Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1933, p. 45

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71 G.eneral. LI adults, 1 child 1 year ol.d. -%us.t like cilîdren. $12. Gee Al4 adults, go to i, fol. sum,- mr Nôlaund.ry. $12. General.. ood cook req. Have 3i chil- dren school age. No' laundryý, hav upstirsgirl.$12. a1v 1 seneral, :1 lit famîlv. No I aundry. Wage $ 10. Above positions requirc. tirst class work- ing. refs-. and girls undelr 35 r. of age.- * Pauliie's EniAgencies 522 E 'enter. -St. Winnetka ____471LTN47-ltcý YOUNGý,:W( 'AN TO) SELL FINE perfutile.1, at attractive prices. direct to iconer. Usual sales plan. llh<iu -Greýenleaf 84.51 foi. appointment. _________ _______ 71LTN47-ltc %WANT1E-NIlITE GIIRL 'NI)E.R 40 for gene-ral houisewor(ék. WVilling to go ti> Wi.. for s-umnwr. Ref. réq.. $25 mette. . 7LT.N47-itp Tiill, -FOR IZ NE LHOUS.E WORP.K. fàmnilIV of 3 adults, .2 children. No laundry. $5 wveek, roini and l»ard. Winntk t 14. 7T47-lte WHIITE GliRL 1 1OizGEN. lJIOUSEI- work.' Must c4ook ;mnd like uhildrien. Sielau iîIry. W n netka 8. -~~~ ----- 7LTN 47 -1te EXPIER1. YOUNG WH1ITlE iGIL FO)R general hostwrk ome -nighits pre- lferred. $6 week. No> lautdy hn ">ý'innet ka 760. 711,y. Phonei "NTI-~AL*~L DIESTO NTRO- lu4.a seasirnale aid fast selling Iiouseh',Id articlu. Write A89,. Box 40, WATI-WIIEGIRL, -GË-SýEERAL 1 *.housework. Ref. Winnetk, 2478. 2'SINGLEI Nice clean. sunny room .s in, private home near tranisp.' Winnetka 2022. 82LTN47-ltp' FOR RENT-PLEASANýT, AIRY ROO'M th Wlnnetka. Close to transportation, for business lady. Ph. Wlnnetka 2176» 82LTN47-Itp) LARGE NICELY FURÎNISHED 3ROOM-i, suitable for 1 or 2. % bloÊk to Elmi St. station. Very reasonable. Ph. Win- nietka 1867.. ,. 82L47-ltp FTJRNISIHED ROOM NEAR TRANSP. 893 1Elm Street, Winnetka. Phone. Winnetka 1719.. 1 82L47-ltp ,g COMFORTABLE RMS. FOR ftENT i large, and 1 small, 'ery reasonable. Ph.. Wilmette 163.. 2LtN47-1ltc 47-lt c 87 CARE 0F CONVALESCENT$ A REAL DIET" AND REST HOM, for invalids antd aged folks that need kindj attention and good food. Nurse's care 4eay and. nigiht. D.tctor refs.~ Marie G. Digre, Willmette 50»,. ________________87LTN47-Ilp SEFOR RENT-APARTMENTS BEFOILE RENTING ELSEIVHERE,t see our well arranged 2 room apart-I ments, extra large. bedrm., closet space, liv. rm.. and kitchen facililties. The owner. appreciates good tenants and offers the best of services at very reasonable rentalý-. E. E. STULTS REALTY CO. 40 Whfinetka Ave. VntkThi 92LTN46-4tp DO YOU WÏANT TO RENT AN APARTMENT OR STORE ON'THE NORTH SHORD?, WeVé have a full list of vacant ones W.ý H. CLARIS LINDEN MAXOR BILDG. 982 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Winnetka .3,80: 92LTN47-ite 6 RAIS. I~TMEN BRICK BUILDj- 1ing in Kenilworth. Rediiced rentai. IPREDKX B.THOMAS, & CO.' 743 Elm St. Winnetka 2850 6 MM. FLAT AND SI*IOP.AT 1238 CENTRAL AVE., WILMETTE AND 3 LGE. RM. HEATED ARTS. CALL AT 1937 WILMETTE AVE. 92L47-ltp) 3 ANDý 4 ROOM APARTiMFNTS, *TILE bath.'and phower, breakfast nook, electrie refrigeration. Reasonable ren t. Wolff-Griffls bldg., Wilmhete 1724« trai,5.ora'.' and UfUsVUoolB. 150 CENTER STREEËT Telephone Winnetkà. 3470 or 155 92LTN46-v4tp FOR RET-.stROMSi BRICK BLDG.,: quiet resldential district, modemf; tle, bath, Frigidaire, garage space. Hat' furnished. $50 amornth.. Cail WIl. 1793. 92LTN47-ltp 6 ROOMS AXI)D SUN PORCII ON qitresldentl. street in Hubbard Woods, near transportation. Electrie- refrig. Garage. WlInnetka. 1127. 92LTN47-tfe 5 LIGHT ROOMS. H. W. HÙEAT.PtI-. vate entrance. Big yard. Reasonable. Apply 1097 Tower Rd., Wlnnetkag. 92loTN47-lte F-OR RMT- 1 2 AND 5-RM. mens, bock from lake. Court Properties, 930 Spanlis Wllmette 432. ; 1 92LI FOR RENT-8 ROOM PLAT. APART- Spanlsh' 92LTN4' MAY 1ST-5 ROOM FLAT, 21/.Bi to store.s and transp. Lge. reair p fenced yard, newly decorated. P Wiliiette 3555. 92LTN4 FoR RN-NUN furn. 2 rm. kitcheneý Adults. 726 Eleventh1 1 ROOM W1VTH I<ITCHE' nisl)(d or uinfurnished, tat ion. Wilmette 3082. 'E, FUR- transpor- ,TN47-ltc TIÏ4 rblonIvgeyu gowithout a lcaie >lea<ly posiýtioni, thu doe iffig.uUt it vi.ll lie to acjus{.rlt tg, the right kindi of position right along. Y.'u niight hold out inl th(' l.oje tht yuur ojdd une i<. wokwill conTle hack tio you. But s haàve ilaiîy other.s 'I'lose jobs arie flot avai)lalge. liere is one tluît is. yut yOll wudhave , t artit a sinallui. in- to- il)( ian mnen who have fitted thein-. -elv\e-! foi. the la rg t 1 incoiles. YOU n'igit iii.tku but $25 v. $35 a week iii the hvgiinng.You eau iliciease thiss oofl. MOVING? don't play blind-man's-buff with the place you want 57 FOR flENT-NOUSE ON RAVINE OVE-RLOKING LAKE-, French architecture. 5 master bed- mnis., 4 bath>s, 2 mnaids' rooms and bath, 2-car att. gar., oil heat. $250. l-English brick, studio liv. rm., breakfast, rm., 4 bedrins., 2 baths, oul heat, 2-car att. gar., near transp. $125. I utch Colonial, 3 bedrms., 2 enclosed porches, 1 - bath, lav. on, first, 1-car gar., oil. $75. llrick bungalow, 2 bedrnia.,. 1 bath, hot *water, üoal.~ 2 porch~es. $55. EXPERIENCED W- help. Must havei Couples $50 to $75. to $10. Apply in p 663 Vernon Ave. METTE 4300ý ..Ask for AdTaker SERVICE . I Olencoe 251 73LT~ >~47-1tp ex. oil.h nette, Eom, rorth r-utp 1 . 1 -1 ,Zý47-

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