Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1933, p. 30

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zormning a. back~groundI for the hum- berless variety of small gardens now in the process of construction. One thousand evergreens, balléd and bur- la ped for planting, the gifts from two staunch supporters .ôf the Gardend Club of Illinois, will be useci in those landscaped plots. Two thousand. bales Of peat mhoss will furniish the foundation for-over 12,000 square yards of velvety, green sod. One -hundred tons of rock ýis being used in building the rock gar- dens. 'and. waterf aIls. Five thousand yards of. sky bIne bunting gives a realistic s'ky effect-to the_entire en- semble. while five thousand feet of, ritstic fencing is used -in the lounge and to separate the commercial booth space. In this show one may find many types of gardens, the rustic garden wthtg u "oW oen btmeietl and gourd. dipper; the. Chinese waIl- cd garden with the moon gâte; the Dutch bulb garden and windmill; the1 azalea garden; the old fashioned colonial pîanting and the formal' regency of modern ones. There are to be twenty pools, patches of wood-i land just bursting into bloom with the first wild flowers of early spring and water oardens showing some of froni local garden club menibers. WeighBabies in City On ffor Infant Welf ace. On fthe requirements of an In- fant Welfare worker is that she at- going to be the 'smash hit of the sea- ion!1 Everybody is about due for .a real celebration. So make .your res- ervatioùxs early." A dance for the club's younger set is scheduled :for, Saturday. evenîing, April 1, at 9.Doei Moulton, Carl- ton Ross,ý Jane Peycke, and,-John Sindinig, Jr., are the hosts and host- esses. This ill be. the third of the sea- soln's formiai dances for the young* peope-'*and ail.others young in spirit if niot iii3'ears." Dessert Bridge crndStyle Show for Episcopal Guild Stirring iii the air of Lent are ideas and plans for social events to corne aiter that eriod ôf quiet ITas ,yàasd. 0f these, and one of the largest of spring. is a dessert bridge and fashinn showv Friday, April 21, at Shawnee Country club. Sponsorcd by the WVoman's guild of St. Augustin.e's Episcopal church, its chairman. is 'Mr s. Perry L. Smithers, The saine modiste who presented a very sticcessful exhibit at a bridge tea a season or so ago, I Betrothed j Photo 1b: Crin-ited Miss Katherine Stolp of 336 U4 'arwi4ck road, Ke»tilwuorth, u'ill be spending most of her tinte for ,thenextîme ole U iMsê prises for the bridge party and fa.shion shou' bo be givett by the Kenil- uorth -Infant Welf are soci*ety on Wednesday, April .5. ait th Ken- ilworlh club. The prizes are ail being doiiatecd by the north shore merchants and al- ready there have been so»me very lovely On Dance Piro grams Esther Morgan, the daughiter of Mr. and M,\rs. \W. G. 'Morgan of 925 Forest avenue and a dancer noted ali aiong the north shore for her talent, is taking part in the festivities at the The lride's uncle, the Rev. Beni Spence. officiated ai the ceremonv.- and Mrs. Bruce Scott., fôrmerly, of Winnetka. plaved the wedding march. The bride, who ý was given away, in niarriage. by her brother, Frank Spence. wore a j racefùl gown of gold star chiffon fashioned with a 'fuli! skirt .with 'tinv ,pleats..flaring into .a short train.. The sleeves were !4ongz and pleatéd -and her turban .hat was of Shirred chiffon. She carried a bou- quet of white.stock. with yeljoyw iris, Pink ranuncuilus and blue anemolie. The mnatron, of honor, the bricle's'sis- ter.. Mrs. George Gates Robinson. of Toronto, wore a. grey matlasse crepe ý,gown made on I.ong lines îilh a small matching hat, and carried stock. The bride groom was attended by bis brother, Robert T. Drake of Ne w ,York City~, as best man. Th~e-useirs were Gçorge Gqtes Robinson and Ar- nold Irwin. A reception followed the ceremony at the University Wotnati'- club where Mrs. Spence and Mr. and Mrs. Drake. received the.n, guests Among those who attended. the wedding besides the bridegroon-.'s parents were Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Drake, Keith Drake of New York City, who returned Iast Monda'y with his parents to Wilmette for a visit: After the ce reffony Mr. and Nfrs. Drake lefl for New Yorkc and sailed on Tuesday for a honeynoon in Ber- muda. On. their return they wilI make their home on the north shore. Circles Meet The East circie of urs1 sPri'ng returnea for the spring hc Grinneli college in Iowa. gursd;

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