D~ even wnetlier or not you are an admirer of Sinclai1r Lewis, it must lie admitted that h li as somne good points-good enough t'o 1win international recogni-' t ion. For that reason you can expect to meet. a great many *people whoý will attend the meeting. of. Group II, to hear Miss Anne L.- Whitrnack, review ,'AnmiVickers,- 'which lias been,, and is nW W ont of the best sellers. This review is one of a series in tht course on -Coûtemporary Literature and Its Mea ing, for 'Today. Discusson Newapaper Group IV,- whicli is studying the, repcrt of' tle commission :appointed, hy former President Hoover, on "Re- cent Social Trends," will litar Walter Fremont, -a, newspaper'man of .. ide experience, discuss the cliapter of the report on "Means of Communication." In bis address he Will take up the various "'nitans" of communication whtic have to-a larg e ett made a "neigliborhood" -of the world, and which are destined to* upset the fading cause ,Ot narrow nationalism, but lie will probably set forth the importance of the modern newspaper as one of tlie inescapable and effective means of transforming "provinicialism" into ",in- ternationalism." Therefore, if you w-ant to feel that you are at least -abreast wvith the times," corne out to- instead wM spend part of it witn Miss. Marie Pierce of New York City, formnerly of, North Evanston, and the remainder of. the time in, Pouglikeep- Sie with Miss An Litn, wlio is at- tending Vassar. Mrs. William G. Bay liss and daugli- ter, Betty, 610 Central avenue, leftl Monday on a two weeks' motor trip. stopping at Columbus, Ohio and Mor- gantown, Va., wliere tliey, will visit relativ e sand .friends. .Bettyyvijl' attend- the KappaKappa Gamma ini- tiation. Don't delay a day longer-if you want a beau- tIftUl lawn thia nommer 1lanting muet begin at once. Sow Boulevard grasssned eootaning As. misstoria . ent at 40e a potino or Linoola Park s.ed at.20C a eouind-oôn'e und wIlI cover 144 sq, ft. On sale at leading filorlet, feed, grocerybard- ware and department stores. WE TRLL YOU 110W TO GROW A LAWN- Iend for bookiet. "Six Steps ln Making a Good ILawwe r.. i MWRDM<'S rioTs#eProlace" Thusdays ai 7P. M.. * Fridays "a5IP. .,Suudaytat 4:15 P. M. JOLIVER IJFO NSON, INC, 940-960O W. HURON ST., CHICAGO, Bible in flice'Modern Home and School," will have somietliing to say toniglit that will interest all who bave passed tht. voting age. His. topic will lie: "Aduit Uses of the Bible." Group 111 who will continue to "Think It Throughi With Youing Peu- ple" will hear~ an address by tht Rev. Randali B. Hamirick on -Has 'ronior- row a Challenge ?' are leavjne Fniday. turn April, 114. eal dlveyths years a'nd years of waiting! ea1~d1cr Whata surprise satisfactionin tIiat first day greeting a flavor so exquiste ... so noticeably finer timon the best aur fathers drank. r, Charlotte, y ail will re-J Ph... MON.oe 6M