Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1933, p. 43

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* supporting cast., will bec shoWxî Fr1- day and Saturday eveuning at the XViI- mette theater. Frank Borzage. diréctor of "IA UpFarewcll: to Arn:7 followved tbe plot of. the ,Original ýnovel closely in adapt- î ng it to the screen. H-emingway's n'ove] is.regarded. as one of the finest,, most touching lovec stor.ies ever %vritten. Cooper plays Ot r'ile of the young Amneria * lieutenat tin the Jtalian ambulance corps during -the, war. NIenjou i s cast as Ritialdi, bis, war- brother. Miss Hayes plays the role of Cathierinet lBarlevCN, the Englishi niurse wti vo Cooper falîs lin love. Whlc the %var presses iii ou every sieof tlmem, tlle two love des- perately. Tbiey are hiappiest after Cooper. wlio lias bêen wouînded, is sent to the Milani hospital in whicbi * Miss Hayes 'is a nurse. But wlien he bas beenl cured, and lias retutiied. to the front slie flees to Switzerlaiid. Cooper is unable to stand the sep)aration f ron bier, and. deserts the armyv. Unable to fitid lier in Milani, lie ultinmately reaclies bier sidé in Switzerland. H-e finds lier ini thee bos- pital. 'l'lie climax wvhiclh follows is said to be oie of thîe niost drarnatic ever filnîced. "The King's VTacation," starring George Arliss on Saturday, Suiday, Monday and Tuesday,, April 1. 2. 3 and 4. Again Airliss takes a somewbat light story and with bis cbaracteri.stic suavity, turns it into delightfui enter- tainiment. This time be's a king,9 bap- pily reieased f rom, bis' oppressive job by a revolution..He. is released also by the queen (Mrs. Arliss). to- seek the love be reniounled (M\iarjorie Gateson) when.be married But free- dom's carefree, promnises result ini troübles-from vich 1MNr. Als draws a flimful of: fuý., At 'tbe Saturday matinee, an added attraction will be a chapter ýof the trilling serial,,"Clancyv of the M!ount:ý ed," sta rring Tom Tyler. Friday, Marcb 31, will close the montli in- great styk . the. Variy theater where Lee Tracy packs a fine double barreled kick in bis por- trayal of a cocky and belligerent buck -private. The film is -Private Jones" witb plenty .of interesting plot tangle when Tracy, ini the titie role, fails for a sweet little Y. -M. C. A. worker (Gloria Stuart.), married to a lieuten ant be bates. Sparkling dialogues spice.s "Twen- %-ooperin Axa rdfflUroles. Hlemingway, over 6 feet tal,- over 200 pounds in weight, bas done the sort Of improbable things that, are, more expected, of- a coÔllege football hero than anauthor. At a middleweight boxingcamin ship bout in, Paris af ew years ago, for exampie, he became incensed wheni the champion struck, one foui' after the other at blis oppontent Abandoning bis ringside seat, Hem- ingway climbed into tbe ring. took a single sock at the champion, and knocked hlm out cold. Siny FranklinGas Fame- by Being Himself S'idney Franklin. the Brooklyn boy wbo went to Spain and became the wôrid's greatest bull-fighter, bias the hapy piyilge f, pJ pearnw4thl [Eddie Cantor in "The Kid From Spain,- as no one but Sidney Franklin, the great American matador. Wbich, of course, is exactly wbat he is. Goldwyn %vired Franklin in New York, asking him to return to Holly- wood for a part iin the Cantor picture. Franklinî %vas about to sali for his wvinter seasonl in Spain. will also bc shown. Ralph i3ellaniy'Stars Ralphi Bellaniy, of Wilmnette, and ,Sallv Filers, wbo scored a dual triumph in "Disorderly. Coniduct," are reunîted iii "Second Hanld Wife.' at thé WAilmette theater, Suntday April "Second Hand WXife" is tbe storyl story of a mans experience fron risns , oiderUt IVrtuTIV, wri, entranée into prison to his exit raconteur, %vho wvas present at through the cleath. bouse. Bette Francisco shock. This mov Davis as the girl in love with Spencer eartliquake wiII be shown in Tracy, and Lyle Talbot as a rebeili- ture, "Fi"isco jenny," Ruth ous prisoner do good work. Arthur ton's starring vehicle. Byron plays a bumane warden. Tonight (Thursday) the Varsity NEVER PLAYED HOO] presents Irene Dunne in "The Secret Wallace Ford, who appea of Madame Blanche." War¶ren William, Loretta Yoi IAlice White in move old underworld as ait urily weaves ît- Uimpersoar~iAngA5 uniiiiorei ro go U inio self througb tbe changing life of the a reai buiiflght. new San Francisco to the moment of Tonigbt (Thursday) the MinetteP supreme sacrifice that crowns the theater presents Warren William mnn stôry. the department-store dramna, "'Em- Ail the production resources, of, ployees' Entrance." "Humen mon,. "RED SIIADOW' C.rtoon--sport Thrlill-N.ws-, Fri., Sat.. Mqarch 31-April 1 Holen Hayes - Gary Cooper "A FARIEWZLL TO AR MS" Evenings only from 6:30 p. m. Hollywood on Parade Mickey Mouse -News Safurday Matin.. Prom 1 p. m. fo 5 p. m. only I Hoof Glbson-'Local Bad Mon," "Whisperîng Shaclow" C..2I Sunday Qnty, April 2 Ralph Bellemy - SalIv Eilers Carfoon sii Dr.i 1Mon..

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