Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1933, p. 42

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LL TIMES Children, 10e T4urgday, mari 83 malph BeIam-aSliy Ellers "SEON IJNDWIFE" Marie llressler & F0117 )ora.n lu "BagernsFemales" *. .*.Sereen So8fng* Magie Carpet. .. News Fr.,Sa.,Marrh si-April "1EBILLION DOLLAR SCANDAL"p Rtobert Armiâtroag Starts Fr1. 7:54> 1:i55 Starts Sat. 3:99,.:5;7:0 8$ LAurel k* Hardy IL î"Their Flrst MiWstahe", . . *scràppy cartoon» JIRSi Itheir *adventurou.. li'ving, is -the fiýnest Part- shelias y-et- had on the screen. .0,ther recen~t pictues shc has been in are. ..Big9Cit) Bliues**an .d .A. Succes9- fui Calamity.' a "Maedchen in Unifor m" Dcals with Adolesce nc "Maedchen in..Uniform,;" the seuî- sational filmu triumph, bas,' received unaninious 1.praise from n ewspape critics throughout thtentire w'orpld. It is, Witbout a doubt, an extraordi- naryý ald lunique picture, treating a phase of adolescence witb such a -deft hand. that there is nlo offesen whe tt list ýdelii<ate of pathologi- cal subjects >are touched upon. ~GEIW3TJE SuT 4W8(Y Perplex~ities of the genitle but husky Lloyd Hainilton il, 'otie of bis latest Comedies will soeilsei1d local theater.. goers into paroxysmns of Iaugbter. MOMENTS AND SECONDS Tense moments and split seconds hat niake 'athletics an eer fascinating diversion are featurinig the short movie ttraction .entitled "Sport Thrills." The Mim dePicts, on. a truly epic canvas-, the economi.c growtb of the .U4ited States from i ts trading post, era, through tbre. distressing piosof depression, to the present timie of mnass production in industry.' Demonstrating' the ýpoôwer of the United States to burdle obstacles ta its1 progress, the picture 'presents a background of draniat ic and historical factsý for a sublinîely beautiful story of ýa courageous couple,, typical Amnericans, portrayed by Richard Dix and ,Anui Harding. whio dare the dangers of-a backwvoods trading post Kate Smith Rehearses Songs While Traveling Kate ý-Smiti hega iehearsitg for lier starr:ng role ini "Hello, Every- body!" in a drawing room of a train between Albuquerque, New Mexido, and 'Los Angeles. Sami Coslow and Artbur johnston, famous sang writers, lef t New' York for the Coast after Miss Smith, fiew to Albuquerque in a plane, taking -with theni a studio piano, met the train at the New Mexi- co tcon and hegan rehiearsals immedi- atelv. c zaý uruay. e T 1ht story deals with :a sensational texpose of a gigantic swindle, brought about by an ex-convict, as an act(if tvengeance agafinst a povverful finai- The role of the ex-coîlvictli, played by Robert Armùstrong; 'the financier Lis Érank Morgan;, his- daughter isý 1Constance Cumimings: Albertson , is the brother 'of the ex-convict; Pi' ler is the newspaper editor, and. Gleasoui. Hymer, Baclanova are. pais of. the ex-convict.î Hem'8 Our.Frieund Kate! "Hlello, Everybody l" Kate Siiiith's, first full-Iength feature picture, niade. from a story by Fannie Hurst, %*viI1 be presented at the Tatro del Lavu. Sunday and Monday, April 2 and .3. Th~e iIntteli ls the tory of a corn- petent and big-hearted fari girl, who bas successfully nanaged a large farm since ber father's death. Sur- veyors fromi a San Francisco power and water companv appear in the neighborhood to buy up the vallev farms. Kate refuses to sel], and the farmers, accepting lier natural leail- ership, also refuse. Randolpb Scott and Saliy Blance play the romiantic Ieads. The ne\ ivqaKA A1 EAR'S BEST is oe ofthe iostliteate illiterates Il motin pictures. On the screen, 30 Glason i usually typed as a wise- cracking stughy wbo splits, skulls, sides and infinitives witb equal skill. Off- cre, 1bowever. lie enjoys the reputa- nce tion of baving written a- nuniber cf stage and seceen successes. 'ng. picture which has been the sen- sation of London:i Paris, Berlin and NNew York, wbhere it ran for inontiisý at the Criterion theater, wllbc -shown Tuesday and WVednesdav,% AIpril 4 and 5, at the Teatro del Lago.: Its great cast of womien and chil- dren-not a manî is to be seen in the entîre production-worked under the direction of Leontine Saga n, Eu ropc 's greatest wo:nan inegaphotne-%wjelder. et: subjes: .t Song."$ J:tO Iph Bellamy of Wihnette is a Uof the drama "Second Hand sbowing at the Teatro del Lagp (Thursday). PRICES AT I(

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