Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1933, p. 32

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Thec Federation 'of Clubs of the Tenth Congressional district will nicet with the Woman's Club-of Wilmette, Tenth street and. Greenleaf avenue, for tç.annual meeting Monday, April The program will be divided into two Sessions,, with the morning de- voted to reports, the afternoon, in- cluding a mus icale,. the awarding of. pizes in the poetry contesit, and the reading"of the prize-winning poem. The board meeting will open at 9:30 o'dlock in tbe morning, followed by the district meeting at, 10. Mrs. M. E. Smith, district mus'c cairman, wilI commence the program with th leàding of ensemble'singing of "Amer- ica".- The Salute and. Pledge of. AI- legiance te the Flag will be led by Mrs. Mau~rice H. Lieber of Winnet- ka, district chairman of American citizehip, lwioe tote recttatiom of the Collect for Club Women by Mrs. Harry S. Gradie. Mrs. Arthur J. Dixon, president of the hostess club, will welcome the guests on behalf of the Woman's Club -of Wilmette, to which Mrs. Ivor Jeffreys, president of the Tenth district, will respond. That procedure ended, reports will follow, reports of officers, routine business, report of' the nominating committee of whicb Mirs. Karl Plath with Mrs. G.~eorge D. Conlee, 849 Lin- coln avenue, Winnetka, net later than March. 31. Mrsf. William F. Farrell, president oftestate federation, will be guest of honor at the afternoon session which will be called at 1:30 o'cloick. Singing of "Illinois" will be led by * Mrs, Smith, Ruth Thorn, cellist:ý Carlifialconib, artist-photograïph- cp-, cones to the Womas&t's club of *Wilnhgee nextWednesday 41ter- nioon at 2 oclock, with his travel- ogue, "God's Wonderland," a carre- lation of pic: ures, Poetry, and mu- sic. At this meceting the club wil be hostess toalal philanthropy workers w/to are nat club neti- bers. Two Book Reviews at Wornan's Club Apt. 12 charge of the morning, wvill present two club members, Mrs. Frank E. * Parry and Mrs. Frederic, R. Kilner ,atthisthe next and last of the series of book review nîornings sponsored by the literatuire departnient, of whichi Mrs. Frank R. Adains is cliairinan. ýMrs. Parry will commence the pro- granm with ber resuné of -The Provii-- Iderson guild is to nicet at the home of IMrs. B. F. Macinnon, 321 Leicester. I *road, .Kenilworth; .tbe ,Bishop IMcLaren guild with Mrs. Williamn A. IWhittier, 51 Kenilwortb avenue, Ken- ilisorth, and tbe Bishop W.hitebe use. guîld at the homieof Mrs. ýCarl M. Huck, 605 Essex ,road, Kenilworth. Mrs. Huck will bé,' assisted by % Mrs. Clarence S. Tay 134 Woodla .nd ave- nue, Winnetko& The Bisbep Chase guild is. being entertained by' Mrs. Anna Jones of 336 Essex road,. Ken-. ilwortb, mother. of MIrs. Albert R. F-le-isthnn. Nowo Cornes Eairthquazke Bridge ýto Club. Juniors Apropos of recent events on the -Pacific ceast, an Earthquake bridge wfttl- iônstitüte the programi of the next meeting of the Junior auxiliary of the Woman's Club of Wilmnette Thursday evening, April 6, at 7:30 o'clock. "Dinner wvill'not be served, but itý will be te the' advantage of eacli meniber to arrive on tume ini order te hear t he -first warning treniior." fthe juniors announce. Preceding this event a board mnect- I PresidentI By JEAN TEN BROECK Only. tWo More regular ail-day meetings rem ain on- the *calendar of the Woman's Club of Wilmette for the current season. Thé, next of tbese, Wednesday, April -$, hasý been so arrangeci as to suggest in its mo rning and.afternoon session the days, of 0iowers and traVel.* Its entire programl.presentation is off ereci un- der the auspices of.the art depart- ment, wvbich bas engaged the. firet mfforning speaker, and the philan- thropy department, which bas pro- cured the second -morning ,speaker and planned the afternoon prog .ram. Mrs. RalIpb Huif is, chairman ofthe art group,. Mrs. A. E.- Klunder. of the philanthropy department. atering a the club at, 10:30 in the morning, members will hear Mns. Mathilde, Klemrn comment upq*n "ic]iwer Arrangement in the Home." She wiIl place flowers in vases to denionstrate ber talk. "The Good Will Industries," their description and their reason for ex- istence will be the topic of the talk their superintendent, Walter C. Loague, will give at noon. On West Monroe street in Chicago, this inter- esting philantbropy provides for the rehabilitation of handicapped people, John Thompson, and- Arthur Tuttie. The' Good Will Industries are large and of far-reacbing influence. After the ene o'clock lunicheoti in- terval, Carl Balcomb will depict God's .Wonderland," interpreting in pic- titres, peetry, and music, the spiritual as wvell as scenic beauties of Western America. A native of Colorado, be lias been on the lecture platformi for il. ulop 1, 01 me r A LsoJ. iurch. A dessert luncheon was by sewing., I1J14:'Lake a Uamma are invi tet ,eon reservations may Mrs. 'H. V. Condit, le, Wihnette. 21()Ûuf a hundCe guests are ex- Pected. Miss Mildred J-ebel of 14il- mnette is President of the North Shore. Alunmmae group. CHILD STUD' The Pre-ýAdole meeting with M ridge, 917 Green day.,evernng, Apr ,od avenue, Mc 3, at 8 ô'clock. I

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