ied to cail \Vjlmette 863. EIIery W alters WiII Be' Next Neighbors Speaker, Onîe of the niost înteresting pro- gQraHIlvv-Ivnen b%- the 'Çeighbors COPIES of.hand .made Ieaf de-' signs jn old. gold and sinulàted pearis atthe new Iow.price o $1 BRIGHT. colored Bracelets and Ear Buttons and D rops. Soc & ORGANDIE Bows. and Flowers Bishop E. i.. aldorf of th, Chicayo .1rci o f the Met hodist Ejpisco/al t'hircli and a rLsident of tVib,'4fr. -will qddrç,ss t1k-Vn' class o!f leh iite Parish M'eth- odisti ehurcli Suaday inorini.Ptg, .lpril 2, t 9:45 o'dlock. The class luis ryaliýi o auîovellwnt fo invite ail men Mj thle village to attend thlineîei'n 'i. fRishop Waldorf's sub- Ji'cflias no/ been apnuomced; but promise's fiai t i il be of intense interes f t i)t i iciiof flhe commni - J'Y. that have an ar of th eir upward. from Han d Bags Glov0s Handkerchefs Sweaters Costume Jewelry in charmig copies of antiques rJ OLOVES in the ÀOnew, grays -and bege. so, smart with the popular blue and. green out6its. $ 1.79 to $2.95 QUALITY HOSIERY In Iovely new Spring, shades. 69c fo $1 .6S ownI, . 50C Z 1157 WI LM ETTE AVE.- WILMETTE. ILLINOIS. PHONE WILMETTE 4406 mnan ivas ttostess for the afternoon while Mrs. Herbert Lundahi and Mrs. T. G. Cooke poured. 'lie îîext meeting, which is to lie the Iast but one. will be on Tucsdav afterhoon.. April 11, at 2 o'clock. Ellerv Walters will talk on the sub- ject' of -The Germiai Youthi Move- mienit." -Miss Shirley Ross will give pijano selections. Cuest of lionor will lie presidents of. the Tenth district ~e WII. 2998 140W OPEN Serviing fresh, delicious food GROSS POINT INN 5 course plate lunch, 25c Breakfast Dinmer 811 Ridgee Rd. 1159 MO VII .. . ... . . Ph one ra4.eo(oe«oft4oeEI~ou______________Remember the Food Barrele Phone Gr*. CAKE