Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1933, p. 39

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over1 A permit was issued, on Februâ 28 for the construction of a framne2 (ition at the residenc.e of Hilton1 j ones, .1538 Forest, avenue,t estimated cost of the job being $9 On the, same date Vera Priebe t6 out a permüit> for the er!eetion of two-car brick, garage to cost $675. 1209 Sheridan road. Other building construction aut h ized during. the, month wàs as fi lows: Brick veneer Sun porch at the L. Hillinger resid ence, 1520 Spec avenue, to co st $300. Frame alteration at the M A. A niai residence, 423 Laurel, avenue, coSt$10 Frame dormer alteration. at the ,«J. ohnson home, 1215Tenyt street, tfo cost $100. .Garage and porcb addition at tI Jolin D. ýSnaII residence,, 411 Mar avenule, to cost $100. RETURN TO COLLEGE >Miss Jean Keith, 310 WNarwick road, Kenilworth, and hier friend, Evelyn Cox. returned to their university at Boulder, Colo., last Monday. They inotored with friend ' . Harold Keith, whlo attends the sanie university, did niot return homte for his vacation but joined sonie boys w~ho have a cabin INITIATED ferry Rosenberg, whio is a freslh- ianl at the University of Pennisyl- v.tiila, lias rccently been initiated iii- lo PIlE.psilon Pi fratcrnity. . He wîll be home on April 8, to spend the Spr-ing lholidayswith bis parents, NMr. and .ls Ira Rosenberg,.910 Forest ad- üld days" of a few years back-, itis Ira dcclared. the Ail of the March pcrnîits were 'for 900.1 reinodeliýg, jobs, one of whicb, ho'w-. jok ever, amounted1 to $5,000 and lanother î s costing $4,000.,Tettl o h î- at month is -$I2,500.1 or The larger imùprovýement, is. bcing r- made by Phil Gordon, in the1 f oriri of alterations -to the. residenice property p. at 809; Lincoln avenue, while the,$4,000 ýcer 1 1m provement is a two-story, and base- mient addition, 'with other .aýlteraionýs, to the résidence, of1 Henry A. Gard- to ner, at 844-Bryant avenue. A permit was issueci to Cyrus Mark C for aiterations to> the residence prop-ý ird crty at 248 I.indcn: street, costing $1 ,000. the Martin L. Cassell is spcnding a ikeé pl munt in luaterations tothe second story of his residence at 825 Foxdale avenue. A permit has been issued for making repairs to the building at 1046 Gage street, occupied by the Hubbard Woods Pharmacy and which was damaged by fire some time ago. The cost is $500. A. Demma is making alterations to bis store building at 910 Linden ave- nîue, Hubbard Woods, costing $400. A permit. was issued to' Kari Lnniz 1 ENLARGE QUARTERS Enyart, Van Camp & Fcil, tax warrant specialist, has increased the size of its office at 39 .South LaSalle street and now bas quarters twicc as large as those it previously oc- cupied, Charles E. Enyart, presidciît of the company, announced this weck. -Because of the growing importance of our tax warrant business," Mr. Enyart declared, "we had to enlarge ouir nhirters in nrb!r tt- hp able 1t Diavid- nuiltalong the north shore., - The purpose of: this exhibition is5 to encourage renewcd- interest in home building -and to. afford an opportunity tc) iearn the cost and designs without obligation. Thée'plans come irom the offices of the Jerome> Cerny, mIc., George B. lEich, Elmer J. Fox, Frazier and Raftery, lered. M. Hodgdon, and Wiîte and Weber. The ;architects will be in the showroomts from 1 to5 j,.clock oný the next 'two Sunidays to answer any .'questions which the Vîi- tors care to ask. New HomneFeatures Kenilworth: Records Spring building activities ace to start Mi Kenilworth with tbe erection of a- unie and one-haîf story brick residence l.t 32 Green Bay. road, for which a permit was issued to Otto J. Otten hast Monday. The building, to be of the English type of architecture, wilI be Iocated a short distance north of Roger avenue. It will cost, accord- ing to the permit, $2,500. This site is inciuded in what is now zoned as "E" Commercial district, to wbicb it was changed in 1930 f rom "C" Residential area, permitting two- family residential improvements. The a resoiuuion adopteci Dby the Village board presented by the Kenilworth architectural commission in 1930. This resolution'was based on a plan of English type of architecture, formulated by Louis C. Bouchard, well known architect, to govern the de- velopmcnt of the business section of Railroàd avenue, now Green Bay road. New building and present proper- tics whcn reinodelcd in' this' type of architecture. it is nninted out. will en-. noon , eginning ,Wtf lSctiCCons y the music pupils of the school Who responded very ably to an almost last minute request to perform. Missý Georgana ýGrignon, gave a piano number, ."Russian.Dance"; iPatricia Meoz piayed ."At Mo rn"; Gloria Del C arlo,"I ndian Lament"; Mary .Pat. St. Clair,- "Witches Dance";. and Eu- genia Sherry, a violin solo, "Inter- mezzo." Their playing and the e vident good training, they are receiving pleas ëd the. mothers, very much. Miss Margaret Hayes, a 'former. teacher inthe Wilmette schools, was the speaker of the afternoon. $.le' rmail several of the lovely thoughts: fmrm Willa Cather's book,. "Shadows o 1n the Rock," to illustrate lier idea of how wonderf nI and. important the home is. She said, "If the present formn of government in Russia is succésiful in do'ing aày witIi the' home, I wonder if the people wifl reaIlly like it." Mrs.' Tracey announced for Mrs. R. Gullickson a child welf;ýre lecture on April Il at 10 o'clock in the How- ard school, to 'whicb ail the inothers are invited. A social hiaîf hour followed the meeting, and the mothers indulged ini a littie chatting about* everything. Th9t i. the.commient of otar patrons about our aoom' plate lhmcheons. tome in t an md b.convîrnoodl DELICIOUS Complete Plate - - '- il Nirs. MIeivini M. Hawlcy, 515 War- Miss Lora, Baiughani wick road, Keniiworth, left Monday Wilmette on Saturday fi niglht to spend two weeks with bher college, Ohio, to spènd1 rnother whose home is *in Evanston, her spring vacation with but whio is spending tbe:winiter in. St. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bat Augustine. Fia. Spencer avenule." See Edw. al the sprice.. 7m5 Main St. Bette 26

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