Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1933, p. 48

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~ ~ ~ i* m c u p ~ [ m fl T I i- eî h t g a d s. It is a n e w p ro je c t to g a a i nT is r cita l w ll b e p a rt o f a n e x - cufuescha oilal nd ct heokei- - Ia is ie uclM.Brr -a amte ,ebttensI ve Progrâm which Mrs. Lloyd D. cuefuel uhasil alndwihoteir othe î ic issMcKy thsýea ndivn mc r er wsamte O t har HrrhdC ago district çchairm>an of tim an enrg ths yar ndfor in l1884. He. Practiced law in maa.te ffhated Schools, la organizing The Mercer comnies' experience, vhc sehas purchadthnee- er. for tivo.ears. and then for a for the Purposê cf raising schoiars,,hilp 9codn t .D Mre.presiet sary nmusiýc. A silver collection ta short tinie itn Chicago. 1He %xent.,into funds for industrial worke.Te f lias taughit thena l.that the interesscvertepieo this music ill .hcie tr uiness and %v'as for seve n fhae unmrShos1o ok af om ones sig ilfo hatngbeta r tthe e meetingf . tirn er buse*admaaeroftelich each year Sehlcs any Work- Sc w yearýý buyer n Induttrv, is a. national organizatioli terhomes caii be best served faftehidgdswllgve a deç fur department of'Charles A. Stevens rs and sends.. theni* to, special suni- îhvcan place the responisibiljty of ontrtnofrthcwrk store in Chicago. After that he con-uë- me silesigned to mùeet the.ir efficient heating service, .itncluding, ntd iewnfrbuies.Ifeds. Tht, Chicag<. district Coin-, mittee 'rafrt -hoarhpsf ba th burner and. oil' supply. in the i a i s F i n l il e t a o u b r f y a s M . B rx IU niversfty o .W îholasii and Brtli hiands of a singleindividuial or firni. Te be edy iliie 1had srvJ- son,.ofth.ude o airWitntr scoslnad r aurer uIy Aproedthe home of Mrs. 0O. H. Bersclî, .71, The s eeofte ugs Mw ummr seols. à tcocrcd Eleventlî sApproedtreet, on Thursda ,March electioiî in precinet No. 6, Xilmette ThMur tîî snétencre Ta brin g about this comibinlation, 30, for au 'ail dav session. 1(Polling place at the Laurel school). wit thvainal lrainii b eins the' Mercer Companies >have. made a Before nxoving to Wilmette he had i of .te wrvarin n i Pr'obl;e il d i ýtork g nd t uroel thorotgh study'of the varius types The 2April meeting of the Pré - sr s jdg f ee tons in the 1b n e jsa dn o hi n ofolburners on the nmarket and brie!, is todgiteitt -irkeChicago.dustu are nowhvngnaufcuedfrSchool group *will l)e held at the -geatrkitrctii htagriealbttr' nasandîg f hird s-i ar iwhvn auatrd o took an active interest ini public af- tiladsca rbei n e9u theni a humier .carrvylng a certificate honte af Mrs. M. C. Boothe.- 2232 faS1 litie of ppiroval ijy the U nderw riters La- cechpr i 1 t oo cke in . isîsdav ei-eîiîî fai s. M e. h er o d ~ iî b s i f. ~ . iMm. Bemrv ig survived by hisîd.IEiabt Davis, secretary-tra.sirîer;. efficie ai ecnmicat wservic e raAri l t 'Mck . Berry .tivo dauigliters. 2Mrs.Mariet Slliîh, MVas<>T, fanice eoraties andehumnca erv ie gifora__N rs. BeI ichairnian ; Ms LuseI'et.e period of yeams, Mr. Nlercer states. On Tuesday, April 11, ai. 10, p'clJok"lMs.W A. Berblinger of Wîlmette BjHalé, Booz, i ill MNercer Ofi buriiers are now in- the regular meeting o.f the adolescent four g.randchiolÉvdrst nd en.lsaen F irshejr Hh, . cMrir stalled l)i the conmpanies' offices at ciass will be lield at the *Howard fugrdhimeîstacK., Fshefr, rs. Ril usWl both the Fvanston and Hubbard school- with Mrs. Rouao Gullicksôni The funeral services wvere held, last 1oet er, îs HrceFr, i5 \ý'oods plants. Tl'le public lias been leading. Fiday after-noon at his late residence, JiuliaGertsM ie ihael mla>; unvi ted also ta anspect the Mercer ---_______ 7 Crescent place, withi the Rev. John Helenl Wright and Mrs. Rutth i,jliip. burner %vhich will be demionstmated____________________ G. Hindlev of the First Congregation. The Commtee in charge ()f the e- at the Commniîv l%-flos citatin.i ifiiiaitCludes Miss Dvs Ilc resaid:n the iiew humner Mr. Ilealtk Center Burial took place ai Mfemorial Park iyn, Miss EIeanoToln1,am 'T e M r cbes hM er is lo u st au-N e w s e t rvMa ha H a î n "l'ieMererbureris otjus at-ENTERTAINS AT DINNER HOME FROM CRUISE other humner. Ih is beautiful in -de- l'lie nexi Infant \iVelfar.e t-1ni; fil f -N -.1[ is manufàctured ini three diffe cnt sizes. cadi perfectIv designed ai ellgile'erecd ta take care of diffemti -c ebilding or heating requin mients, and lias, passed the Natiot; Board of Fire. Underwriters ta 5su cessfully burn ecuber of three grad( of ail. No. 1, 2. or 3.. Retail Sales Here OnIy ~~is the intention af the coi 'Pal,\,tca merchandise these butuer t Il mo in g h out t the United Sat The .How'àclord, 0. 2. t rug outr tne evening and be espe- %-ana, ajian a2'n< T 1r Y 'lc a1.apparent i tecoltmsa hr~ ndDntlcinie mets every Thiursda,,sev,,enýteen guests. the hanise decora- ~ntînonm frîîî9 'clck a 2. 1'l tons ad gamies. Mr. Morgan, Mrs. MNr. and Ms onNveJ. rile- iighr eta niionndgctedj. .MeCitoMrs. A.* Kloess, r520 Warwick road, etumndbRn iaI ver ailer ednsdavmoringbe- ohnHog, and Frank Hcal-V arc to Ilworth Frida3- froiatmcwc ic- tivcen the boums af 9 and 12. Dr. E. be the fivê guests of hol r iot t rloa trast, n 'es Christie, Dr. Pauil Bass, and Dr. F. J. MmripBeachOFland,,Saoing throu ýGenster, aIl local dentists. arc in 1 Miss Mary June Miller returned North' and SouIth Ç'arolina on1 the charge' of tliesec ciilcs. The nextj home1 froni Grinnell college on Fmi- Wvav narth. M.r. N"uveen eto »j ýl ,Chest clinic, oi which Dr. Juliu S No- day, March 24, to speaîd the sprii 1g ness. eto ui ýrs vak-Zof the Chicago. Tuberculosis in:- holidays with hem niother, M~rs. esitiuteIsin chaLc x ilm 236 Cuminor ber sewing WVednesday, (Ici of Kenuilwol-th M". and Mi-s. Ken son, 322 Stinset roai tertained their Po 1, Bridge ,club on Marc th M. I{ender- Winnetka, en- Luck Dinner. e2. I ý. 1 lliev .. . . . . . . . . . . .

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